1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


VL—The Wines oe Teneeiee. ''The Voyage from Madeira to Tenerife—Returning—Negro Traders got up in an elaborate style—A German African Explorer and his probable fate— Howell's famous Panegyric of Canary—The Tenerife Vineyards Destroyed by the O'idium—Cultivation of Cochineal and Tobacco—Santa Cruz— Nelson's Attack against it—The Anniversary of bis Repulse still cele brated—Situation of the Tenerife Vineyards—The Vintage—The various Vines—Canary Sack—The Vidonia and other Wines of Messrs. Hamilton and Co.—Tenerife Wines no longer subjected to Artificial Heat—Messrs. Davidson and Co's Bodegas and Wines—Excursion to the Ancient Capital of Tenerife—Rearing and Gathering of Cochineal—Religious Processions and Penances. As mentioned in the early part of the present work,Ifound it necessary, in order to reach Lisbon without waiting for the mail steamer leaving Madeira on the 24th of the month,to make •a considerable detour and proceed first of all to Tenerife,the principal of the Canary Isles,and thence to Cadiz. Eemembering

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