All the Men - 1964

/NI Uotr: Fr. C,u1111hl. ,John Limpu. . Erm . l Horu11d11 , ,fohu I l11rg\·11. l\ol, llr111111t"r, ti n OrnUlliu, ,Ju,,· \\'ilson, '.\l;irt~<·. ,,,,L 1/1111': Kt·n KullhcrJ!, \l:1 II '.\l11 lc·rid1. Tom H1•11. ,•I, ,Joe '.\lnrtin,·1~ 1>111 \\'ilhdm, lh·11r1 Stur,111. c; ill•·rl ,,.,.., l.vono11d William . • · ' ·

Circl K


Them rit or 1tny organization c·un on1. IP judg•d llol hy what iL i . capable Ir tloing, but th rNmlL: r what it lrn done. Cir ·le 1 •. foll wing thr . pirit of sm·h a renlistii· c·r lo, has inl •grn.L cl pirit uncl . rvi e a: n mcanr of d<>,·cloping i lll!Jrfl' si, c nntl proµ:res.h· • poli– <"ir.. Th {T._ D Chap t'r (whieh hnd lwcn dorn1:111l for lwooril:f 11ry ar.) hn all"l' .·ponsor d :tl<'h trnditi 11-houn I Yenl a· ''fight night", n . rie. r two rounder:,; b tween mal ·h cl . lurl nt. ; n Il m - l' miug lionfirt' to flar ti)) lurl nt UJlpOrl f If :l forth– {'{ ming ha k thall µ:anw: and \':tri ,u otltcr . tim11li for th· h ll rmenl of ·a111pu. caper:.

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