2013 Standards_Fb2015version


3E The Case Manager supports the Client’s self advocacy skills wherever possible.




The CM educates the Client on the processes undertaken to access resources and supports from various sources including independent advocacy services. The CM reviews and/or adjusts the level of case management support provided to Clients based on the assessment of the Client’s self- advocacy skills. CM demonstrates how they test the Client’s ongoing ability to advocate for themselves, and can demonstrate examples of assisting the Client to advocate on their own behalf. CM can demonstrate examples of effective engagement of key stakeholders to advocate for Client- specific needs. The CM discusses and recommends independent advocate support for issues outside their case management role.

The CM cannot demonstrate Client choice or involvement in accessing appropriate services, supports and resources.

CM does not review and/or adjust the intensity of case management where Clients have demonstrated an ability to advocate for themselves.

CM is unable to demonstrate how they test the Client’s ongoing ability to advocate for themselves. CM can give no examples of assisting a Client to advocate on their own behalf. CM is unable to identify examples of working with a range of key stakeholders to advocate for Client- specific needs. CM provides a level of advocacy support outside their employment expectations.

CM can demonstrate examples of initiating and facilitating a range of key stakeholders to advocate at the policy making level and service delivery level.

Self Assessment

Good achievement


Below satisfactory

Verified Assessment

Good achievement


Below satisfactory

27 National Standards of Practice for Case Management

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