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co n c e rn in g

the lighting of the City of Copenhagen with Gas, stipulated between the said City and the United General Gas Company at London.

. S o ^>2.

^Oa #an$ ffttajejloet 3?ott$et oep alfeifjmeffe Stejofation, communiceret o$ i ©feioeffe fra t>et ^ongeftse SDanfFe ©anceffte af I9b..e gePr* P. $(♦, fjar affernaaPt# PempnPiset o$ tif, at traePe t UnPerfjanPfms met) Pet forenePe afmtnPeftae ©a$*(£om= partite i £onPott, an$aaettPe 3nPfereffett af 0a$ =23efpgmrt3 faa erffcm ot fjerPeP, at ^at>e mP^aaet fefettPe Contract meP #err $B» Elliot, Pet fjar fremfa^t gttfpmast fra PemefPte ©ompapteS ©trecteurer. ’ - - ' § / l / ©et tiffaPeS Pet forenePe afminPelfee ©a$ - ©ompa$me t SonPot at oprette et ©a$ 5 S8efp$m't $ ©taPftefemettt fjeri ©taPett imoP at Pet paata^er ftcj paa 21 2(ar, at "re^ne fra i?5 ^fugufl: 1826> aftfaa ttf 3l?‘.,3uK 1847,) at Pefpfe alfe offentl ^e ©aPer, ©trcrPer, 3$e(e, SJMaPfer SBejlerProe Pert Peresnet, roeP ©a$ af ©teenfuf, Ofte effer anPet, paa Pe toprtet efterjfrepne SStffaar, \ ■

i 0tapett ^joPenfjaott,

05 £orpe t ^jePenfjapttS 58pe, ©fjrt|ftan$()aPit


§ . 2 . ’



Stf Pert SnPe ttdaPe^ Pet ©ompasniet at anfce^e et effer ffere ©aSPcerfer for


05 gorftePerne, fom fjerefter Pif frlipe anfort,

05 til Petted

effer PifieS Opferelfe paa egett 33efo(lnm^, at fjoPe etfer fete af Pet Offentffee effer pripate golf faapatne ©rimPe 09 g>faPfer, fom ftnpe^ paflfettPe, P peiett i 2g>enfertPe til ©tePerrte, forfaaPiPt Pe oPerPrageS ©ompa^met af priPate golf, mPfjenteS Pet OffentliseS 0amtpf?e, fi^efom 05 ©ompa^niet er pligtfet

03 jfaf Per

i gor*

til, tnPett 23p^

rtm^erne effer SScrferne opfore$, at mPfettPe Sesmnger Peraf tif

2 tta 3 t(fratett$ SfproPa*


03 at taafe unPer Pere$ Opfereffe, faaPefomttaar fettere no^ett gorartPriitg pep

Pem $jere$, faaPant Xilfptt PermeP, fom attfee* fornepent for at ftffre ft 03 forPfiPe faafcPeS inprettepe, at tngen gare effer UfetlisfjeP Peraf er at Pefrp^te.

3 ? at Pe PItpe

■ W h ^ His Majesty the King, by resolution communicated to us in writing by the Royal Danish Chancery on the 19th of February this Year, has most graciously authorized us to treat with the United General Gas Com* pany of London respecting the introduction of lighting with Gas into the city of Copenhagen, W e do declare by these presents to have made the following contract with Mr* W . E l l i o t who has exhibited a formal Power from the Directors of the said Company. : ' It shall be permitted to the United General Gas Company of London to make an establishment of a Gas-work in Copenhagen upon the basis that the company engages for 21 Years, to be reckoned from the 1st of August 1826 until the 31st of July 1847, to light all the streets, lanes, roads, squares and marketplaces of the City of Copenhagen, Christianshaven 8c the W e ­ stern suburb included, with Gas from seacoal, oil or other materials on the conditions which hereafter will be mentioned, § . 2- For this purpose the Company is allowed to establish- one or more Gas-works for Copenhagen, Christianshaven and the suburbs, as hereafter stated, 8c for the erecting, thereof at their own expence to buy or hire from the Government or from Individuals such pieces of ground, as may be suh table for the purpose, y e t , respecting such pieces of ground, which the Company may acquire from Individuals, the competent public Authority ought previously to be consulted, as also the Company, before the erecting of the buildings or works, ought to send in drawings thereof for the Magistrate’s approbation,: and to suffer, during the erecting thereof, . as also whenever any future alteration thereof, should take place, such inspection therewith as may be deemed necessary now and always, for the general safety against any danger or nuisance therefrom. / ■ §• i .


' §. 3. , £igelebe$ tiflabeg bet ©ompagniet tutbor be ©aber, ©treeber, SSeie, ^labfer

03 Soroe, font enffeS Mt>ffe meb ©a$, paa egm $

8 cfo|fning at nebtegge ffebte

3 ern=

tot fra SSeerterne; men be maae iffe lebeS igjcnnem, oner eller unber nogen prioat €ienbom uben ©iermanbenS jfrifttige Siffabelfe, ©e jfuffe Pare af faa forfoarlig S jfajfenljeb, at ingwr @fabe paa bem er at befrpgte, fom fan foranfebige ©tanbSning i SSefpSningen, og ©trenbrocnb fenero jOptagen.

8 e=

5.4. Sbifie Sernror ffuCCe nePfceggeS/ efter OoerenSfom|f meP 23anPcommisftonen, paa faaPan SDtaaPe, at PereS SftcerljeP iffe fan Pccre til ©faPe foe SSant>ren!>ernef ^t>iffen i faa galP Compagniet Ijar at ertfatte, 05 at Pe Ijoerfen (jinPre eller PanjMiggjore ^Pgangen til Piffe jtP|fe, naar Pe ( M e nePlccggcS, repareres eller fornpeS* § , 5 . , ...... Hftaar ©raoning jfeer for at nePlcegge Piffe SKor, faa 09 potS faaPan ft'Pen maatte Pare noPPenPig for SKeparationer paa Pent, jfa l SSanPcommiSftonen, eller Ijpem Pen Pertil fcempnPtger, t Pet minPjfe 24 £imer i gorpeien Perom unPerretteS, for at Pett, $ 0 te Pett onjfer Pet, fan tape fore til&orligt X ilfpn meP at 33anPrenPerne iffe PeffaPigeS* 59len ffulPe PeSuagtet 6 faPe tilfoieS Piffe, enten trteP gorfeet eller PeP golfe- tie$ 0fjoPeSloS$eP eller Sttangel paa &ueltgljePf er ©ompagniet pligtigt til at erjfatte Pen efter SKegning, 03 ffat i Sttangel $eraf taare, at PenneS SSefoP inPefjolPeS i Pen forjfe Perefter forfalPenPe 83etaling, fom efter Pentte Contract tilfontmer ©ompagniet. . f * *. I ’ ’ 1 • ‘ X ■; ' ' -

§* 6 , €fter ©rapniitger, faaPel Pc fom ffee for forjf at nePlccgge Dtorene, fom Pe Per formePelff fenere Dteparationer PeP Piffe gjereS noppenPtge, ffal 0ten&roen igjett foggeS PeP Sftagijtratens 23rolceggere, fcrolceggeS ^rolccgnings 3nfpectionen anfeer noPPenPigt, gor Pette ^IrPeiPe jluffe SBrolcrggerne Pe* tales paa lige SOtaaPe og efter Pet famme 0tegulatio, ^oorefter Pe til enf>Per £iP for faa* Pant 2lrPeiPe af SJftagijfraten PetaleS» *Stta r SKegning Ijerooer er uPfcerPiget. fra Pet oePfommenPe ©ontotr unPer fDfagijfraten, er Compagniet pligtigt til ttPen SSagrtng at goPtgjore Pens S3eloP, og i manglenPe galP taale, at Pen, liqPiPereS i Pen na(fe for* falPenPe Staling.

