2023 Fall Newsletter

Colleen Ewan has a Birthday Party In late August the museum hosted a birthday party for past museum president, Colleen Ewan. Colleen turned 92 & chose our museum for her special day. Anthology Senior Living in Olathe is now Colleen’s home. On the event of her birthday, her family asked the home if they could bring Colleen to Paola, the facility stated that it was not possible to transport just one person, but they could bring Colleen and a bus load of her friends from the residence. The event was well attended with members of the museum’s staff, many of her friends from Paola and her family.

10/26/23, 2:14 PM


Colleen and her family

The Museum had some young “Trick or Treaters” visit at Halloween, Vince Thorp handing out treats



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