Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993
Spirited sisters - Libby, Julie, Kim, Jen, Erika, Mandy, and Tracy get together for a little sister– hood at the Gamma Phi Beta Christmas Party.
GAMMA PHI BETA was founded at the University of San Diego in 1983 and founded at Syracuse University in 1874. Their philanthropy project is Bayside Community Center in San Diego. This past summer at the national convention in St. Louis, the Chapter, Epsilon Gamma, was awarded the National Community Service Award of Gamma Phi Beta. Gamma Phi Beta was fourth on campus for grades with a Chapter GPA of 3.017. The chapter's events included exchanges with Phi Kappa Theta, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Pi, the soccer team, and Theta Chi from San Diego State University. They had two Date Parties, "Yacht Party" and "Gam– bling with Gammies." There were two formals,: the Crescent Ball in the fall and the Pearl Ball in the spring.
Friends to the end - Rose Steinberg, Allison Martin, and Heather Underwood are having fun at the Cres– cent Ball. Ready to welcome- Rose, Heather, and Taralyn take a picture before the Gamma Ph.i Beta Open House party for Rush.
Gamma Phi Beta
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