03 jfampeS faa mange ©ange, fom

§. 3. Likewise the Company shall he allowed, under the streets, lanes, roads, squares. 8c marketplaces, which are desired to be lighted with Gas, to lay down at their own expence cast iron - pipes from the works, but the same must not be conducted through, over, or under any private property without the owner’s permission in writing. These pipes shall be of such solid quality, that no damage thereon is to be feared, which might occasion a stop of the lighting, and the breaking up of the pavement. . ^ • - §• 4. '■ ' These pipes ought to be laid down, according to an agreement with the Water-Commission, in such a manner, that their vicinity shall not cause to the waterpipes any in jury , (the Company being obliged in such case to make the same good), and so that they do not hinder nor render difficult the passage to the waterpipes, when these ought to be laid down, to be repai­ red, or replaced. : . : §. 5 . " v 'r< 1 When and as often as any digging takes place in order to lay down these pipes, and when such digging hereafter may be necessary in order to repair such pipes, the W ater- Commission or the person or persons thereto authorized shall have at least 24 hours notice thereof previously in Order to enable them to provide for proper inspection for ^securing the waterpipes from* any injury or damage. But should nevertheless any damage be done .to any: such pipe, either maliciously or through the carelessness or incapacity of the workmen, then the Company is liable to make good any such ; damage according to account, and in default thereof to suffer the amount thereof to be withheld in the next payment falling due to the Company pursuant to this contract. «' j ^ ^ • § ; 6 . ' . : , ' After diggings, both those which take place in order to lay down pi­ pes, and such as any future repair may render necessary, the pavement shall be relaid by the pavers employed by the Magistracy in such a manner and rammed as often as may be deemed necessary by the Inspector of the pave* ment. For this work the pavers are to be paid in the same manner and at the same rate, as they are allowed for similar work done for account of the Magistracy. Whenever the bill of such expences shall be delivered by the proper office under the Magistracy, the Company is liable immediately to pay the amount thereof, or to suffer such debt to be liquidated in the payment next becoming due. 1 « ( * )


8* 7 . £ompagm'et |M opfcctte fmuffe hamper, fom fFuffe anbringeS paa (lobte 3ern*

pilfer, forfaabibt £ocaliteten tiljlaber at Ijabe faabamte (pbilfet oberlabeS til polities birecteurenS SBejlemmeffe)* $ten fjbor Sernpiller iffe uben «£u'nber for ^aflfagen funite anbringeb, {Me £amperne faflfojoreb beb 2(rme til ^urene, pact Pe^e 0iber af ©a* berne, paa en faaban iOladPe at SRurene- ingen 0faPe ta^e; oa at bcre$ <£iere insert $forfa$ til ® l w (Me Ijabe* < (Diflfe hamper (Me bare faalebeS inbrettebe,' at be fajle faa liben 0fp3$e font mneli^t baabe unber bem03 til 0iberne* 3nben be forfccrbi^e# jlal en ^rebelampe forebifeb unberte$nebe €ommB(ton, 05 af ben approbere$* JDenne fttmpe (Fat berefter forfpneS faabel meb (EommibftoneuS SDleblentmerb fom meb^ .<£ompa3* nietb S^entb 0e$l, 03 forblibe beb ^jebenljabng ^olitiefammer, faalange benne ©on* tract barer, font en Rorntal *£antpe, pbib Sbijlialjeber (Fttlbe opffae*

©ompagniet (Fal bare pli^ticjt at &abe et faa tiljlraffelfet $ntal Steferbelamper, at ©abbelpSninsen if e paa no^et 0teb befjober at flanbfeb formebelfl Reparation paa be i S3rua fjabenbe.

§♦ 8* (^otfipa^ttiet fFaf/ efter fit Silbub, fPajfe en 23efpbnina, fom

1 bet minbjle er

3 -©an^e faa (tor!,:: font belt ber nu f)abe$ af Sranlpgterne/ faalebeg at fWibpunftet mellem 2 ©aSfatiper jlal i bet minb|le bare tet meilem 2 £rattlamper v4 &5 Sinter efterat biflfe ere tanbte* S)a ©ompagniet for* mener, ’ at en faaban S3elpbnina bil tilbeiebringeS, naar be 2000 Sranlp^ter, fom (jib* til ijabe baret anbragte paa be 0feber, ber for bet alminbeli^e fpgtebafenS Reining belpfeS, remplacereb meb 800 ©aSlamper meb (lore faafalbte gla^ermuu^btn^e 33ranb* munbtncjer, fom fjber fortarer 5 en^elfpe ^ubiffob 0teenful$a$ i en £ime, : ; faa ober* labeb bet ©ompasniet for bet forjle, meb ^jebenpabnS ^olitiebirecteurS 0aintpffe, at opfatte biflfe 800 ©ablamper paa fabamte 0teber og:r en faaban $fjlanb fra fjberam bre/ fombet anfeer meefl fjenfiatsfbarenbe, men &bi$ bet nccbnte 0laa$ Slammer (font t $(lminbefiat)eb er bet forbeelagttelle’ for ©abebelp^nin^) paa no^lc 0teber formebelfl locale Omjlanbialjeber (fulbe ftnbe^ iffe at bare pajfenbe, flPal ber anbrin^eb ffere minbre Slant* met £)erfom bette kintal©a^lamper af fpnbi^e 2ttanb, fom af #an$ sOlajeftat $on* gen beffiffes, (Fulbe ftnbeS efter et ttpartifft 0fjon iffe at $ibe oberalt, 0teber, fom nu af be 2000 Sranlpster ere belpfle, en 23elp$nin$ i bet minbjle ®an$e faa jlarf, fom ben, ber er $ibetaf ^ranfp^terne, ^bilfe branbe 70 Simer af en ?>ot Ijbib ^)abfalb^tran7 (fal Compa^niet bare pli^ti^t til, uben no^en 0la^)^ 3nb* benbinai (Ira^ enten at foranbre ©fablamperne^ 5(nbrin^elfe^ *0teber, eller at opfatte

