1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

READY RECKONERS AND LUMBER MEASURERS. Day's American Ready-Reckoner. This Ready- Reckoner is com posed of Origin al Tables, which are positively correct, ha ving been ! •Vised in the m ost careful manner. It is a book of 192 pages, and embraces more m atter than 500 p ages of a ny othe r Heckouer. It con– tains: Tables for Ha p id Calculations of AggregMe Values, Wages, Salaries, Boa rd, Interest Money, e tc. ; Tab les of Tiwber nncl Plouk "rnd Opt_ical, Chemical, Mech anical. Magn etic a.nd Magical Experiments, A•~nm•hmg S!eigbtsand 'lnbtleties. Celebrated Card Deceptions, I ngen ious Tr1~~s with Numbers. cnrions a.nd entertaining Puzzles. the art ot "SecrCt WritinlJ. together witb e.11 tbe most noted tricks of m odern p erformers. Illustrated with over 600 wood-cuts, 12mo, cloth, gilt.. . . . . . .. ... . . 8 1.60 The American Boy's Manual of Practical Mechanics. g romlnent among tbe wide range of suhjects embraced in tbis b ook a.re wrpeutry a nd Car penters' ToolR: PlaJn anrl Omam enta.1 Tu!'ning in 00 ds, ~IetnJ., etc. : the constrnction of vnriona model Steam Engiues band St.Oiimhnats; Boat fLnrl Ca.n?e bttilding, Telegraphy, au{"'nd Clocks Gia•• Blow– ITU

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