Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Chris Stiles Psychology

Jann Stoeckl International Relations

Suzanne Stone lernatio11.1I Relations

Jennifer Strauss Business

You've spent four, or m.1ybe more, in the p.1r.1dise of the sun, surf, ,rnd lw.1d1es of S.rn Diego. A lot of memories h.we t.1ken sh.1pe in your mind .1s you've lived, drifted through, .rnd struggled with the oi:currences of everyd.1y life: the p.1rties, p,1pers, trips, finals, rt>l.1tionships. l\t,1ybe you h.1d to work a full or p.ut-tinw job in order to put yourself through college. Any w,1y you look J.t it, .1 lot of effort w.ts required to get to where you .ue tod.1y. What h,1ppens from this point on lies in the pow1..'r of your own h.mds.

Joseph TMsh.1 Computer Science


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