All the Men - 1964

Pl'BLl('.ATIO:\' · [nan nge of salknl team efforts it is surprising tlwl mauy ad1iev m •uts al l '.' U are based - if not cnlirel,v. al len.-l he.wily - un singl,,-mind d pilh urul pu11dilr.1·. Tire ndv11ntag · of a small rmivt>rsity, coupled witlr a slight hil of opporlurri ·ru, in– gcnuil,\', uml money. 1·1111 merit for unyon some degree of 11oloricl,v. fame. or self-sal is– faction. This ~·ear two pnhlication · - and •spet'iall.v Lh<' m n hehind the works de n , !lie lt111rcls. 'ons,,rvativc (1illiert \'arcs stublis li d nnd t'diL •d the ,\ '('w.1/rl/rr (rcphl<'ing the cphcnwral .Yew, which died from non- upport). a sumclimc.s perceptive hl..nd of news, views, nnd ideas. It was al ·o cheap - a mosl 11<-"<..-essar)· pr ·requisite for gelling somcthi11g at'('Ornpli lied on canrpns. Lik •wise, polemici l P:iul .\1ujknt fina!J,v manag•

PAUL MAJKUT Editor, Canon Literary Journal

GILBERT NARES Editor, Newsletter


Lee Bianco Ken Kullberg like Hughes Jay Wilson

Pete Iler Dick Oarl Mike ihak

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