All the Men - 1964

I dec line to acceptthe end of man. It is easy enough tosay that man isimmor ta l simply because he willendu re: thatwhen the las t ding- dong of doomhad changed and faded from the las t wor thless roc k han ging tideless in the las t redand dy ing evening , tha teven then there w ills ti llbe one moresound: tha t ofhis puny inexhaus tib le voice , s ti ll talk ing . I ref use to accepthis . I bel ieve thatman w ill no t me rel y endure: he will pr ev ai l. He is immor ta l, not because he alone among creatures has an i e xhaustiblevoice , bu t because he has a sou l,

a s pirit capabl e of compas sion and sacri ficeand endurance .

-W ill iamFaul kner (Nob elSpeech)

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