Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993
Phi Kappa Theta Phi Delta Chapter
PHI KAPPA THETA was founded April 21, 1889 to provide an intellec– tual, fraternal, spiritual, and social organization for men. For thirty– one years, the Phi Delta Chapter has been active in all phases of campus life and was the first fraternity at the University of San Diego. The broth– ers of Phi Kappa Theta strive for excellence through athletics, com– munity, service, and academics. Built on a firm foundation of leader– ship and brotherhood, the fraternity has an unparalleled tradition on
campus. They were awarded the Founders Cup in 1987. Phi Kappa Theta promotes the importance of fraternal and social activities as well as academics. Some of these activi– ties include: Club Dead, Spring Pledge Dance, the Charter Ball, and the Christmas Party. Community service played an important role in the fraternity. Phi Kappa Theta at– tributes its success to the continued development of brotherhood and an increasing focus on philanthropic activities.
Spreading the cheer - Jason Corsello, Seth Longnecker, Arron Tudisco, and Garrett Tripp gather for the camera at the Phi Kappa Theta Christmas Dance.
All for one...-Mike Gergen, Dan Padinos, and Tom Gambon buddy it up at the Fall Pledge Dance.
A Break from dancing- Phi Kappa Theta and dates have fun at the Homecoming Dance.
Phi Kappa Theta
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