All the Men - 1964

AxTOXY AXll C'LF:OPATH., (C'o,u-rrl T/,eu/1•r Prod11l'li1111) Fir.,( Rou• left lo r-ig/,f Belly Lou Sauforcl

Pamela ;\'loor<' Th •resa KtiS<'r , erond Row ,lames Gerickc

Burkshot :\le ain Bunny Ha,vward Jeff<-'ry :\foDad Harry Ridge Rol,erl Dunlap Fr. loonan Dennis l\lclkin William \Yil termzan Third fl-01,. .John Ling ·orman Catalano F:nriqll<' I!t•rn:rncll'z

.\i\"TO 'Y A D CLEOPATR.\ . I ntony and Cleopatra i de. cribcd b.,· Col 'ridg-<· a. being one of the most ' wonderful" of Shakespeare's plays - not ne<'c. saril_v the mo t profound or best construdcl'al t'haractcrization i of prim' (·one· rn, Pamela 1\Io re, n · Cleopatra, de– lic-iou ly portra,\'C

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