All the Men - 1964

The dramaof Uni ver sitylife tha t is transfe rred to the page s of thi s small!>ookm ust alw ay sbe conve yed from l>eginning to end as a secon dary thi ng : u reminiscence of real ity. Th e atte mp tmig ht seem as vain as the att emptto re-cr eate secon dha nd the eerie thril l of being lost in a soli tud e offog . Thelivi ng experience will alwa ys oversh adow the imi tati on,and words or picture s orpolis hed phrase s mus t then seem superflu ous, false , and redun dant . Tho se fellow soul s who wander mec han icall ythrough the sea of humanity with complac encyor self-a dora tion, with eye s thatneve r see, or aheart that never!>eats, with out the ecs tac vof inno cenc e orthe son g of exper ience will find not hin g ofmerit in thi s volume. Th ose who hav e preserv ed th e actu alimpre ssions ,however, will readily unders tandhow usele ss langu ageor photo graph s availthe livi ngbreat h, but will also sense that , in som e smallway , thevain att empthas been made and the imaginati onand memory enkin dled with kindred warmt h.

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