3 ©an$e faa jlarft belpfl, font 5Diibpunf*

03 pna alle be



The Company shall put up handsome lamps to he placed on cast iron- pillars, as far as the local circumstances will admit thereof, (which is left to the Police - Director’s decision); hut where iron-pillars cannot he placed with­ out interrupting the passage, the lamps shall he fastened with brackets to the walls on both sides of the streets, in such a manner that the wralls he not injured, and that the respective owner’s have no reason to complain. These lamps are to he of such construction as to throw as little shade as possible hoth below and sideways. Previous to the fabricating thereof a stan­ dard-lamp shall he shewn to the Commission undersigned, for their appro­ bation. This lamp shall thereupon he provided with the seal of the members of the Commission as also with that of the Company’s Agent, and remain in the Police Office of Copenhagen during the duration of this Contract, as a trial-lamp incase any contestation should arise. . . The Company ought to have in store such a number of lamps, that the Gas- lighting nowhere shall he interrupted by the needful repair of the lamps made u s e of. ^ .< y /. . § . 7 . - • ' of at least three times the intensity of that now afforded by, the oil - lamps, in such a manner, that the middle point between 2 Gas - lamps- shall have, £t least three times the intensity of light, which exists in the middle point be­ tween 2 of the present oil - lamps 4 to 5 hours after they have been lighted. As the Company presumes that such a light will be procured, when the 2000 oil-lamps,- employed until this time in the places lighted for account of; t&$ proper lighting Authority,-are replaced by $00 Gas lamps with large batwing burners each consuming 5 cubic-feet english of coal Gas pr. hour, the Com­ pany is hereby allowed with the consent of the Police Director, of Copenha­ gen to put up these 800 (ras - lamps in such places ^nd in such distance from each other, as they may deem most convenient;;.) hut if this description of Burners (which generally is found to be the most advantageous for , street’s lighting) from local circumstances in some*places should be found less conve­ nient, the same are to be substituted by smaller lights in a greater number. Should the aforementioned number of Gas lamps, by skilful persons appoin­ ted by His Majesty the King, be found, after an impartial examination, not to afford everywhere and in all places, now lighted by the 2000 oil - lamps, a light of at least three times the intensity of that now afforded by the oil- § . 8 ; The Company,; conformably to their offer* ought to ^procure a. light


tv forfFaffct, faofcbcS at Wit

flcrc, fawit wit ktosxW aSefp^niitg

etfterec Dot confractnmjig.

§♦ a

^ ;

- ■

■ - ,:

©futPe man fit>ert af an£>re ^(arfa^er enfFe en goranbrin^ met) ©aStamperneS StnPrinselfeS*0teber, ffal ©ompasniet osfaa ocere ptistist at forauffatte Pette, men imoP at Pe perpa mePsaaenPe Omfofninser soPtSjPt*^ Pet eptraorPinairt*


§♦ 1 0 . '



, r ©futPe,$ris etter anpre OmlfanPispePer oanfFetissj^c efifer forpinPre Stnjfaffelfen af 0teenfut, ffat ©ompasniet uPoifte Pen tit Pen offenttisc 23ctp$nins fornoPne ©a$ af <$ran, Otie etter anbre Waterier, fom funne^paoe&; £)os (Far Pet pcere PmtPet tit Pen i §♦ 8 omtatte ©onfumtion af ©a$, men fun tit at forfFaffe Pen 1 famme §♦ Pejfemte Sntenfitet af £p$, nemlis en 3 ©anse faa jfccrf JBetpgnins, fom pen Per nu paoeS meP Srantpster* , j .* ^ § . 11> . S3ctp^nm^ antaseS per fun at ftnPe 0teP fra lSe 2tusu|f tit 15b.f 9ttai, men poi$ 0taPeit jMPe on(?e$ Petpft tit Pifle SiPer imettem Pen ffat Compa£>ntet Peforse Pet, naar Pet 24 Sinter t goroeien jfrifttisen fortanse& S)er Pit poert Star, inPen £amperne$ orpinaire 33rcenPctiP PespnPer, Ptioe teoe* ret ©ompasuiets perocmnbe DpfpngmcenP en Xabet, ansiPenPe SiPet paa poitfen £am-1 perne poer* S)as jfutfe tomPeS os fluffed SKen Pa Pemte SaPet uPresne$ efter SDtaa*. nen$ 0tittins, os Pet ofte per trtPtrceffer, at uftart 35eir forptnPrer Pen fra at tpfe, faa forPepolPe# Pet ^Kt^Pirecteuren at fortanse famperne tcenPte uPenfor Pen nceonte SaPet Pejtemte SiP, naar pan enteri formePelff SSeiret etter af anpen Marfas anfeer pet fornobent 0om en gotse peraf flat ©ompasniet Pcere ptistist tit, fenejf 2 Sinter efterat Pet jfriftlisen er anmetot oeb ©ompasniet$.23cerfer, at paoe Pen pete £3pe, ©pri|?ian$paPn os SSejfetPro inPPesrePne, etter Pe Sete Peraf fomopsiw$, ^pP- risett Pelpjfe paa pen i Pemte Contract Peffemte SOfaaPet

i faa

15%■ SDJai os I?* $tusufl

i oPen^


lamps, -which burn during 70 hours from a pot white sea-calf’s oil, the Com­ pany shall he liable, without any, objection, forthwith either to alter the places where the Gas lamps are put up, ox put up a greater number thereof, until the promised lighting is procured, so that the said Commission declares it sa­ tisfactory with reference to the contract. - /■' ■ ; M §• 9. ; '; \ x o ; - ' : Should it afterwards, from other reasons, he found desirable to alter the places of the Gas lamps, the Conpany shall also he obliged to effectuate such alteration, but against an extraordinary indemnity for the expences thereof. . v - g. 1 0 . - ' In case of war or other circumstances, which might render the impor­ tation of coals difficult or impossible, the Company is liable to cause the Gas requisite for the general lighting to be manufactured out of train-oil, oil or other materials that may be had. Yet in such case the Company shall not be bound to the consumtion mentioned in the 8th §. but only to procure the intensity of light signified by the said §., viz three times the intensity of that now afforded by the oil lamps. § . h . The duration of lighting is here only counted to last from the 1st day of August tintii the 15th of May, but in case the lighting of the city should be wished for at certain periods between the 15th of May 8c the 1st of August* the Company shall make provision for the same, when thereunto requested in writing 24 hours previously. r Each year, before the ordinary burning-time of the lamps commences, there shall be delivered to the Company’s Inspector here being a table, shew­ ing the time, at which the lamps each day are to be lighted and extinguished. But as this table is calculated according to the situation of the moon, and as it often happens in this country, that unclear weather hinders the moon from shining or giving light, it is left to the Police - Director to request the lamps to be lighted besides the time appointed in the said table, whenever he may find it necessary either because of the weather, or from any other reason. Consequently it is incumbent on the Company, at latest 2 hours after notice in writing has been given at the Company’s works, to have the whole city, Christianshaven and the Western suburb included, or such parts /thereof as may be signified, properly lighted in the manner appointed by this Contract. ... .... . .. ,,


