The Gazette 1994


INDEX VOL. 8 8 ( 1 9 9 4)

Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1993, s.2(l)(a), 5: 178 Mental Treatment Act 1945, s.207, 10: 372 Offences Against the State Act 1939, 4: 157 Prosecution of Offences Act 1974, 8: 281 Redundancy Payments Act 1967, 6: 229 (pr) Registration of Title Act 1964, s.70, 5: 194 (pr) Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989, 8: 306 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, 5: 195 Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1981, 4: 141 Social Welfare Act 1991, s.33, 4: 141 Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1993, 4: 141-142 Solicitors Act 1960, s.3, 10: 366 Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1994, 9 321,323; 10: 354,359,366 s.68, 9: 327; 10: 354 s.76, 10: 354 Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act 1991, 5: 195 Succession Act 1965, 7: 245 s.53(3), 8: 311,312 s.67(2), 8: 311 s.73, 8: 311 s.117, 4: 153 Unfair Dismissals (Amendment) Act 1993, 1: 14; 8: 305 Regulations 1993, 2: 70 Criminal Justice Act 1984 (Treatment of Prisoners in Custody in Garda Siochana Stations) Regulations 1987, 10: 371 District Court Rules 1948, 10: 371 District Court (Small Claims Procedure) Rules 1991, 1: 11 District Court (Small Claims Procedure) Rules 1992, 1: 11 District Court (Small Claims Procedure) Rules 1993, 1: 11 European Communities (Commercial Agents) Regulations 1994, 5 170 European Communities (Companies: Group Accounts) Regulations 1992, 8: 294 European Communities (Legal Protection of Computer Programs) Regulations 1993, 1: 33-34 Health (In-Patient Services) Regulations, 1: 16 Land Act 1965 (Additional Category of Qualified Person) Regulations 1994, 7: 253; 9. 325 Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 1994 5: 177-178; 6: 233-235 Nursing Homes (Care and Welfare) Regulations 1993 1: 16 Access to Information on the Environment

s.27(l), 2: 56 Criminal Justice Act 1951, S .7, 10: 372 s.ll, 6: 229; 10: 372 (pr.) Criminal Justice Act 1984, s.4, 4: 157 s.4-10, 10: 371 Criminal Justice Act 1993, 10: 372 Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994, 4: 135-136 Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1935, s.4, 9: 341 Defamation Act 1961, s.13, 10: 361 Diplomatic Relations and Immunities Act 1967, 3: 111 Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, 2: 69-72 European Communities Act 1972, s.3, 3: 99 European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993, 3 101 Family Home Protection Act 1976, s.12, 9: 330 Finance Act 1949, s.24, 8: 310 Finance Act 1974, s.59, 4: 139; 9 327 (pr.) Finance Act 1978, s.4, 3: 110 Finance Act 1983, 6: 225, 227 s.95(2)(b)(iv), 6: 226 Finance Act 1991, 8: 309-310 Finance Act 1992, 5: 170 s,102(ii), 9: 329 Finance Act 1993, 3 110 Finance Act 1994, 6: 225,226,227,228; 8: 309; 9 342- 344 Health Act 1970, s.52, 1: 16,18 Health (Homes for Incapicated Persons) Act 1964, 1: 15


Health (Mental Services) Act 1981, 10: 372 Health (Nursing Homes) Act 1990, 1: 15-18 Hire Purchase Acts 1946-1960, 1: 11 Imposition of Duties Act 1957, s.1-2, 3: 100 Income Tax Act 1976, s.76, 3: 110 S.76(3), 3: 110; 6: 225 s.177, 6: 225 Part III, Sch. 6, 3 110

Industrial Relations Act 1990, 8: 306 Interpretation Acts 1937-1993, 2: 51 Irish Shipping Limited (Payments to Former Employees) Act 1994, 6: 229; 9 325 (pr) Judicial Separation and Family Law Reform Act 1989,

s.5, 10: 379 s.6, 10: 379 Land Act 1965, 9 325 s.45, 7: 253

n n/ ^ Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1994, 7: /^o Local Government (Dublin) Act 1993, 7: 253 _


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