Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

* 11-13

Sri Ganesh, At times you seem to wear Very elaborate apparel, As if every tier

Of your attire was Occultly meaningful

And all tiers together formed An integrality of purpose –

Today, the soft, gentle Light of the Mahashakti Upon your crown, You whirl from within

A wide circle of amethyst, Flaming out from every limb With the deep burnished golden Honey Of victorious love… (10-01-09)

* 11-14

Today, Sri Ganesh, In your Form,

Your Most Auspicious Form, Mangalam Param Ruupam, You have adopted The stance of Balance, The essential Triangle Of Yoga, The essential equilibrium Required In the manifest world: Inclusiveness – Equality – Aspiration – The first two form the base Of your luminous triangle

And the third Rises as Agni, Fed by the milk Of the Shakti –


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