1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


V.—Some otheb Punchal Wine-Stoees. The Stores and Bstufus of Messrs. Krohu Brothers in the Carmo quarter— Animated Scene presented there—Boracheiros Delivering Skins of Mosto —The Finer Wines of the Firm—Their Royal and Impei-ial Customers— Barge Stock of Madeh-a in the Forty Stores owned by Messrs. Blandy Brothers—The Rare and Old Wines of the Firm—An Archaic Curiosity— The Old-Established Finn of Leacock and Company—^An objection to Furnishing Food to the Fishes—Leacock and Co.'s Stores and Wines— The Stores of Henry Dru Drnry, late Rutherford, Drury, and Co.— Some Venerable Nuns—Mr. H. D. Drury's more remarkable Wines— The Stores of Hem-iques and Lawton,formerly the Mansion of a Lady of Rank—A Lengthy and Expensive Lawsuit—Cama de Lobes and other line Madeiras of the Firm—Their Estufas—Messrs. Welsh's Stores—The Delicate Wines shown us at the Stores of Messrs. R.Donaldson and Co.— The Stores and Wines of Meyrelles Sobriuho e Cia., Henrique J. M. Camacho, Viuva Abudarham e Filhos, Augosto C.BiancLi, Cunha, Leal Irmaos e Cia.,and Leitao—The Madeira Vintage—The Produce greatlyin excess of the Demand—Cause of Madeira going out of Fashion—Large Stocks of Good Wine at present in the Island—Its Moderate Price. A EiEM that occupieshigh rank on the Madehashipping list is that ofErohn Brothers and Co.,whose offices, armazens,and es-

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