$ot fj&w en £ampe fom iffe tif t>m i Sabetfen 5eflemte, etfer af ^ofitiebirec»

f: v i

teurett fortart^te £ib er

betafeS enSDhtfct af

3 SKbmarf rebe ©ofb, meb Sttfag af

3 Sbiarf for (j&er £tme/ inbtif be ere tanbte.

> <&t 2fngtbelfe af ett 0|>ftdt^6etjent, be-*

(fprfet beb eet SStbne^ gorffaring, ^bilfert ftbjfe om forfangeS jfaf beebigeg, etfer tb ©ibner$ obereenSffemmenbe gorffaring, font figefebeS fan forfangeS beebiget, ffaf anfeeS for fufbt S3ebu^, 09 3Mcten bictereS beb §>ofitiebirecteuren$ 5fjenbelfe, ^borfra ingen ^(ppef tif|fabe&

;V . :


§ . 1 2 .

• .

: . ... ' ; ^ a

$lan er berettiget tif naarman bif at forfange rinhere $8elp$ning enb ben fjafb 23efp$ning, faafebeS fom ben nu jtnber 0teb fra ^loffeit 12 om fatten tif ©fufnin^^tiben, etfer efter fjbiffet anbet gorbofb bet maatte forbreS. ©emte SSelpSmng er ©ompagniet forpfigtet tif at forjfajfe efter bet af ^ofitiet opgibne gor* (jolb, beb at forminbjfe gfamerne i atfe ©aSlamperne, uben at fabe nogen £ampe uantanbtr b&& faabant er mufigt uben marfeligt £ab for Compagniet, men galb'..beb •at ■fabe et pajfenbe $(ntafhamper uantcenbt efter narmere Oberecnbfomjl; meb g>o(t iet. ~ ‘ r §.13. ©ompagnieter pfi^ti^tif at forge for at famperne b&fo^ branbenbe, ober* fufbe, f. etfer af gjofitiebirecteuren opgibnerXibt gor b&er £ampe, fom ifofge bemefbte S3effem- ineffer burbe bare tanbt/ og fompaa ben i .j . 11 beftemte Slttaabe bebtfeo baret fluff, etfer iffe at babe branbt meb ben beborige gfamme, ffaf efter spofitiebirecteurenO .^jenbelfe, b*wfra ingen 2(ppef tifflabeS, betafeS en SSMct af 3 etfer § SKbbfrt ' rt ©♦, unbtagen naar Opfob af ^obefen flnbeS at babe baret Sfarfag tif ©fufningen, ba ©ompagniet t faabanne Xif afbe ffafbare fritaget for Slnfoar etfer SfRufct.- £igefebe$ fritaget bet for Sttufct naar en tiffoiet ©fabe gjor ®jenantanbeffe famme 0?at umuefig, i fyilftt gafb bog Jlranbefp^ning jfaf fubffttuereSt ^etfer if e betaleO fO^ufct, naar nobbenbige Dieparationer beb SSarferneetfer SKorette afbrpbe ©a^- befpOningen paa enfefte ©teber, men bijfe jfutfe inbtif Steparationen er tifenbebragt gibe$ en ligefaa gob S5elp^ning meb £ranfpgtert at tenSjlemmenbe meb, be i foregaaenbe gibne 23ejfemmeffer, i ben ;*' )‘'‘ . ‘ * . *- * t • i'. ’'„

i anbet

, ”

fyk i Xabetfen anforte,

• . ; (;y c

i een £ime

M t

: . — C ©a be offentfige ©abefpgfer b^ ^taben og’ paa ben^ ©runb fmtne antage^ at branbe aarfigt fammenfagt 1420 Ximer, (friber fjorten buni>re5>e tpbey naar ben Xib ba ba^ S3efp^ning bar funbet 0teb funberegneS for b^^/ *r manmeb •§* 14. 1 :■• ;\yrr,Tr


For each lamp, Vnot lighted at the time fixed in the table o r ; reque­ sted by the Police-Director, a fine is to be paid: of 3 Mk. r. S. with ad­ dition of ?3 , Mk. for each hour, untill such lamps ;shall be lighted. An.ac- eusation by an inspecting Sergeant,- corroborated by the declaration of one wit­ ness, to be sworn to if requested, or the congruous declaration of 2 Witnes- % ses, which likewise may be requested to be sworn to, shall be considered as sufficient evidence or full proof, and fines be dictated by the. Police- Director’s sentence, from which no appeal shall be allowed. ; ■ ;;v. ■; ; It shal be lawful, at pleasure, to request less than full lighting, for instance half lighting, such as now is practised from midnight untill the ex- tinquishing-time, or in what other proportion it may be requested. This lighting the Company is obliged to procure after the proportion proposed by the Police, by diminishing the flames in all the Gaslamps without leaving any lamp extinguished, if this be possible without any sensible loss to the Company, but else by leaving a convenient number extinguished according to a previous agreement with the Police. , §* 13* * 'i:i ■»; • i n• The Company is bound to provide for the lamps being: kept burning ^according to the determinations already stated,- during the whole tiipe, prescri­ bed in the table or signified by the Police-Director. For each lamp which agreeably to the said determinations ought to be burning, and which iq the manner , noticed in §. 11, may be proved during an hour to ~have been ex­ tinguished, or not to have burnt with proper flame, shall according to the PoHce - Director’s sentence, « from which no appeal is allowed, : be paid a fine of 3 Mk. or £ Rbdlr. r. S. except when civil tumult is found to have caused the extinguishing, in which case the Company shall not be responsible nor subject to any fine. Likewise no fine is to take place, whenever an injury done should happen to make the relighting the same night impossible, in which case nevertheless the deficiency is to be supplied by oil - lamps. Neither is any fine to. be incurred when necessary repairs at the works or pipes may inter­ rupt the supply of Gas to particular lamps, but then the deficiency is to be supplied by temporary oil - lamps affording the same intensity of light. ; : 7 . • . §. 12 . ■' -vr;: ; ; : ; 'c! • v::- Whereas the lamps now lighted in the streets 8c the precincts of Co­ penhagen may be stated to burn annually on an average each 1420 hours, when the time when half lighting has taken place is only reckoned for half, - ; ■§. 1 4 ■-* * 4 - -


