FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidated financial statements

Hedge accounting uses specific measurement and recognition methods for each category of hedge: cash flow hedges: no adjustment is made to the value of the hedged item; only the hedging instrument is adjusted to fair value. • Following this adjustment, the effective portion of the change in fair value attributable to the hedged risk is recorded, net of taxes, in equity, while the ineffective portion is included in the income statement. The cumulative amount included in equity is transferred to the income statement when the hedged item has an impact on net income. If the cash flow hedge of a commitment or forecasted transaction results in the recognition of an asset or a liability, then, at the time the asset or liability is recognized, the associated gains or losses on the derivative that had previously been recognized in equity are included in the initial carrying amount of the asset or liability. For hedges that do not result in the recognition of an asset or a liability, amounts transferred to equity are recognized in the income statement in the same period in which the hedged item affects the net income. Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument initially recognized directly in equity while the hedge was effective, is retained in equity until the forecast transaction occurs. The Group stops hedge accounting if the commitment or forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, and the net cumulative gain or loss recognized in equity is transferred to profit or loss for the period; hedge of net investment in a foreign operation: the hedging instrument is adjusted to fair value. Following this adjustment, the • change in fair value attributable to the hedged exchange risk is recorded, net of taxes, in equity. The cumulative amount included in equity is transferred to the income statement at the date of liquidation or sale of the net investment. Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments or other non-financial host contracts are treated as separate derivatives when their risks and financial characteristics are not closely related to those of the host contract and the hybrid instrument is not carried at fair value with gains or losses reported in profit or loss. The BIC Group did not carry out any such transactions over the past three years. i) Fair value hierarchy Financial instruments measured at fair value are classified within three fair value levels (IFRS 13):

level 1: quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; • level 2: observable inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1; • level 3: non-observable inputs. • Derivatives and hedge accounting 24-1 The financial risk management is mainly concentrated at the SOCIÉTÉ BIC level and managed and/or coordinated by the Group Treasury. This department is not a profit center. Group Treasury has ongoing contact with subsidiaries and collects information throughout the year to identify, follow and lead risk management. Regarding foreign exchange risk, the Group policy is to hedge the net position currency by currency on a yearly basis. Buyer and seller positions are aggregated and the determined net nominal is hedged on the market. Depending on the fluctuation of the foreign exchange market, Group Treasury can speed up the hedging pace in order to benefit from favorable trends or slow it down so as not to fix too early a rate and remain flexible. All the positions are constantly monitored in real-time by the Group Treasury, which has the necessary information and analytical tools. An update of all the positions is

transmitted to management each month and detailed by currency, product (forward, option, etc.), and purpose (commercial flows or net investments). In case of local constraints that would not permit the centralization at optimum conditions, the hedges are performed locally under the strict control of Group Treasury. Foreign exchange risk 24-2 To manage its exchange rate exposure, the Group uses forward foreign currency contracts, currency swaps and currency options. Forward foreign currency contracts are recognized as hedges insofar as they are designated as such. These hedges may cover the net investment of the Group in certain foreign entities, foreign currency receivables or debts, or budgets in foreign currency. As Group Treasury is centralized, SOCIÉTÉ BIC has current accounts with its main subsidiaries. Credit balances in foreign currencies are swapped against the euro for a very short term and the euro is invested in money market UCITS and other short-term investments.



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