All the Men - 1964

Essentially however, a yearbook is a memor.v book, a setting down on paper of lite history of the <.·urrent vear. \Yhen this is done successful!)', the e\'ents arc for– ever fresh and new, the people pietured, foreYcr young. If one listens carefully, within its pages can he heM

A Final Comment ...

To those of you who managed Lo ponder in wonder through Lhc pages of' this hook, I hope that you enjoyed our cfforL. And to those people who alwa.vs manage to read a hook from the hack to the front, pleMe don't let this final hil of commcntar,v hinder .vou from searehing further. f n ma.n,v ways the 19G4 AL L THE lllEN will appear similar lo its predecessor for we h~n·e tried to in~·oq!or– atc into it those points which were worth conl1numg, but it also contains many ideas and tcehniques that are entirely new. Again, as last year, photography has ~cen e11visionecl as an art form to produce on papC'r H Y1Sual image both sensitin' and beautiful. Quotations, both in prose and poetry, haw: been used to enhanee and per– haps add drama to this image. "A rt," the professor muses, "is a p ie<·e of nature seen through the tempermcnt of the artist." T o our minds, il is a word employed by art c ritics .~s a label for a C'Crtain view of tru th. It exists in everytlung that has been done with thought, love, and sensitiYit.v, and we

To 1964, a toast. To the future, a hope for the best .

Sincerely, rf-v~

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