Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Colophon The University of San Diego Alcala Year- the political section of the newspaper. Poli– book, volume 37, is a product of the offset tics played a big role in the lives of every lithography processes used by Jostens Print- American citizen this year with the elec– ing and PublishingCompany inVisalia, Cali- tion. It became almost impossible to es– fornia. The book is 287 pages in length, cape the political propaganda which filled divided into thirteen sections of 100-pound the media, and most of us had our opinions litho gloss paper. The 1070 copie were about the election and the candidates at produced, size 8 3/4 x 111/2, with sewed hand. Consequently,everyeligibleArneri– bindings. An eight page tip-in is included can citizen has the right and obligation to between signatures four and five, which is of voice their opinion during the election. It is 80 pound ivory tone stock paper. This sort only in the combination of all these nurner– of tip-in was new to the Alcala Yearbook, ous and diverse voices that a true dernoc– consisting of a spoof on the year's events. It racy can be realized. In addition, this theme could not have been accomplished with such also matched USD's efforts to diversify the flair without the efforts of Jonah Weinberg. university. With the many voices around Four signatures of full color and four rnul- the world that were brought together this tiple of spot color were used. Spot color year at USO, we were given the opportu– consisted of Student Affairs 80%Tempo 285 nity to be more culturally aware. This is the Medium Blue; Associated Students 100% first step toward global understanding, and Tempo 199 Rich Red; Sports 100% Tempo this understanding must be worked at and 292 Light Blue; and Academics 100%Tempo achieved if there is ever to be peace on 354 Bright Green. Earth. Body copy and page folios are printed in This year, the Alcala was composed corn- 10 point Palatino, while picture captions are pletely on Macintosh SE Superdrive corn– printed in 8 pt. and credits in 8 pt. italic. The puters. This is the first year that the pro– main headlinesare in24pt. andsubheadlines gram has ever been implemented at USO, printed in 18 pt. italic. Division headlines are and it was a huge success. Many thanks in 36 point. goes out to each and every one of the sec- Much credit and thanks goes to David tion editors who took the time to learn the Ratino for the success of the advertising sec- program. tion. Book and advertisement sales were at There is a lot more to the 1992-1993 Alcala an all time high this year, and the parent ads, than meets the eye. Hard work and dedica– cornplete with pictures, were a new addition tion are implicit in the task, but behind the to the Alcala. Dave, we couldn't have done it scenes lay frustration, sweat, conflict, stress– without you! ful situations, and yes - tears. Though a lot Photography got off to a rough start, but is required in order to produce a quality the photo staff really managed to pull to- book, I feel that it was well worth the effort, gether second semester, and we made the and I trust that the staff shares my senti– deadline! A special thanks goes to Jeff Jones rnents. We aimed at capturing and pictur– of the Vista , and to NormanChoi. The Sports ing some lasting memories for you in these section really benefitted from your contribu- 286 pages, and hopefully through this book tion . Sean O'Hogan - your numerous trips we have achieved our purpose. to the photo mats did not go unnoticed. There are some outstanding individuals Thank you!!!JeffLogkoandPatrickDePriest, that I would like to thank, and without thank you for being available at a moment's whose help, our task would've been made notice. Kelly Morrison, not only did you a lot harder, if not impossible. First of all, I manage to take pictures for the staff and would like to express my sincere thanks to make numerous appointments, you single- my advisor, Donna Reed. Donna, you were handedly completed two sections. Last but a true inspiration to me, always providing not least, thank you, Mark Patteson. A helpful suggestions, backing me up, and congratulation goes out to you all on a job putting me back on track when I tended to well done! wander. Although this was your first year The theme this year was Voices. I came astheyearbookadvisor,youdidafabulous across this theme last summer while reading job "just being there" and having faith in me

when I lost faith in myself. I could not have done it without you! I would also like to thank Jostens Represetative Mr. Ed Shoen. You always had good things to say about our progress. Thank you for believing in us! Rodney Williams, I am grateful for the crash course in Macintosh . You really helped a lot! Mary Kay Tandoi, you are wonderful to work with, and it was a plea– sure doing business with you. To the Asso– ciated Student Government, thank you for your support and kind words. Jenn Giarnbelluca - friend, confidante, section editor, roommate - thank you for always being there, for picking me up when I was down and for endlessly listening to my worries and concerns. You're the greatest! To my assistant, George, thank you for your creativity and preserverance. And most of all, thank you to the entire staff. You all did a wonderful job, and I couldn't have done it without you. Most of all, I would like to thank my family. Morn, Dad, and Joel, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I know that you were concerned when I took the position of editor because of the time cornrnittrnent and stress that goes along with it. Thank you for standing by me in my decision and encouraging me to do the best that I could. I love you.

Jennifer J. Rakers Editor-in-Chief

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