kraks vejviser 1933 handelsvejviser



, , __ . is situated on the East coast of Jutland on the Man­ ager Fiord. Population: 6,406. Exports: Chalk and cement from the cement works on the Mariager Fiord. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 18 feet. 8 tons crane and slip. Connected with Hobro is Mariager Harbour, depth: 18 feet, and Hadsund Harbour: 18 feet. Tugboat, cheap charges. is situated on the fiord of the same name, an arm of the Isefiord, distance from the entrance 16 miles. Population: 12,552. Imports: Coal, wood, feeding-stuffs etc. Exports: Barley, bacon etc. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbourl8 3 ./ A feet. Cranes and elevators. stands at the head of the fiord of the same name, on the East coast of Jutland. Population: 28,306. Imports: Coal, iron, wood, pliospliates, slates, grain, oilcake, bran, sleepers, sugar. Exports: Corn, tallow, dairy-machinery, dieselmotors, water-turbines, refrigerators, butter, eggs, cattle, grain, condensed milk, sleepers. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 22 feet. 5 tons crane, coal cranes and grain elevators, patent slip. is situated on the South-East coast of Zealand. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 8 feet. No cranes. is situated on the North-West coast of Zealand. Population: 6,926. Imports: Coal, grain, manures, fodder, timber, oil, iron and phosphates. Exports: Grain, sugar, bacon, sulpliuric acid and super phosphates. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 26 feet. Coal cranes. is situated on the North-East coast of Funen. Population: 3,172. Imports: Coal, timber, oil-eake, bran etc. Exports: Grain, fish and preserved provisions. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 15 feet. is situated on the East coast of the island of Zealand Population: 6,095. Imports: Coal, iron, timber, bran, oilcake etc. Exports: Grain. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 16V 2 feet. is situated on the fiord of the same name, on the East coast of Jutland. Population: 21,805. Imports: Grain, oilcake, timber, fuel oil, benzine, paraffin, etc. Exports: Butter, eggs, cattle and pork. Accommodation: Depth of harbour 23 feet. Length

is situated on the West coast of the island of Zealand. Population: 9^101. Imports: Coal, timber, deals, battens, boards, fodder, petrol etc. Exports: Grain,flour,fruit,butter,bricks, cattle,fisli etc. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 26 feet. Cranes lifting up to 10 tons. Grain elevators. Coal elevators. is situated at the West end of the Lnm Fiord. Population: 4,578. Imports: Timber and coal. Exports: Agricultural products. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 13 feet. Nn cranes. is situated on the fiord of the same name on the East nonef of .Tnfland. Population: 1,135. Exports: Chalk and cement from the cement works on the Mariager Fiord. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 18 feet. is situated on the island of Æro. Population: 2,353. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 11 feet. is situated on the North-West coast of the island of Funen. Population: 7,431. Imports: Coal, timber, wire, etc. Exports: Grain, wire. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 24 feet. is situated on the West coast of the island of Laaland on the fiord of the same name. Population: 14,714. Imports: Manufactured goods, coal, iron, coke, timber, wino, colonial produce, salt, 'manure, feeding stuffs etc. Exports: Grain (wheat and barley), flour, butter, eggs, cheese, wool, hides, cattle, sheep, pigs, sugar, condensed milk. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 20 l /2f eet - is situated on the East coast of Funen. Population: 9,175. Imports: Coal, coke, maize, grain, oilcake, benzine, petroleum and timber. Exports: Grain, butter and provisions. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 24‘/ 2 feet. Patent slip. jøbing Falster Population: 13,940 Imports: Feeding stuffs, coal and timber. Exports: Grain, sugar, condensed milk. Accommodation: Maximum depth of harbour 20 feet. The entrance cliannel from north has been deepened to 20 feet. Grain elevator. is situated on the East coast of the island of Mors in the Liim Fiord. Population: 7,970. ' Accommodation Akcåmum depth of harbour 13VJ feet. Crane lifting 60 tons, crane for discharging coal, Silo to4000tons.(Grain).Shipbuilding yard,floating dock: 11,000 ton D. W. Coal and oil bunkering.



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Nykjøbi'ng Jutland

of quayage 7000 feet, Ship-yard, 6 tons crane, coalcrane, an automotive Diesel engined rotary crane having a lifting power of 1,5 ts. by a boom of 33 feet, floating dock: 400 tons, tanks for fuel oil and benzine.

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