Career Success Guide

Job Search - Email Correspondence

EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE Since email is the most preferred and common way to communicate as a job-seeker to an employer it’s important to get your point across without wasting the employers time. There are a number of general guidelines that should be followed in order to appear as professional as possible: Stick to the basics Use a common, black font when writing and avoid any distracting colors in the background. Grab their attention with an appropriate subject line It should directly relate to why you’re emailing them. Make sure to spell their name correctly Address them as Mr. or Ms. if the individuals gender is known. Don’t assume people’s gender. Sign the email with at least your full name The more complete and professional your signature, the better! Always proofread your email before sending! Keep your language professional and avoid the use of slang in your correspondence Avoid the use of emojis and abbreviations These are fine when communicating with friends and relatives, but will look unprofessional in a business setting. Keep your message concise! Include all important details, but don’t ramble because you want to treat their time with importance. Many of the jobs you’ll apply to will place value in being organized and error free. Sending emails with spelling and grammatical errors could impact your chance of getting the job. If you’re worried, have a friend read over the email before you send it! Remember that all of the messages you are sending them are a reflection of you as a potential employee. In many cases, your first impression will be via email. Emails are a way to make sure you are appearing professional and capable. Take them seriously as they could help you land your dream job!

Thank You Notes Showing your appreciation for an employers time is very important. If they’ve taken the time to interview you, send a thank you note to express your gratitude. These should be sent within a few days of the interview. Much like other business emails, they should be straight and to the point to honor how important their time is.


Dear (Person’s Name),

I just wanted to send a quick thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for the Manager in Training position this week. I enjoyed getting to meet you and your staff and could see myself fitting in at ABC Inc. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Jane Doe

Remember that the interview process is a chance for you to leave a lasting impression with your potential employer. These short notes continue to build your reputation as a qualified professional. These can show how much you care and could raise you to the top of the pack of potential hires.


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