2016 Spring Newsletter

Object in 03 states that the triangular points at the top and bottom are of the Late Ceramic age and were made by the Wichi UB *OEJBO BODFTUPST *O .JBNJ $PVOUZ 8JDIJUB JUFNT BSF VTVBMMZ GPVOE NJYFE JO UIF 1PNPOB DPNQMFY ć F BODFTUSBM 8JDIJUB (Great Bend complex) is mentioned in a number of items. /PU BMM JUFNT BSF PME *OEJBO NBEF CVU CZ B NPEFSO Ę JOU LOBQQFS *UFNT BOE BSF TVHHFTUFE BT CFJOH made by a friend of Sam’s from Independence known as George (Eklund) possibly? Item # 63 is of special interest as it is a pipe drill used to drill out bowls and stems of stone pipes. Because it shows no worn edges it may have been made by George. *UFN JT MJTUFE BT iMFę $MPWJT 3JHIU BT 4DPUUTCMVČ w BOE CPUI BSF PG 1BMFPJOEJBO QPJOU TUZMF XIJDI XPVME CF BCPVU years old. ć JT 8IJUF OPUF CPPL BMTP DPOUBJOT QBHFT PG OFXTQBQFS DMJQQJOHT GSPN UIF TFWFSBM DPVOUZ OFXTQBQFST BOE IBOE ESBX JOH CZ 4BN ć F OFXTQBQFS DMJQQJOHT GPMMPX UIF EJHHJOHT QSPHSFTT BU UIF )JMMTEBMF EJH *O NPSF UIBO TUVEFOUT GSPN 8JDIJUB 4UBUF BOE ,BOTBT 6OJWFSTJUZ IFMQFE XJUI UIF NFUJDVMPVT IBOE EJHHJOH BOE TJę JOH PG EJSU NBUFSJBM %PO #MBLFTMFF Ph.D. and Arthur H. Rohn, Ph.D. both from Wichita State University Anthropology Dept., were the principal investigators at the Hillsdale dig. Very near these digs were both the old town of Tontzville and the Quantrill crossing at Rocky Ford. *O UIF 1SPKFDU %JSFDUPS ,BUIFSJOF %BOJFM IBE IFBSE PG )FSUIB T FYQFSUJTF JO ĕ OEJOH DBNQTJUFT BOE BTL IJN UP KPJO the team. Sam used topographic maps, aerial photographs and knowledge of general topography to delineate areas along Big Bull Creek. Two sites of interest were the Sherwood and Doherty sites. Scattered charcoal and pottery fragment and burnt QPMF IPMFT XIFSF GPVOE BU 4IFSXPPE TJUF /VNFSPVT QJFDFT PG Ę JOU BOE QPUUFSZ XIFSF GPVOE BU %PIFSUZ TJUF ć F EJHHJOHT IBWF EJTDPWFSFE BU MFBTU UISFF *OEJBO DVMUVSFT 1PNPOB 8PPEMBOE BOE UIF /FCP )JMM #FDBVTF PG 1VCMJD -BX ć F U.S. Corps of Engineers was authorized to spend 1% of original cost of the lake which was $440,000 to uncover artifacts and historical information. Because of Hertha’s help for this project, an area within the northeast portion of the Osage Plains in Kansas and the Western Prairies of Missouri has been named the HERTHA COMPLEX. It dates around A.D. 750. Blakeslee’s Time Line for Miami $PVOUZ EBUFT UP UIF JDF BHF BCPVU ZFBST BHP BT FWJEFODF PG UIF ĕ STU QFPQMF IFSF ć F NJMMFOOJB UJNF MJOF JT MJLF UIJT Paleoindian 11,000 -8,500 B.C., Early Archaic 8,500 -5,500 B.C., Middle archaic 5,500 - 2,500 B.C., Late archaic 2,500 -1 BC. ć F &BSMZ $FSBNJD EBUFT UP " % .JEEMF $FSBNJD " % BOE -BUF $FSBNJD " % 8F BMTP IBWF PUIFS BSSPXIFBE DPMMFDUJPOT ć F QJFDF POF XBT DPMMFDUFE QSPCBCMZ JO UIF CZ (VT &WFSU B NJMF FBTU and a mile north of Henson according to the Peter Lowe report. I remember playing with Don and Loren Herrs on a knoll KVTU TPVUIFBTU PG UIFJS IPNF JO BCPVU BOE TFFJOH NBOZ TNBMM DIJQT PG SPDL ć BU MPDBUJPO XBT IBMG XBZ CFUXFFO UIF Piankashaw village east of Henson and the Wea village below where Wea Creek hits Bull Creek Another collection by Phil .JOEFO IBT BSSPXIFBET GPVOE JO 8FB $SFFL BSFB BOE BSPVOE FBTUFSO ,BOTBT )F BMTP CFDBNF BEFQU BU Ę JOU LOBQQJOH A year ago Scott Geiger of Osawatomie, Kansas requested an evaluation of a small, about 30 pieces, arrowhead collection. I got him and Dee Graham of Louisburg, Kansas, together at our Indian Room. By feeling the smoothness or sharpness of edg FT BOE VTJOH B NBHOJGZJOH HMBTT UP MPPL GPS QPXEFS )F DPVME BTDFSUBJO UIBU QBSU PG UIBU DPMMFDUJPO XBT OFXMZ NBEF CZ B Ę JOU knapper. One real spear point He valued at over $2,000. He has a book like the auto Blue Book for ID and valuing arrowhead

With a letter addressed to the Swan River Museum dated 11-10-2005 Helen Hertha Kesinger, suggest that for more information about the Hertha arrow heads and the Hillsdale dig; we should contact Har old D. Graham of Louisburg. Kansas. She also gave VT B DPQZ PG ć F "SDIFPMPHJDBM )FSJUBHF PG ,BOTBT by Reynolds and Lee. It refers to the Hertha Phase PO QBHFT BOE BOE EFĕ OFT UIF IJTUPSJDBM MJOF in Kansas and explains many terms, sites and names. )FS MFUUFS BMTP TUBUFT UIBU Bę FS 4BN )FSUIB EJFE JO 1998, Helen donated his private collection of arti facts from Hillsdale Reservoir archeological dig. So GBS * IBWF OPU GPVOE UIF ĕ OBM 4VNNFSZ 3FQPSU PO UIF Hillsdale dig, but will keep searching.

A perfect 5 inch spear head


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