The Gazette 1994


INDEX VOL. 8 8 ( 1 9 9 4)

(pict.) DSBA seminar on Sentencing in Criminal Cases, 7: 258 (pict.) Presidents of Bar Associations and Law Societies in Europe - 22nd conference, 3: 105 (pict.) seminars and courses Personal Injuries Practice seminar, 1: 20 (pict.) sporting events, see Sports Activities visitors from overseas Albanian prosecutors at Law School, 7: 258 (pict.) Attorney General, State of California - Daniel E. Lungren, 4: 125 (pict.) Judge Geoffrey Walshe, Family Court of Australia, 8: 294 (pict.) Law Society of Liverpool, 3: 104 (pict.) President-Elect of New South Wales Law Society, 8: 297 (pict.) young dutch lawyers from Deventer, 3: 104 (pict.) Bar Council Chairman's opposition, 7: 252 Law Society response, 2: 46, 3: 91, 4: 132, 5: 179, 6: 213, 6: 214, 7: 249, 9: 323 Law Society taskforce, 1: 7 media reports, 1: 9-10, 2: 49-50, 3: 113 dir.), 7: 261, 8: 289, 10: 359-60 medical reports, fees for, 3 89 (edl.) solicitors and doctors, relationship between, 3 89 (edl.) subpoena process, 3: 89 (edl.)

PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE The Circuit Court - Draft Order Precedents (S. Gill), 1994, (rev), 7: 269-70 District Court Practice and Procedure in Criminal Cases (J.V. Woods), (rev), 10: 371-72 Legal Diary notices, see Legal Diary notices subpoenas for medical witnesses, 3: 113 (Itr) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Systems in the Office - 10 Not-So-Easy tips (Frank Lanigan), 1: 23-24 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, 5 169 (edl.) guidelines, 7: 248, 8: 288 review of activities, 1993-1994, 9: 326 (Pres.) capital acquisitions tax computer-assisted learning, 2: 65 Company and Commercial Law Committee directors' responsibilities in financial statements of companies, 8: 293-94 Conveyancing Committee farm retirement scheme - guideline conveyancing checklist, 9: 329 insurance premium refunds arising on mortgage redemptions, 1: 32 leases carved out of folios, 5: 194 licence duty for pubs - query re apportionment, 2: 65 possession prior to closing, 2: 65 practice of not providing a full contract, 10: 367 sale by a receiver, 10: 367 Criminal Law Committee draft guidelines on professional conduct for practitioners, 1: 31 recent judgments: DPP v. Logan, 6: 229 database directories - caution, 6: 229, 10: 358 Family Law and Legal Aid Committee, 2: 65 Legal Diary notices, 7: 253 list of practice notes, 1993-1994, 9: 324-25 Litigation Committee cross-examination of witnesses, 9: 330 notaries public applications for appointments - RSC amended, 4: 139 Parliamentary Committee Irish Shipping Limited (Payments to Former Employees) Act, 1994, 6: 229 Land Act 1945 (Additional Category of Qualified Persons) Regulations 1994, 7: 253 Professional Purposes Committee stock transfer forms, 1: 31-32 Taxation Committee disclosure of information - section 59 notices, 4: 139 probate tax - testamentary expenses, 5: 194 residential property tax - certificate of clearance, 6: 229 section 146 Finance Act, 6: 229 PRACTICE NOTES

PERSONAL INJURY ACTIONS capping awards proposal

PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES social welfare liability

Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1993 (R- King), 4: 141-42

PLANNING Irish Planning and Environmental

Law Journal -

launch, 5: 197 Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 1994, 5 177-78 (Lawbrief), 6: 233-35 (M. O'Donnell) agricultural buildings, 6: 234 amenity and recreational development, 6: 234 applications for planning permission, 6: 234-35 commercial development, 6: 233-34 Environmental Protection Agency, 6: 234

exempted development, 6: 233 restrictions on exemptions, 6: 234

POLLUTION CONTROL functions of Environmental Protection Agency, 2: 6 > 70

POSTAL SECTOR competition


State Entrepreneurship, ana European Community Law (J.H.V. Stuyck, A.J. Vossestein, Eds.), (rev), 3 118 National Monopolies


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