1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

322. Waterbury Cocktail. Glass of Brandy, white of 1 egg, 1 tea- spoonful of sugar, juice of J lemon, 2 dashes of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 323. Webster Cocktail. i Plymouth Gin, J French Vermouth, J Apricot Brandy, i Rose's Lime Juice. Shake and strain. 324. Wedding Belle Cocktail. i Gin, J Dubonnet, i Cherry Brandy, i orange juice. .Shake and strain. 325. Weesuer Cocktail. i Gin, J French Vermouth, i Italian Ver mouth, J Orange Curasao, 4 dashes of Absinthe. Shake and strain. 326. Welcome Stranger Cocktail. I- ^ lemon juice, i orange juice, 3 Caloric Punch, J Gin, J Brandy. Shake and strain 327. Wembley Cocktail (1). 8 Gin, J French Vermouth,2 dashes of Cal vados, 1 dash of Apricot Brandy. Shake and strain.


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