GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017

TUESDAY, 16 th MAY 2017

The Meeting re-assembled at 9.00 am

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I hope those of you who went to the play enjoyed

it last time. It was good stuff, wasn’t it? We have got relatively limited amounts

of business this morning on the agenda, but before we get into the agenda

proper Doug needs to make a couple of housekeeping announcements.

THE GENERAL SECRETARY: Thanks, Ben. Watching the play last night, given

that our country still produces the best actors in the world, I thought wouldn’t it

be great if we could get Equity into the GFTU. If anyone knows anyone in

Equity perhaps have a word with them!

Just to welcome a couple of colleagues who have arrived this morning. The

BGCM would not be the same without Manuel Cortes. He has been on the

road for about the last ten days doing what obviously needs to be done in these

political circumstances, so a big welcome to Manuel. He has got a few motions

up this morning and no other delegates, so we will see him a few times. Also I

am very pleased to say that we have very quickly made a new friend. We have

got Wendy Cumming. Wendy is the President of the Gibraltar General Clerical

Association, GGCA. We had a great discussion last night and Wendy’s union

is going through a period of transition and growth, probably the only union in

the world to be turning potential members away at the moment, for various

reasons, so, please, a big welcome to Wendy who will say a few words to us

later on. (Applause)

THE PRESIDENT: The first item on the agenda is new affiliates, the Artists’ Union

England. Theresa Easton is going to say a bit to us about what the AUE does

and who it represents and so on.


SIS THERESA EASTON (Artists’ Union England): I am the Secretary of the Artists’

Union England, one of the founding members, so I have been on board since

the beginning. I thought what I would do is just give you a kind of overall


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