EoW September 2013

News Technology

Flat wire for high-performance springs

Decalub green cleaning TecHnOlOgieS FOcuS On: Wire Cleaning ( for plating and high glossy finish )

• natural edges • rounded edges • rolled edges or • defined radii

technical applications now call more and more for springs with a compact design combined with high spring forces. In addition, due to highly automated manufacturing processes, often tight dimensional tolerances are requested. Whether in the automotive sector, precision engineering or medical technology, textile machinery or electrical connection technology, a high resistance to corrosion is often needed. For such applications, stainless-steel flat wire is commonly used – both traditional materials, such as AISI 300 and 400 series as well as special alloys. Specialised suppliers are even able to offer almost all cold-formable materials, whose procurement is possible. Flat wire is available in industrial quantities from widths of about 0.05mm, with a tolerance of ±0.005mm. Thicknesses start from about 0.02mm (20 micron) and tolerances of less than ±0.001 are possible. Some specialised companies in this field achieve width-thickness ratios of up to 1:50, and even up to 1:70, while the majority of providers work in the range of 1:2 to 1:10. Depending on the required applications, such a flat wire has:

In the small to mid-latitudes thickness ratio natural edges provide an economical solution. Rounded edges, ie edges that go through a peeling process after cold rolling, offer an even closer and more regular width tolerance, especially for high quality products with very tight bending radii. Rolled edges are formed by a vertical pair of rollers. This manufacturing step shows width tolerances similarly tight as rounded edges. Defined radii allow very tight customer specific requirements to be obtained. Compared to steel strip, cold-rolled flat wire has the advantage of very large lengths without welds (wire up to 500kg per coil) and a homogeneous spread of strength across the entire cross-section. In addition, a stable supply chain with a broad set of machines is recommended, that can ensure both small quantities for validation purposes and larger annual contacts with partial deliveries and accurately maintained tolerances. Studer SA – Switzerland Website : www.studersa.com

Wire Rod Lubrication ( for frictionless drawing )

Rod Dry Preparation ( with no speed limit )

DECALUB 31, avenue de Condé 77500 CHELLES, FRANCE E-mail: info@decalub.com Website: www.decalub.com

New family of cable certification testers Fluke Networks has launched its new family of Versiv™ cable certification testers designed to help data communications installers more quickly, accurately and profitably achieve system acceptance for copper and fibre jobs. Versiv is a powerful platform offering interchangeable modules for copper, fibre and Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) testing, as well as new software innovations that speed test time and accuracy, and simplify testing setup, planning and reporting. In a global study of cabling professionals, mistakes, complexity and rework are adding more than a week of labour to a typical 1,000 cabling drop installation, resulting in average losses of more than $2,500. To combat these growing challenges, Versiv has been built from the ground up to go beyond testing and troubleshooting to address the entire certification lifecycle. Its new capabilities help contractors manage the complexities of today’s certification landscape and reduce errors that can threaten profitability. Key to simplifying the complexity is the new ProjX™ management system. In addition to allowing team leaders to set up test parameters to work across multiple jobs and media, the system accelerates planning and setup of projects by allowing technicians to capture consistent test parameters across an entire job, or switch from job to job by simply clicking between projects stored in the tester.

Fluke Networks – USA Website : www.flukenetworks.com



September 2013

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