Life Story of Joan Heather Easton

1925-1938: Joan’s Childhood “My father, he said, well, we live here, and the [swimming] baths are right there, so he’d take me across to the baths and make me swim, swim, swim, swim before I went to school, every morning!” “I’d have to catch my horse, Bubbles, and ride to Glennie. Right up to Glennie! (groans) No wonder I’ve got a bad shoulder. I could’ve ridden a bike or driven a car! But I loved it. I didn’t do anything fancy, just ordinary riding but I loved it.” “I had a dog called Snow, a white poodle. He was a very good watchdog. We were robbed, at one point. And the police said to get a dog, and if anybody ever came close to the place he would bark, bark, bark like mad, and they’d go away.” “I played tennis, swimming and golf. I think my favourite shot was backhand in tennis.”


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