The Gazette 1994


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V i e w p o i n t 129 The Government should think again about a provision in the Solicitors (Amendment) Bill, 1994 which would have the effect of permitting fee advertising by solicitors. N e w s 1 31 etseq. Council considers range of issues at its April meeting, p. 131; SADSI news, p. 134; Recommendation on apprentice salaries, p. 137; Outlook positive says Law Society President, p. 138; Forthcoming AIJA events, p. 142; Seminar highlights legal needs of mentally incapacitated persons, p. 153; Compensation Fund payments approved in April, p. 154; The office of Coroner in Ireland, p. 159; Society of Young Solicitors Spring Conference, p. 160; IBA 25th Biennial Conference, p. 161. M e d i a w a t c h 133 The media has reported criticisms by groups and individuals of the scope of the provisions in the Solicitors (Amendment) Bill, 1994 dealing with the office of a Legal Adjudicator. L a wb r i ef 135 Dr. Eamonn Hall reports on the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act, 1994; Doli incapax a disservice to the law?; The newly-refurbished Government Publication Sales Office; Company legislation on computer disc. P r a c t i ce No t es 139 Section 59 notices, Finance Act, 1974; New Rules of the Superior Courts and direction by the Chief Justice in relation to applications for appointment as a Notary Public. T h e S o c i al We l f a r e ( Con s o l i d a t i on) A c t f 1 9 9 3 : E x t e n s i on o f a P e r s o n al Re p r e s e n t a t i v e 's L i ab i l i ty 141 The Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 1993 has extended

the duties of personal representatives administering estates, writes Raphael King, Solicitor. P e o p l e a n d P l a c es 144 147 The books reviewed this month are: The Law of Evidence in Ireland; The Judges in Ireland 1221-1921; Applications to Wind-up Companies. T h e Br usse ls C o n v e n t i on a n d E m p l o y m e nt A g r e e m e n t s: C l a r i f i ed b u t n o t S i mp l i f i ed 149 Peter Byrne, Solicitor, analyses the recent Mulox v Geels decision on the interpretation of the bearing of the special contract jurisdiction of Article 5, 1. of the Brussels Convention on Employment Contracts. The Mulox case, he writes, clarifies the application of Article 5, 1. to employment contracts, it does not simplify it. So l i c i t o rs Benevo l ent As soc i a t i on Se e ks Yo u r Suppo rt 155 Andrew Smyth, Chairman of the Solicitors Benevolent Association, describes the work of the Association and appeals to practitioners to continue their valuable support. C r i m i n al L aw C o mm i t t ee - Cu r r e nt I ssues 157 Michael Staines, Chairman of the Law Society Criminal Law Committee, reports on the issues the Committee is pursuing on behalf of practitioners of criminal law. P r o f e s s i o n al I n f o r m a t i on 162 Notices concerning lost land certificates; lost wills; lost title deeds, employment and miscellaneous advertisements. Book Re v i ews

approval by the Law Society for the product or service advertised. Published at Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Telephone 671 0711 Telex: 31219 Fax: 671 0704. Front cover: The front cover shows 1-r: the Attorney General of Ireland, Harold Whelehan SC, with Daniel E. Lungren, Attorney General, State of California and Michael V. O'Mahony, President, Law Society, at a luncheon hosted by the Law Society to mark Mr. Lungren's visit to Ireland. 127

Advertising: Seán Ó hOisín. Telephone: 830 5236 Fax: 830 7860.

Editor: Barbara Cahalane

Printing: Turners Printing Company Limited, Longford.

Editorial Board: Dr. Eamonn G. Hall, (Chairman) Elma Lynch, (Vice Chairman) John F. Buckley John Costello Justin McKenna Noel C. Ryan

The views expressed in this publication, save where otherwise indicated, are the views of contributors and not necessarily the views of the Council of the Law Society. The appearance of an advertisement in this publication does not necessarily indicate

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