Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Choral Scholars

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.. .! can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."-Louisa May Alcott This philosophy captures the spirit of a new singing ensemble at USO. The tal– ented young musicians selected for the Choral Scholars Program have certainly followed their musical aspirations. They were chosen from singers who auditioned in Honolulu, Seattle, Denver, Phoenix, and San Diego. The Choral Scholars Program, now in its second year of existence, provides full tuitioh scholarships for ensemble mem– bers. This grant is certainly earned by the students who spend six hours per week in scheduled rehearsal, devote one hour a week to private voice lessons, and work countless hours refining ensemble and solo music material. They also partici– pate in the university choir. Senior Lara Smith does not view this dedication and determination as drugery, how

ever. "It's okay to spend your life in the practice rooms when you really love singing!" The ensemble's charasmatic leader, Dr. Robert Campbell, believes the hours of practice have paid off. The group's ser– vices are constantly in demand, proof positive of the immense popularity en– joyed by the organization . A sample of their engagements in previous years includes: the Capital Campaign, The Invisible University, The Coronado Women's Club, the Columbia College Jazz Festival, and Cafe Asylum. The USO community has seen the Choral Scholars perform the National Anthem at the Homecoming football game. "Many have told us that it's nice to see USO students making music and dem– onstrating the new quality of the music program," said Campbell. The Choral Scholars also function as ambassadors for the university,spread– ing USD's name and reputation beyond campus borders.

Wrestling Club

The Wrestling Club is in its sec– ond year at USD. Its goal is to provide a supportive atmo– sphere for training and wres– tling. The club offers the op– portunity to compete in tour– naments, practice and com– pete with other clubs in the area.

The Choral Scholars

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