Alcalá View 1986 2.8

New staff, promotions Welcome to the fo llowing new staff employees who recently jo ine d t h e USO community: Daniel Clark . sec r e- tary, Arts & Sc ie n ces : David Elliott. cle rk , Mai l Cente r : Susanne Fitzpa- trick sec r eta r y. Law School: Carol Harpster. senior secretary, Housing: Michael Hove , gardene r, Physi ca l P lant : Ginny Hunter . clerical assistant, Controll e r : Julieta Pas- tor, tec hni cal ass istant, Copley Libra ry: Margue- rite Peoples, m e di a as- sis tant , Me dia Ce nt e r: Suzanne Sniffen . cash- ie r , Co ntroll e r : Debbie Vankinsbergen. duplica- tor operator, Print Shop. Congratu lat ions lo th e following staff employees who recently rece ived pro- motions: Katharine Berry, from technical assistant I to li- brary assistant I, Copley Li - brary; Maria Rico from technical assistant II to li- brary assistant I , Copley Li- brary. • A l ca l a Vi ew is publi s h ed month ly Augu st th rough May by the Publica tions and Hu- m an Resources offices. The n ewsletter is distributed to all University of San Diego em- ployees. Editorial m a terial for possi- ble u se in A lcala View sh ould be submitted by the first of th e m onth of the desired publica- tion . Ma terial should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274. Editor: John Sutherland Editorial Board: Belly Arnold Sara Finn Judith Munoz

Mime Jay Miller draws the attention of studen t Julie Barrett to a brochure exp la ining USD's new College Cab program for students.

Around • Alcala Park

clie nts hundre ds of thou- sands of dollars. The expe riment allows a judge to preside over cer- tain types of hearings and other court proceedings by telephone. The equipment features four outside phone lines, enabling a judge to preside over a h earing with up to four attorneys. According to law profes- so r Robert Simmons , who conceived t he project, te leco nfe r e n c ing e limi - nates the need for personal appearances by attorneys a nd their clients, t he reby saving large amounts of money. ****** Th e Student Affairs Office and the Associ- ates Student Body re - cently introduced "Coll ege Cab" - a free ride program for students in unsa fe s itu - ations. The program is believed to be the on ly one of its kind in the United States. It provides st ude nts with a free tax i cab ride any day or tim e if th e ir ca r brea ks

down, they are in a n un- comfortable date s ituation or they have ha d too much to drink. USO con tracted with Or- ange Cab Co. of San Diego to provide the rides at a n estimated cost of $1 ,000 to t h e University for the semester-long experiment. ****** Th e English depart- ment h as inaugurated a tutoring program for ele- me ntary school students in southeast San Diego. Thirty-thr ee USD st u - dents are teaching English, reading a nd ma th to child - r e n at fiv e e le m e nt ary schools, a ccording lo Sr. Betsy Walsh, professor of Englis h a nd program s u - pe rvisor. Becaus e of t h e program's s uccess. s he ex- pects to continue the pro- gram n ext fa ll. " To ex te nd t h e pos- s ibili ty of the educationa l process lo the poor a nd lhe ma rg ina li zed m embe rs of soc ie ty is the pri vilege a nd th e responsib il ity of th e Cat holi c unive rs ity:· Sr. Wa ls h says. •

Th e College of Arts and Sciences recen tly re- ce ive d a $50 .000 grant from th e Atla ntic Richfield Foundation to pu rc hase three pieces of equipment. The liquid scin till ation counte r, UV/visibl e spec- trophotome ter and Sorvall ul trace n trifug e rotor will enable facul ty to more ade- quately introduce students to mode rn research tech- niques. The de partments of biology, chemistry, physics, environmental studies, marine studies and th e n ew electrical engineering program will b e n e fit from the e quip- ment. ****** The School of Law is working with S a n Di ego Supe rior Court on an ex - pe rime nta l tel econfe renc- ing project desig ned to save the courts. atto rneys a nd

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