1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

73. Cowboy Cocktsul. t Whisky (Scotch), i cream. Shake and strain.

74. Crow Cocktail. i Scotch Whisky, S lemon juice, dash of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 75. Cuban Cocktail. 4 Brandy, 4 Apricot Brandy,i lemon juice. Shake and strain. 76. Cuban Manhattan Cocktail. 4 Bacardi Rum, 4 Martini Vermouth, 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters. Shake and strain. 77. Culross Cocktail. 4 Bacardi Rum,4 Lillet, 4 Apricot Brandy, dash of lemon juice. Shake and strain. 78. Daiqueri Cocktail. S Bacardi Rum, 4 orange juice, 4 lemon juice, 4-teaspoonful sugar. Shake and strain. 79. Damn the Weather Cocktail. 4 Gin, i orange juice, i Italian Vermouth, 3 dashes of Curagao. Shake and strain.


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