1880 Facts about Port and Madeira by Henry Vizetelly


TJie Wines of Tenerife.

Marshal O'DoimeU,who commanded the Spanish expedition tn Morocco, and gained all the credit for the successes there achieved,although Prim was the directing genius of the army. High,however,as the inhabitants of Santa Cruz may rate this local hero, his glory pales before that of their forefathers, who defeated Nelson. It wiU be remembered that the latter met with a decided repulse at Santa Cruz, and that he lost his right arm through a wound received there. A couple of his boat-flags are preserved in the church of the Concipcion, and on every recurring anniversary of the engagement they are hung in the chapel of Santiago, where a thanksgiring service is held. On this occasion the bells of all the Santa Cruz churches, accordinn ' o to their wont on high days and holidays, play the liveliest jig ever heard out of Ireland. There are no vineyards in the neighbourhood of Santa Cruz,, and,indeed,they all lie on the other side of the island. The best wine is produced at Orotava,Sauzal,Victoria,Santa Ursula, Tcod de los Vinos, Garachico,Buenavista,and Valle de Guerra. The growths of Arafo and Guimar are altogether inferior, and are used for home consumption. The vintage, which ordinarily- commencesatthe close of August,was delayedthe yearofmyvisit untilthe first weekinSeptember,and was notlikelyto finish before the commencement of October,the grapes on the slopes near the coast being first gathered, and those on the highlands—where the vines are planted at an altitude oftwelve orthirteen hundred feet above the sea-level—about a fortnight later. The fruit is carried from the vineyards to the lagar by the peasantry—men, women,and children lading themselves with large baskets,which they bear on their backs or heads often for a distance of a couple of miles,their descent along the rugged mountain path being assisted by long sticks. The grapes are trodden and pressed in wooden lagares precisely after the fashion followed in Madeira,, only one grower having provided himself with a French press, and by this means considerably economised labour. To-daythefavourite vinein Tenerife isthe vidueno,or vidonia, as it is sometimes called, the fruit of which is a juicy round

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