Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

Serving The Lord’s Progress. (18-03-10)

* 6-27

Today, Sri Ganesh, you are The Great Motionless Dancer, The One who knows The Mystery of all Steps, The One who holds the power Of the exquisite embrace, Welcoming to the flow Of Her Energy, The One who, dark and sun-filled, Stands at the crossroads To be appeased And become the Friend Joyous and rich On the Way – And the Rhythm comes… (17-04-10)

* 6-28

Sri Ganesh, Knower of the Obstacles, Magician of the links and processes, You seem to appear On the cusp of substance, Where and when the weaving Of the elements

Catches and becomes This wondrous Matter – Quietly you stand Where light and darkness, Air and fire Coalesce in a flow = The origin of substance… In your seated figure today Is a vast sweep of music… (23-04-10)


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