All the Men - 1964
T oB eg i n W ith .
Stendhal, the French nove lis t,was once wa lki ng in Rome with a friend when they saw from on e of th e seven hill s the great dome of Sa int Peter 's. "Whatpurpos edo es that serve?" the friend queried in jest . "It serves to ma ke your heart beat faste r when you see it from afar," St endh alrepli ed. No one should ask what purpose a un ivers ityserves . A uni versity is prose in its workaday func tio ns, no t poetry or art. It is an aggregationof stud en ts ,pro fess ors , and adminis trat ors ,purpo sefully ,for cef ull y,and earnes t ly fulfil ling their reas ons for bei ng there. At one and the same time it is a compo sit eof the ludi crou sand the sub lime . So it is with thi s un ive rs ity . Looked at from an intimateview, the Uni ve rs ityis a complex of three col leges, two seminaries ,librarie s, and adm inis trativebuildings , simil ar in arch itectu re ,varied in character. Th e thi ng that give srichness to the Univers ity, how ever, can not be measured by the array of Rena issance- flavored facade s or th e prolific mo saics. By themse lves such structures echo wi th empti ness.More ce rt ainl y,th e mo st impress iveand, to some ,mono ton ouspagean tof all is the one that pas sesseveral times a da y, every day ,be tween classes. Coeds, laughing and tal king in smal l, ani mated , but byno mean s select groups, gath er in the La rk- -a mutual meet ingground. Intel lec tua ls dail y beat a well- worn and appare ntl y ceasel ess path to th e dust- rouged volumes she lved in the library. Frate rnity bo ys in im macul ate slacks and cri sp shi rts boi sterou sly con grega te at the localtavern to resolvethe forthcom ing social even ts . Th e radica l, with self- assured unor thod oxy,vig orously assert s to a group of ad vo ca te sand dubio us list eners his statu s as an indi vidualand dis sen terfrom Th om ism .And the athl ete ,of ten to the crowds sa tisfa ct ion,met es out des tructio n on a vi sit ing team. And fin al ly , nume rou s youngcouples in abj ect ignorance of those around them , talk a deep talk that no one els e wou ld care ab ou t,walk hand in hand to noondayMass, and seek the pr iva cyof a world tha t non e canenter . Life at the I niv ersit yis itself a way of life .
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