Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

Near and far, For the signs... Great King, Sweet Ganapathy... (18-06-13)

* 4-43

Sri Ganesh, You are the King and Friend Who brings The Nourishing Grace And Blessings, A profusion, an abundance Of loving light Whose trail one can follow Even In the darkest night, For it is the Hem of Her Dress, She the Shakti Who stands everywhere, The Face of the One – Ganeshji, King and Friend... Aum (27-06-13)

* 4-44

Sri Ganesh, You are the Pilgrim King And wherever you halt To bring cheers amongst All, Flowers are found, And a sign To the Riches For those who are Clean of heart And who like children Trust Her Hands – You are the Pilgrim King


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