12 ©ompaaniet fommen o^eireen^ om, at 1420 Sinter tjeet Signing jfal Pare 93a(td for Pen SBetaling 0taPen til ©ompacjtttet fjar at ertceage, £)et PefiemmeS Perfor ljerPePr at Per for 0taPen IJjoPenfjapnS 03 ©(jrijtianStjaPnS £$etpgnin$

i 1420 Sinter efter §♦ 3 er, font IjPer fortcerer5


meP 800 ©aStamper meP (tore gta engetjfe ihtPiffoP ©teenfufeaS

3 ermuu$Pin$e*&ranPmunPin

i eett Sinte,

03 fcPorPeP Per jfat forjfajfeS en i Pet

minPjte 3 ©an^e faa jfarf fBetpSnina, fom Pen Per mt titPeiePringeS meP 2000 Sran- lp$ter, forPrcenPenPe fjper en 9>ot IjPiP #apfafp$tran t 70 Sinter, elter fjpB Pen Pe* lopepe SBetp&tins iffeoeP Pe 800 ©aStamper er forjfajfet," Pa for *Pet Stntat, fom paa Pen i §. 8 forejfrepne SlttaaPe anfee$ nePpenP

igt, PetateS ©ompa^niet aartt^en, fjPert

Star Pere$net fra l n.t Stu 3 U|f t Pet me, til l 1?* Stuau|t i Pet nafte Star, Panffe fHPPtr* 12500 r, 0 . , ft$er totP tuftnPe fern (junPrePe Stti^PanfPater rePe ©elp, $per PanfPatertit 24 0f» #antP* 23anfo, fatam$e $>rifen Paa ^PiP «£>aPfalP$tran Ijer i 0taPen if e er oper 20 SKPPtr* r* 0 ., fi^er tppe DtisSPanfPafer rePe ©otp; men naar SDtiPPelprifen paa Penne 0fa$B Sran i ©eptemPer og OctoPer ^aancPer (fom ttPftnPeS pep at fantmenlcr&ie farnttige t*Pifle SKaanePer i Pe offtctette gjriBcouranter fatte $prifer, 03 at PiPiPere Pet fammenta^te S5eleP meP Stntatfet af Pe fammenta$te 0ummer) jfutPe pare oper 20 StPPtr* u ©♦ etter 10 SftPlr* #amP» 23anfo, Pa jfat for Ijper 1 fHPPlr^

r» ©♦ Penne SttiPefpriB oPerfffeer 20 DtPPtr* r, ©♦, for Pet iocerenpe Star, Pere^net fra l?.« Stu^ujl til najfe Stars lfc Stuguft, enPPiPere tillages 400 DtPPlr* r* ©♦, ffci- per fire JunPrePe DtisSPanfpater rePe 0efo tit Pen oPen aonte tit ©ompaaniet erta^enPe SBetatina, faatepes at naar f; ©£♦ SKiPPetprifen paa Srannen er faa fremPeleS inPtil SrannenS SOKPPetpriB er 30 SKPPtrt r*.0*, fflriPer trepipe £Ki$& PanfPater, rePe ©elP, : i pPitfet 3*alP tBetalingen Pliper 16500 SKPPlr* r» 0 , fom er maximum af Pen ©urn©ompa^niet fan forPre, \ maatte ffliae, $un en Sorljoietfe af ^atPe .SHi^^PanfPatere ta^e^ i S3etra^tnin^ i DiPPlr^, naar Penne SramtenS f^iPPetpriB er

21 9tPPtr, PetafeS 12900

22 SXPPtr*, PetaleS 13300 SfiPPIr,,


i (jpor fjoi enP $prifen paa Sran

• , : * !

< w ' i ; .

.. J .


/ 4 . ■ •


' V


i'» . • i ‘ -i' ) : it tv‘-i ■ i 'Jji'lt V ~: -*■

. -

‘ ®fu(bc SGcbfommcntie paa ©t«

6 cn« SSegtte, cftcc eit £ib§ gocteb, { ©tcbet

for eit fa batt satietcnbc SBetalmg forettaffe fecit af £ompagm'et$ Sfgent forcfloacfee faffe aatligc ©um 14500 SKfefelr* jfrfcet fjocten tufmfee fem^unfercfee SXigSbattfbalet tebe ©cfo, ubcn ^enfpttil Stanpcifecitc, faa fFal bet

m e ©tabeit tiffabt at tKcfgc faabatt 23eta=

, linflSmaabei intob at t>cbtage benite foe bett ^ele ttibagebcetenbe £ib(

09 at gobtgjote

Compagniet bet bet &ar boetet erlagt minbte enb.14500 Stbblt. foe be tilbagetagte Star.

it has been agreed on with the Company, that an entire lighting of 1420, says fourteenhundred and twenty, hours shall he the basis for the payment to he made by the city to the Company. It is therefore now settled, that for the lighting of the city of Copenhagen 8c Christianshaven during 1420 hours according to §. 8 with 800 Gas - lamps with large Bat-Wing Burners , each consuming 5 cubic - feet English of coal - Gas pr. hour and giving a light of at least three times the intensity of that now afforded by 2000 oil-lamps, consuming each a pot white seacalfs oil during 70 hours, or, if the promised lighting is not procured by the 800 Gas - lamps, then for the number, which according to '§. 8 may be deemed necessary, shall be paid to the Company pr. annum, each year calculated from the 1st day of August in the one un­ til the 1st of August in the next year, danish Rbdlrs. 12500 says twelve thou­ sand five hundred Rixbankdollars r. S., each Rbdlr. being worth 24 Sk. Hamburg Banco, as long time as the price of white sea - calfs oil does not exceed in this City 20 says twenty Rbdlrs. r. S., hut when the average price of this kind of oil in the months of September 8c October (which will be found out by adding together the several prices settled during these months in the official price-currents and dividing the amount so added up with the number of the sums added together) should exceed 20 Rbdlrs. r. S ., or 10 Rbdlrs. Hamb. Banco, then for each 1 Rbdlr. r. S. wherewith this middle- price exceeds 20 Rbdlrs. r. S,, for the year being calculated from the 1st of* August until the 1st of August next* year, there shall be furthermore added 400 , says four hundred, Rbdlrs. r. S. to the aforementioned payment to be made to the Company, in such manner, that when for instance the middle price of oil is 21 Rbdlrs. there shall be paid 12900 Rbdlrs.; when this mid­ dle price of oil amounts to 22 Rbdlrs. then to be paid 13300 Rbdlrs. and so , , , / , , , . on, until the middle price of oil has reached 30, says thirty, Rbdlrs. r. S. in which case the payment will be 16500 Rbdlrs. r. S. being the maximum of tbje sum, which the Company may claim, to what price soever the oil shall arise. Only an augmentation of half rixbankdollars will be taken into con­ sideration. . Should the concerned authorities on behalf of the City, after some time instead of such a varying payment, prefer the fixed annual sum of 14500, says fourteen thousand five hundred, Rbdlrs. r. S. proposed by the Company’s Agent, without regard to the prices of oil, the City shall be allowed to chuse Such mode of payment, on continuing the same for the whole time remain- iu§> and making up the, deficiency of the average price of 14500 Rbdlrs. for the preceding years. «:•

