GFTU BGCM Minutes 2017

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, that was really great. We will have other

brief interludes where people will talk about their affiliation and their

organisation through the rest of the conference, so we will be coming back to

this in due course.

Now we move to the first motion on the agenda for the conference which is

Motion no. 6 on page 60 on your pack and NAPO to move.


SIS YVONNE PATTISON (NAPO) moved the following motion:


The GFTU provides a safe space for union leaders to come together,

share challenges, and celebrate successes. However, all GFTU affiliates will

be aiming to stretch resources so they have the maximum impact for members

and this BCGM believes that the GFTU is not fulfilling it’s potential as a broker

for finding shared solutions to common resourcing challenges amongst



By definition affiliates are small so capacity to find solutions to internal

operational challenges is difficult - in terms of time, expertise and cost. For

example, Napo would like to have cutting edge integrated ICT platforms that

could make our membership, finance and communications more efficient and

effective with a direct benefit for supporting activists, campaigning and

organising. This is difficult as we have limited time and expertise to devote to

this and options can be disproportionately expensive.


This BCGM believes that through the safe space provided by the

GFTU, common challenges can be identified and common solutions explored,

extending to shared commissioning and economies of scale in areas such as

ICT, insurance and internal financial support, internal legal services, and

aspects of HR support.


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