2013 Standards_Fb2015version


1A Ensure that Clients understand their rights and responsibilities, supported by evidence of Clients consenting to be involved in the program providing case management.



CM clarifies that the Client has understood the reason for the referral, the case management process.

CM does not take time to explain or clarify Client’s understanding.

Before obtaining consent, CM clarifies any issues regarding the Client’s competency and includes any formal guardians.

CM does not check for any questions about competency in referral information. CM continues to have Client sign consent despite questions around competency.

CM explains and documents the aims and objectives of the CM program including limitations to Client so they can make informed choices.

CM does not explain program parameters. No documentation of Client involvement.

CM seeks feedback of the Client’s understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Client is admitted onto program with no understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Non-compliance to agency policy.

CM gains evidence of informed consent at the commencement of the program and accommodates those unable to sign a document.

No documentation by CM regarding the process taken to gain consent.

CM seeks feedback of the Client’s understanding of the complaints/appeals process.

CM cannot demonstrate how Client feedback was sought.

Self Assessment


Below satisfactory

Verified Assessment


Below satisfactory

1B Gather information about Clients while respecting their confidentiality and privacy with the aim of not duplicating assessments



CM seeks Client’s informed consent for the dissemination of Client information.

Documentation by CM demonstrates the dissemination of Client information prior to obtaining consent.

CM can show the process of conducting research, interviews and otherwise gathering information (including previous assessments and referral information) to establish the factual base to proceed with the assessment.

CM is unable to demonstrate the process of utilising available information including previous assessments/ referrals.

Self Assessment


Below satisfactory

Verified Assessment


Below satisfactory

14 National Standards of Practice for Case Management

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