14 * ’#bi$ bet beb pert SranbeaarS

ftttbc^, at £amperne pbe branbt et

enb be Ijer fajtfatte 1420, piffet beb g>oXittet>i'recteuren^ jfriftlige

fforre $lntat Sinter

bet gorplb, font be birfelige 23ran*

Steqbifitionerbor bebifeS, fM Setalingen forogeS t

betimes Sal ffaaex i til 1420; berimob ffal insert gormirtbjfelfe i Setalingen ftnbe 0teb om enb Sranbetimerne

ei ialt pbe ubgjort 1420, men be mangfenbe fFat funne Wax* ©en Sib t pilfen forminbffet eder partiet 2Se-

regne$ ©taben ttlgobe t et anbet

i gorplb til gorminbjfelfem

IpSning p r baret gibet beregneS ogfa fun

- J

* ; 0 ©en pr bejtemte Setaltng erlagge$ af $jobenpbn$ Sflagitfrat t 4 Setminert it*4 9fobbrv l?* gebrT, it* Sttaiog i?.e 2(ug* enten i rebe ©olb eder

i gobe ©igt

i #amborg, til 0ompagniet$ pfbarenbe Slgent.

Seller paa #amborger Sanco, betalbare

7 -

7 V § . 1 5 , 7 ' . ' 7 7 . , * ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


i famrne, . jfal (Eompagniet tidige bare

gor benne SSetaling, og uben Sidag

pligtigt til for egen SKegning at antage og tonne be fornobne golf til <*t reettplbe £amperne, tanbe og jlufe bent paa be bejfemte Siber, fame forge for, at be i ben pie Sib, be (fulfe bare tanbte,\ branbe meb ben bejfemte glamme* ©iffe,golf jfude bare et 0filbt eder pbe et efter $ftale meb 5>oIitieb(recteurem (Eompagniet er ene anfoarligt for biffe golf$ 0fjo> be$lo$pb, llefterretteligpb eder Mangel i bere$ ^ItgterS Opfplbelfe, men fan beb s3>o= litiexetten erplbe bem tilpligtebe tit at erjfatte fagebe ©fabe* Dber be golf, fom faalebeS af ©ompagnietbrugeS, ffal gibe$ en £i|fe meb gorflaring om, pilfe ©iffricter enper p r , tir$otitiebirecte«ren, fom ogfaa um berretes om naar goranbriug ffeer meb benu

ffltarfe,; for at bebife, at be ere i ®>mpagniet$ Sjenejfe,

ben beb bereS ©fjobeSloSpb :c* foraar*

©aafremt en eder jlere hamper, fom til ©abebelpSitingett bare nobbenbige, enten

ei nnberplbeS faa lange fom obenfor er

if e blibe tanbte til ben fajtfatte Sib, eder

befiemt, jfal bet, foruben at Compagniet prfor paabrageSbe foranforte Quieter, og* faa bare obertabt til bet Offentlige, pfc ©ompagniet iffe felb gjor bet, for Compag* niet^ 0tegnirtg at fubfftfuere ben falebe$ mangfenbe SelpSning beb #jelp af Sran, og bertil at anbenbe 0a$lamperne* Sit ben (Enbe beftemmeS, at be af (Eompagntet Epgtetilfpnet antagne golf jfude, faafnart ©abebelp$ningen om Slftenen tager fin 25e* gpnbetfe, opplbe jtg paa biffe bem anbifte ©teber for til $>olitiet$©Bpojttion, og at enbbibere et gorraab af Sran og Sager jtebfe af


i beSlige mobenbe Stlfalbe at bare


I f at the expiration of each burning-year it is found, that the lamps have burnt during a greater number of hours then 1420 as mentioned, 'which ought to be proved by the requests in writing from the Police-Director, then the payment is to be increased at the rate of the proportion, which the num­ ber of the real burning - hours bears .to 1420; on the contrary no diminution of the payment is to take place, even i f the burning time should not have made out the total o f 1420 hours, but the deficiency may be accounted to the benefit of the City in a following year. The time in which diminished or partial lighting has been given is also reckoned only in proportion to the diminution. \ V ■ • * * . * * • . '• ’ ' ' • • • ,s • * c V ; The sum here fixed is to be paid down by the; Magistrates of Co- . penhagen in 4 Terms, the 1st of November, the 1st of Fcbi*., the 1st of May and the 1st Of August, either in real Silver Or in good bills of exchange at Sight in Hamburg Banco payable at Hamburg, to the Company's Agent at Copenhagen. V;r ' \ \ s . ; ■ ' "r; ; ' ■ For this payment and without any addition thereto the Company shall also be liable to engage for their own account 8c to pay the necessary people for cleaning the lamps, lighting and exstinguishiug them at the fixed times, as also taking care, that, during the whole time they ought to be lighted, they burn with the flame prescribed. These people shall wear a sign or have a mark, in order to prove their being at the Company’s 1service, to be approved of by the Police-Director. The Company alone is responsible for the carelessness or other irregurarity of these people, but they may claim the aid of the Court of the police in order to render them liable to mate good the damage caused by their carelessness 8cc. O f the people thus employed by the Company a list, Specifying their respective districts, shall be delivered to the Police-Director, who also shall be informed of whatever alteration tfe* specting them may take place. In case one or more lamps necessary to the lighting of the streets cither should not be lighted at the time fixed or not be nourished as long time as here before appointed, then, besides that the Company incurrs the fines before mentioned, the City shall also be allowed, for the Company’s account, in case this is not done by the Company itself, to supply such de­ ficiency of lighting with oil and thereto to employ the Gas-lamps. For this purpose it shall be obligatory on the Company’s Workmen employed to in- spect the lamps, , as soon as the lighting of the streets in the . evening com­ mences, to keep their guard at certain places to be agreed on, in order, /

trepreneurerne fFaf Pcere fjenfoaty for of ^olt ieocefenet f^rar at fmtne dfPenptteg, naar pertil Par . 16

§. 16.

i §♦ 8 ttceprtte 23elp$mn9, enP*

. Compasm'et f?at pcere pli9ti9t tif> foruPen Pert

piPere, trnPer Pe ncepnte gorPmPtlidljeOer, at Pelpfe mep ©a$, fra i*?5 5lu9uff 1826 af, fapet gortene, font SSejfer*

09 5lma^er5rof faafan^t font Pijfe fjiPttl

jjaoe Pceret Pelpfle,

05 anPre ©tePer i 23pen, font for offentIt

9 , eder for no 9 en of end

1$ ©trftelfef eder no 9 et offentlr^t 3n|fitut$ Sttesmng fjaoe Pceret Pelpffe/ imoP Perfor at ttpPe ert S3etalin9, font Pe|femme$ t gorljolP til Pert t fore^aaenPe §♦ omtalte ©unn ©iflfe hamper reenfjolPeS, tontPeS 09 fluffed af ©ompa ; #pi$ manunPer Penne Contracts SSePoaren mtfer et forget 2lntal Samper paa no 9 le af Pe nuLPelpjte ©tePer, eder ©tePee Pelpffe fom tffe for fjaoe Pceret Pet, eder npe ©aPer ffuIPe Plt'oe anfa$te inPenfor ©taPenS fSotPe, i .§♦ 15, er ncrPttft x : ..... §♦ 17-

9 niet$ golf paa K$e f^aaPe, fom


05 Piffe onj?e$ Pelpffe,

ffal ©ompagmet jfaffe Penne 33elp$nin9,

05 tce^e Pe

fom Pe(jooe$, imoP ett efter

famme gorfjolP Pejfemt &etalin

9 *










• /

. . . .




