City of Morgan Hill Communications Assessment

Appendix B – Communications Survey Summary As part of this Communications Assessment, Tripepi Smith collaborated with Maureen Tobin to create and send out a “Communications Satisfaction Survey” in the City’s Constant Contact account. The purpose of the survey was to gauge the community’s current satisfaction with the City’s communication methods and frequency. The City published this survey in both English and Spanish, promoted it via mass email to Constant Contact subscribers, posted links to the survey on the City’s main Facebook Page and ‘Boosted’ the Post (Reaching 11,700 people), mailed a bilingual postcard to all residents that included links to both versions of the survey, and made hard copies available at City facilities. The English version of the survey received 609 partial and completed responses and the Spanish version received 8 partial and completed responses. The City and Tripepi Smith collectively decided not to limit computing devices to a single response to make it possible for community members to utilize public resources, such as computers at the Library, to submit survey answers. As such, the survey is not truly scientific; it is our hope that the relatively large response pool helped mitigate any repeated submissions. These survey results help us better understand the viability of certain communication platforms and activities, as well as unique traits of the Morgan Hill community when it comes to communication practices. The survey was purely supplemental to this report: its results often reaffirmed statements from interviewees and hypotheses from City staff, and sometimes helped affirm strategic recommendations. Full copies of the Survey results and responses are available on the City website.


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