The Gazette 1994



W H O W I LL F I G HT I R E L A N D ' S N U M B E R ONE K I LLER? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. WE W I LL IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. IF YOU W I LL Remember the IHF when you are making your will — you can contribute to our work wi t hout losing capital or income during your lifetime.

Expe r ts in Ove r n i ght Tr ans l a t i ons Spec i a l i s ts in Cou rt Repo r t i ng

Med i cal Ca s es / Arb i t r a t i ons Con f e r enc es / Boa rd Mee t i ngs Contact: Hi l l crest House, Da rg le Valley, Bray, Co. Wi ck l ow. or 4A Ar r an Quay, Dub l in 7. Te l ephone: ( 0 1 ) 2 86 2184 Fax: ( 0 1 ) 2 86 2184 The Law & Practice in Ireland Relating to Cheques & Analogous Instruments by E. Rory O'Connor (Solicitor of the Courts in Ireland)

IRISH HEART FOUNDATION 4 C l yde Road, Dub l in 4 Te l ephone: 0 1 - 6 6 8 5 0 01 There is an alternative

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/ This Somali child and thousands like him are alive today thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Irish people. A small legacy or bequest to Concern can make a huge difference to the life-saving and development work of Concern volunteers like Michelle Mackin — not just today but for many years into the future. Concern is devoted to the relief, assistance and advancement of peoples in need in less developed areas of the world. Through our projects in Africa and Asia, the poor, oppressed and underprivileged are slowly being brought to aposition of self-sufficiency. Our projects include agriculture, forestry, horticulture, health and nutrition, education, women's training and engineering. If your client wishes to leave money to charity, please remember the work of Concern. If you require any information on suggested wording etc., please contact me now:

Published by the Institute of Bankers, this valuable reference book examines the law governing cheques and the practice that has evolved over the years. It is of particular interest to bankers, and those working in the financial sector and allied professions. It is written for readers in all parts of Ireland.

Price: IR£30 (IR£20 for members of the Institute)

Further Information: The Institute of Bankers Nassau House Nassau Street Dublin 2

Tel: 6793311 Fax: 6793504

Siobhán Walsh

1 Upper Camden Street Dublin 2. Tel. 6681237


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