Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

Vermillion and scarlet, Vivid and true As milk and honey - Auspicious Ganesha, Aum. (19-03-10)

* 7-18

Sri Ganesh, Steady Brother In the deep forest of the world, Sweet and tranquil Giver Of the Blessings, Lovely nectar pours From your massive figure, And the Siddhis

Glimmer and smile Like jewels of joy From Your gestures... Aum (24-04-10)

* 7-19

Yes, Sri Ganesh, You are seated in the forest, Gently you have gathered The Siddhis about you – There is no pomp and no fanfare

In the tranquil shelter Of Her happy domain,

There is only the sweetness Of ancient, eternal wisdom Informing every gesture Of your knowing figure. (05-06-10)


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