©ttPettg jfal Compagntet

05 Poore forplfetet til, fjpB manmaatteettffe at fjaoe©a$

til eneder fTere $irfe *UfjrjfioerS 23elp$nin9, eller anPet ojfentligt $

3 ru 9 (P 09 tffe inPe

i jgntfe) at tepere Pen, faa Star poorPet maatte forlan

03 naar 9terre-

09 ®fferProonf?e$ Pelpffe,'at trceffe PereS

9 e$, t ert ©iffance fom Pe

9 romPfe$ af

2 l$ftjfent$firfe 9 aarPene, 9 e Samper, fom for*


09 SjferPro,

09 at opfcette

09 Pelpfe meP faama«

i famme gorpolP Peffemt SSetaitrt


lan 9 e$, alt moP en

9 , for (joilfen Samperne

jfude Pefot 9 e$ reenpolPte, tcenPte

09 fluffePe paa famme SDfaaPe, font ooen er Pefreoet

&e fjertil noPoettPt^e 2lrPeiPet j!ude Pare fulPenPte

09 23elpgnin9en Pe9pnPt naar

€ompa 9 niet 4 SDfaanePer af ©ommeren (fom re^ne^ fra i?.e ^Tprtf til

1^5 DctoPer) i 9 et til at til-

goroeien perom er Pleoet unPerrettet* 3 man

9 lenpe galP er man Peretti

Pa 9 ^olPe ?Setalin 9 en efter 14 09 16 §*, inPtil Penne 58elp$nm9 er t ©tanP»

■ :rf ;

VV ;v


§ - 1 8 .

. '

; ■'

p i ^re ^agijfraten eder anPre S3ePfommenPe uformeentat foreta

9 e en^Pef

goranPrin9 mep ©teenProen eder SSeien t Pe mep ©a^ Pefplfe Stricter, fom-maatte

17 when such events should happen, ;to he at the disposition of the Police,, and furthermore a stock is to he provided for, by the Undertakers; of oil and wicks, to he disposed of hy the Police-Officers as often and as soon as may he wanted. > § . 16 . The Company shall he liable, besides the lighting named in the § 8th, furthermore, under the obligations quoted, to light with Gas from the first of August 1826 as well the Fortress - gates as the Western and Amack suburbs as far as the same hitherto have been lighted* and other places in the City, which have been lighted for account o f .the Magistrates or of any public in­ stitution, oft receiving therefore a payment to be fixed proportionally to the sum mentioned in the § preceding. These lamps are to be cleaned*, lighted and exstinguished by the Company’s people in like manner as named in § 15. ■■ - > §.17. •• ■ .. . Should the Government, during the continuance of this Contract, desire an additional number of lamps in any of the places now lighted, or such places to be lighted, which have not been lighted before, or should new lamps be desired in consequence of new streets being opened within the ramparts of the City, the Company is liable to procure such lighting and to lay down the pipes required, on being paid in same proportion. Finally the Company shall be bound, i f it should be desired to have Gas for lighting one or more clock-dials or for any other public use (yet not within the houses), to furnish the same; also, when it should be desired to have the northern and eastern suburbs lighted, to extend their pipes where it might be required, in a distance limited by the churchyards without town, the bleaching yards’ ways and the eastern suburb, and to put up and light as many lamps as required, against payment of the said proportional price, for which also the lamps shall be kept cleaned, lighted and extinguished in the manner aforementioned. The works requisite for this purpose shall be finished and the ligh­ ting commence, when the Company shall have been informed thereof four months of the summer (to be reckoned from the 1st of April to the 1st of October) previously. In default whereof it shall be lawful to withhold the payment according to the §§ 14. Sc 16. untill such lighting is procured. ■ ' • . . ' ’ <. § . 1 8 . • ; The Magistrates or others concerned shall be, at liberty, in the Di­ stricts lighted with Gas,, to make any alteration with the pavement or the ( 5 )


