GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017

The meeting adjourned for lunch

The meeting reassembled at 2 pm

THE PRESIDENT: Before we start on the agenda proper, we have got a little bit of

housekeeping stuff to deal with. I am going to ask Doug, first of all, to say a

few words about this evening and one or two other things.

THE GENERAL SECRETARY: Thanks. We have been joined by some delegates,

so I will just point them out to you. From the Executive Theresa Easton from

one of the new affiliates, the Artist Union England; (Applause) from Community

General Secretary Roy Rickhuss and Tiffany Gillies, you are very welcome.

(Applause) One of our friends from Keele University with its long tradition of

support for the trade union movement, made a great contribution to our union

building conference on performance management, provided quite a debate, Dr.

Steve French down the front here, so welcome to Steve. (Applause)

This evening, first of all. We are going to see the work of Musicians Union

members, BECTU members and Equity members; in other words, we are going

to the Royal Shakespeare Company to see Antony and Cleopatra, almost

exclusively produced for us by union members, so it is a good gig. We have

got 50 tickets. At the moment it looks as though we have got 52 people who

want to go, but it also looks as though two people probably will not be returning

this afternoon, so we should be bang on, so everyone should have a ticket for

this evening. We could not get 50 tickets all in one place, we just could not do

it, so I am going to have to more or less randomly issue the tickets. Couples

and so on we will keep together. You just have to bear with me there. Some

seats will be slightly better than others, but don’t take it personally, it is just the

way it has gone. We have got some food. Ian has arranged a buffet in the

restaurant from 4.30 onwards. If anyone wants five or ten minutes just to get

acquainted with the play and make themselves a bit more at home with the

play I am happy to do five or ten minutes here at the end of this session. I think

that is it for today.


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