New-Tech Magazine | Sep 2020 | Digital Edition
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female SMA coaxial connectors on the input, output, and coupled ports. MCDI Ltd לפרטים נוספים: . 077-540-6075 ט: 153-77-540-6051 פ:
copper-clad steel center conductor. The 50-Ω coaxial cable assembly meet MIL-STD-348 requirements and is supplied with 2.4-mm male connectors. It is RoHS compliant and achieves minimum static bend radius of 6 mm and minimum dynamic bend radius of 20 mm to fit into tight places. Typical insertion loss is 0.36dB to 6GHz, 1.10dB to 26.5GHz, and 1.74dB to 50GHz. Typical return loss is 29.1dB to 26.5GHz and 25.6dB to 50GHz. The 12-in. cable assembly handles power levels )at room temperature( to 198 W at 500MHz, 99 W at 2GHz, 33 W at 18GHz, and 9 W at 50GHz and has an operating temperature range of -55 to +100°C. MCDI Ltd לפרטים נוספים: . 077-540-6075 ט: 153-77-540-6051 פ:
Mini-Circuits’ Frequency Multiplier Manages 12 to 20GHz Mini-Circuits’ model ZXF90-2-24-K+ is a “times two” frequency multiplier that transforms inputs from 6 to 10GHz to clean output signals from 12 to 20GHz. It accepts input signals at power levels from +16 to +22dBm and delivers multiplied output signals at approximately -1 to +5dBm because of 17-dB typical conversion loss. The frequency multiplier is a cost-effective source for a wide range of systems, including terrestrial and satellite communications and radar systems. The 50-Ω, RoHS-compliant frequency multiplier provides strong spurious suppression, with typical fundamental signal suppression of -35 dBc and third-harmonic suppression of -38 dBc. It measures 0.68×0.73×0.36 in. )17.27×18.54×9.27 mm( with female 2.92-mm coaxial connectors and has an operating temperature range of -55 to +100°C. MCDI Ltd לפרטים נוספים: . 077-540-6075 ט: 153-77-540-6051 פ:
Mini-Circuits’ MMIC Die Taps Broadband Power from DC to 50GHz Mini-Circuits’ model HK-PT54-DG+ is a power tap MMIC die that maintains flat coupling across a wide frequency range of DC to 50GHz for power monitoring and measuring applications. Coupling at the test port is flat within ±1.4dB of 26.5dB to 50GHz. The coupled port VSWR is typically 1.39:1 or better though 50GHz. Mainline loss is typically 0.7dB to 20GHz, 0.8dB to 30GHz, and 1.1dB to 50GHz. The mainline VSWR is 1.27:1 or better from DC to 50GHz. The power tap can handle continuous input power levels to +28dBm and as high as +31dBm for as long as 5 minutes. The MMIC die has an operating temperature range of -55 to +105°C. MCDI Ltd לפרטים נוספים: . 077-540-6075 ט: 153-77-540-6051 פ:
Mini-Circuits’ DC-Pass Coupler Channels 1 to 20GHz Mini-Circuits’ model ZCDC10-01203-S+ is a coaxial directional coupler with wide frequency range of 1 to 20GHz and capability to pass as much as 0.63 A DC from input to output ports. It maintains 10 ± 1.2dBcouplingacross the full bandwidth with typical mainline insertion loss of 1dB. The 50-Ω, RoHS-compliant coupler delivers typical directivity of 23dB and handles typical broadband power levels to 20 W. Ideal for power monitoring and measurements, the coupler has return loss of typically 21dB or less to 20GHz. It is designed for operating temperatures from -55 to +100°C and is supplied with
Mini-Circuits’ Flexible Cables Extend to 50GHz Mini-Circuits’ model FL86-12VM+ is a 12-in.-long flexible cable assembly with frequency range of DC to 50 GHz, a member of the FL86 Series of flexible coaxial cables. It features low loss across the wide frequency range, equipped with a silver-plated
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