cat forpsie

5lii>e canfeet ri

0 t>t>ent>i^ effer paffeitPe, PaaPe

fa?nfe 33eien eWer ©aPen,

til CpanPfe,- etter ©pauPfee

til @teen5ro, uben at ©ompagniet itU maa S>er Icc^e^ no^ett £inPrina

famt foranPre ©teenPro

jfal perimoP fwine fremfore no^en 3nPoenPirt& fetter

i S8eien mat Reparation PeP SSanPrenPerne etter ©rawing

i Pen 2lnlePning (Feer. Raar

faaPan goranPring maatte Plioe foretaget, faa

05 naar S3roen elfer SSeierte reparere$,

etter af npt omfaggeS, etter S8anPrenPerne efterfeeP, jfal Pen perocerenPe Opfpn^manP peP ©ompagniets SSccrfer Perom Plioe unPerrette't niet fan laPe fore Silfpn meP, at Pet$ Rur ingen ©faPe lioer, poi$ Pet anfeer faaPant £ilfpn fovnoPentt 9?an oil i faaPanneSilfoelPe anPefale Pen, fom foreffaaer 33ei= elfer 2Jro *SlrPeiPet etter RenPerneS <£fterft>n, at forge for, at pette uPforeS meP faamegen gor(tgtigpeP fom muligt. * ©fulPe PePuagtet nogen ©faPe tilfoie$ £ompagniet$ Ror, og Pet PeoifeS at famme er foraarfaget meP gorfoet etter pep poi 0raP af ©fjoPe$lo$peP of Pe golf, fom paoe uofort 2(rPeiPet,jfal 0ompa^m'et tf e alette forpjelpeS til ©faPePerjfatning po$ Piffe, men faafremt Penne ei po$ Pern erpolPeP, moPtage Pen af Pen 2lutporitet, fom par foranflaltet Pet SlrPeiPe, pPorPeP 0faPen er foraarfaget, og naar ©tanPP* ning i $8e(p$ningen maatte ocere en golge af faPan tilfoiet ©faPe, enPPiPere soPt- gjoreS Dmfojfningerne fom mePgaae til at forffaffeen ligefa goP S3elp^nin^ meP Sran, inPti 0faPen er ijfanPfat, pPilfet Per (fee faa purtigt fom muligt S- 19. dompagniet jfal bare pligtigt til at forge for, at ingen jfabefig SttJaterie frem« fommer fra bet$ SSarfcr, og fjbis faabant jfulbe jfee, at erlaggeen Sttulet fom iffe maa ober|lige 200 SXbblr. r. ©, figer So Jgmnbrebe StigObanfbaler rebe ©olo, efter 3>olit eretten$ ^jenbelfe, jjbilfen fOtufct tilfalber ©tabenS g-attigberfen. Set jfal og bate pligtigt til inben en bio Sib, og tinbet en baglig fOtuIct fra 2 SKbblr. til 20 SRbblr, jiger fra to til tpbe Stig&anfbaler rebe Solo, til ©tabeno ftatigbeefen, at fjabe ben Slarfag, fom maatte fjabe foranfebiget faaban jFabefig fDlaterieS gremfommen. ©aa (Pal Qlompagniet og i Stlminbeligfjeb bare pligtigt til at erflatte at ben ©fabe, fom maatte foraarfageg af beta SSarfer elfer Star, enten benne faa er en golge af ben gabrifationSmaabe bet anoenber, etter af bel$ golfs ©IjobeOloOljeb, elfer fDlam gel paa Sueligfjeb, , ©fulbe bet ftnbe«, at ©a« ubjlrommet fra et etter ffere af be neblagte Slot, flat Compagniet, faafnart betb Dpfpn^manb (jerom enten mnnbfligen etter (friftligen er

24 £imer i goroet'en for at ©ompag*


road., -which, might be -deemed necessary or convenient, by raising and sin­ king the road or: the street, and. by changing the pavement to causeway or the causeway to pavement without any objection thereto from the Company, Neither is any impediment to be suffered whenever repairs of the waterpipes or diggings on this account may take place. Whenever such alteration might be made, as also when the pavement or the roads are to undergo repairs, or to be replaced new, when 'the waterpipes are to be examined, the Inspec­ tor at the Company’s Works present shall be informed thereof 24 hours pre­ viously, in order that the Company may, in case of need, prevent by a proper inspection any damage to which their pipes could be exposed. It shall in such cases be recommended to the person having the management of the said repairs of the road and the pavement and the examination of the pipes, to take eare that the respective charge be executed with the utmost precaution. Should notwithstanding any mischief be caused to the Company’s pipes, and i f it be proved that such mischief was done maliciously or altogether ca­ relessly by those who have executed the charge, then the Company shall not only get any assistance in order to be indemnified by them, but in case such indemnity is not to be obtained from said people, t h e ’ Company shall receive it from the authority, that has ordered the work by which the da­ mage has been caused; and when any interruption of the lighting might arise .from such damage, then the Company shall furthermore be indemnified for the expences, which may be incurred for procuring an equally good lighting with oil, until the damage is repaired, which ought to be done as soon as possible. . v f : ’ M s- The Company shall be liable to take care that no offensive matter passes from their works under a penalty not exceeding 200 says two hundred Rbdlrs. r. S ., according to the decision of the Police - Court, to the poor of the City. Th e Company shall likewise be bound,, within a certain time 8c under a penalty every day from 2 Rbdlrs. to 20 says two untill twenty Rbdlrs. r. S. for the benefit of the poor* to remove the causes of such offensive mat­ ter’s coming to pass. , The Company also shall generally be liable to make good all the da­ mage which might be caused by their works or pipes, whether such damage may arise from the mode of manufacturing by them employed, or from the carelessness or inability of their workmen. Should it be found that the Gas escapes from one or more of the pipes laid down, then the Company, as soon as their Inspector shall have been


unPerrettet, trajfe Pe fjuptiafle oa Pirffomffe $oran(taftttinaer til at foresee Penne UP-* jtrmnmem Cr faat>an goranjtaltnina tffe truffen

24 ©intereftetr t>eit jfeete SlnmelPelfe,

(faf Per PetaleS en SDMft af

20 DtPPlr. r*

©♦ jfrioer tpt>e SKi$SPanfPafer rePe ©$lo,

for per ©a$ Per forlo&er instil t>et feer^

S 20 . figefom Compact er for&unPet til t>et> Pet farffe 2lnfa$ af SBarferne nt, o.

i Cn$fanP oeP litfnenPe SSarfer am

at anoenPe enpoer ©ifferpePS =goranftaltnins, font

penPeS, eller font 33ePfomntenPe per anfee noPPenPig eller saPnlia, faalePeS jfal Pet Pare pietist, naar Pet forlan&eS, at tnPfere either gorPePrin$, font fenere opftnpes eller


Cn^IanP anta$eS.

©eSuPen ffal 2lP$an$ til CompagnietS #ufe

03 SSarfer per paa enpper ©ip

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21: informed thereof in -writing or by word of moulli, ought to employ the most speedy and efficacious measures in order to prevent such escaping. I f no such measure has been taken 24 hours after the information given, a fine of 20 , says twenty, Rbdlrs. r. S. ( shall be paid, for each day running until such measure being put in execution. - "• : : As it is incumbent on the Company at the very first establisment of the Works to employ every measure of safety, which in England is employed at similar works, or which the Concerned in this Country regard as necessary or useful, so it shall likewise be obligatory on the Company, whenever it may be requested, to make use of every improvement which afterwards may be in­ vented or adopted in England. x Besides, access to the Company’s buildings and works here shall at every time be allowed to the Police-Director or to those, who are charged with the inspection of the Works. ; The Company shall give notice in writing to the Magistracy and the Police-Director of the person or persons, who in their name may have the management of their establishment in this place and represent the Compa­ ny’s administration, as also of any change which may take place therein, in order to know to whom application, is to be made respectively. . As? mentioned in the first § the stipulations of this contract are to begin with the first of August 1826, and the Company engages to undertake from this time the lighting of the whole City with Gas, according to the 8 and 16 §§, Christianshaven and the western suburb included, as also, i f re­ quired, the northern and eastern suburb according to the 17 §. In case the works should not be so far advanced or there should be other reasons why the lighting with Gas does not take place at the 1st of August 1826, the Company is liable to a fine of 200, says two hundred, Bbdlrs. silver money for each day until the lighting begins, to be levied from the security mentioned in the subsequent 33 §, yet Under the previous condition, that proper places for erecting the work or works are assigned to the Company within three calendar months after the signing of this contract. In case that the lighting with Gas is begun at the fixed time, but not extended to the whole City with its dependencies as before mentioned, the Magistracy is impowered to withhold the whole payment stipulated by this (6) ■ - - ■ - . § . 2 0 . / • - ; ; - ; ; ' - § . 2 1 . - j " ' 1 ; y : y ; .. , •: V; y § . 2 2 ..

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