USD Magazine Summer 2016

by Allyson Meyer ‘16 [ f a i t h i n a c t i o n ] L I F E ’ S CAL L I NG T hree thousand seventy six miles from the University of San Diego, Changemak i ng pa t h i s a g l oba l j ou r ne y

life he’s created for himself. “I worked construction at first and took a few classes,” he recalls. “When I decided that I didn’t want to swing a hammer forev- er, my boss had an enormous influence in convincing me to go back to school full time.” He came to USD as a transfer student in the spring of 2014. It wasn’t necessarily easy. “I was behind the curve in terms of academics. I figured out pretty quick I needed to sit in the front row and go to office hours. Oh, and hold myself accountable as a sober person.” Bried credits the Career Devel- opment Center for keeping him on track. He followed the center’s advice about being strategic when it came to get- ting an internship the summer after his junior year. “I got an internship at Stryker Sustainability Solutions, which was huge, since it was the one sales intern opportunity available throughout the entire company.” Upon graduation, Bried was able to choose between job offers, ultimately accepting a major account executive posi- tion with CareerBuilder’s Phoe- nix office. The starting salary is exceptional, with major

how their tremendous talent is matched by their goodness and generosity,” says Assistant Vice President of University Ministry Michael Lovette-Colyer ‘13 (PhD). “In many different ways, I see our students light up with love and with a burning desire to share that love with others.” Each year, USD students apply to a variety of service organiza- tions including, on average, sev- en students who join the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC). Focused on simplicity and connection, the JVC provides students with the chance to live in “intentional communities” with other volun- teers while working to promote social justice. Currently, five USD students and alumni are in the interviewing stages for JVC, while five have already received place- ment offers from the program. “The most obvious way stu- dents are encouraged to consider their vocation and their calling in life is the presence of many faculty members and adminis-

trators who are passionately and joyously living out their own,” says Lovette-Colyer. “The Career Development Center does an excellent job of working with students to help them identify their values, gifts, interests and abilities.” Partnerships between cam- pus organizations and the cen- ter enable students to find their true calling with events like “Careers with Compassion” and “Passion in Profession,” in which students are introduced to ways they can continue to live out their faith. With an emphasis on commitment and embracing other cultures, events like these introduce stu- dents to a variety of career paths to choose from. “Our ultimate goal is to help students find careers that have meaning and impact,” says Rob- in Darmon, the center’s director. “Thus, ‘faith in action’ is thread- ed into every counseling session, event or program.”

Thomas Nolan ’13 found home. The 27 months he spent with the Peace Corps in Barranquilla, Columbia, is an experience he’ll never forget. “I forged some great relation- ships that helped me immensely in my work and in my service,” says Nolan, who was awarded the 2015 Peace Corps’ John F. Kennedy Volunteer Excellence Award, which acknowledges the success of his efforts. He’s one of many USD stu- dents who put a priority on building compassionate commu- nity upon embarking on his postgraduate career. In fact, in 2016, USD ranked 14th among medium schools for the Peace Corps’ list of Top Volunteer Pro- ducing Colleges and Universities. For Assistant Professor of Political Science and Internation- al Relations Avi Spiegel, himself a Peace Corps alumnus, this ranking is an indication of USD’s commitment to social justice. “The Peace Corps and USD are a perfect match: both share a real and profound dedication to community service and global awareness,” says Spiegel. “There is simply no better way to learn about the world’s complexity, beauty and diversity. You see the world in a way you might never see again.” This perspective speaks to students, especially when it comes to seizing the opportunity to live out their faith as global Changemakers. “Our students are amazing. I wish everyone could see


incentive bonuses to sweeten the deal. “I’m so grateful to USD,” he says. “They knew my back- ground and took a chance on me. I can’t wait to see what my future holds.”

Thomas Nolan ‘13 says the 27 months he spent on assignment with the Peace Corps in Barranquilla, Columbia, had a lasting impact on his life.



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