News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. 0 . 127,454)






p_ c. B

11 '1 1. en at lJSD for seven vear He will become the first lay president of the upstate New York college ..The ~evc>n ,c.irs at llSD have been the mo ·t ·u porwnt vear for my per. ondl pruet> ,ion, I devel - opment ·· Pi<'kl'lt s:tid ) estcrday, addmg th I gaming a college> presi- dency lulfI!ied a longtime goal He was sc>lected from 72 appli - cants for the po t and will leave l 'SD on July 31 The r\ew York college, founded in 1948 by the Order ol the Congrrga- tion of St. Basil ha an enrollment of 3,000 tudents. USO has 5,300 stu- dents. During his years at USD, Pickett worked closely with campus Pres1 dent Author E. Hughes to boost annu- al fund raising from $1 million to $6 9 million. His expertise in the field caused the U.S. Information Agency

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William L. Pickett

to s<•nd him to Nigeria last summer to teach fund-raising techniques to the heads of that nation's 27 universi- ties. Hughes also credits Pickett with being instrumental in USD's success- ful efforts to build five multimillion dollar buildings in recent years, while the university increased facul- ty salaries by 50 percent and boosted enrollment.


Holtville, Calif. Tribune (Cir. W 1,135) JU 1 986


P. c. B.

Est. 1888

- COLLEGE BRIEFS De~rJ ) ward:CJ A I Clgremont ;,h/< Robin D. Uurkc received h1, B.Sc . degree lrom I Massachuset1s lnsti1u1e of Technology, Princeton, Yale, Stanford and Johns Hopkins univer si1ies. Harvey Mudd College, a member of The Ciaremo111 Colleges, is a coeduc.:a -

the Uni1ed Method,.,, Stu- dc111 Hou.,e and a member of the Psychology Club, Hui -O-Hawa1i and Wesley Christian Fellowship. A 1983 giaduate of Kalani High S..:hool, M'>, Jo.,e will attend lhc Unive,.,11y of San D1e1,o 1nislall 10 earn a master of ccJuca1ion t.lcgree in counseling and pupil per- wnncl ;crvices ncde111ial\. lht' University of Pugc1 Sou11d is a '>lllali, private lllll Vc·f\11y COfllrllilled lo p11iv1dir1g a 411ali1 y iihl'r al cd11rnli Mudd Cullcg_c al ...Q_aremonL a1 lhe reccn1 i.:ommem:emcn1 cere1l)on- ic,. He gradua1ed cum lauclc in 1he 1ndcp1:nden1 s1ud1c, College Fellow~ Progra111, recc1v111g depanmcntal honor ., Ill L"0111p111c1 \l' ll'lll L'. I le wa, awarded General Eiec·1ric Co. fellowship lo a11c11d 'gradua1e school and a ,ernmJ fe llowship 110111 Yale U111vc"r1y', u1111p111er S<.:IL'llc"C dl'pl . 10 p11r,11c tloc1or al ,111die, 1hc1e. A member ol 1he HHS of 1982, Burke i, 1hc MHI of Mr . and Mrs. Quen- tin Uurke, 817 EaM Ugh1h S1ree1. He was one of 124 HMC diploma; mcncernen1 exercises. Margarer L.A. MacVicar, dean of undergraduare srudies at Massachuse11s ln;111ute of Technology and vice president of the Carnegie Ins1i1u1ion, was lhe commencemen1 speaker during rhe ceremony al which 10 master of engineering degrees and two master of ar1s in ma1hema1ics degrees were also awarded. rorty-eighr percen1 of 1he graduates are heading for such pre;1igious graduare schools as Universi1y of California ar Berkeley, California In - stitute of Technology, === zr:::::::::- NI::\\ NFIGHBOR? Sho,. you wolcomr IMm 10 IM comm~nlh b) ordrrina them a subscnpr,o~ ro lht Ho/11•ill, Tribun,. Call 356-29';5 ro, Wbs<-riplion dtpl. a, 1he co111- se nior; who re..:e1vcd

lional, undergraduate col- lege of engineering and science. A recent survey \h

Leonor Craig, left, and Vicki Rogers at Door of llope Auxiliary lunch

Emily and Arthur Lee at The Covey's installation luncheon and service awards presentation

Shirley Rubel and Dr. Robert Petersdorf at SOMA dinner

A l:TIIOR Betty Leslie-Melville, whose book about her life in Africa, "A Falling Star," has been well received, was guest of honor at a recent dinner benefiting the Afri- can Fund for Endangered Wildlife, which she founded with her late husband, Jock Melville. The dinner, featuring an African-themed menu, was held at Rainwater's restaurant. Betty spoke about Africa and her home outside Nairobi, Gi- raffe Manor SOMA, the UCSD School of Medicine Associ- ates, met June JO for dinner and a lecture by Dr. Steven R Garfin. Election of new officers pre- ceded the dmner. Shirley Rubel will have a sec- ond term as president. The Natural History Museum's auxiliary - The Covey - met June 10 at the Mission Valley Inn for installation of officers and presentation

of service awards. Museum president Mike Col- lins was featured speaker. U 1versity of San Diego president Author Hughes and lus wife;--Marge, were presented Catholic Community Services' "Spirit of Chari- ty" award Friday at a black-tie benefit dinner dance at Town and Country Hotel. Bud and Kay Alessio, Terry and Charlene Brown, the Jim Co- lachises, the John Daleys, Ernie and Jean Hahn and Tawfiq and Riebel Khoury chaired the event The Salvation Army Door of Hope Auxiliary met Friday at La Jolla Country Club for instal- la!Jon of officers. Rose Mary Taylor was chair- man of the luncheon meeting. Silver, Gold and Founder's Circle members of the Ellen Browning Scripps Society were enter- tained Saturday by the Scripps Memorial Hospi- 9

tals Foundation board. The cocktail party was held at the Del Mar home of the Ralph Stavers. San Diego Historical Society had a High Tea at the Horton Grand Hotel Saturday, preceding its annual business meeting. Members of the San Diego Youth Symphony entertained. Marion Maynard was chairman. In the first of what it hopes will be annual Oscar parties, the American Cancer Society's Society Club had a "Out of Africa" party Satur- day at the Wild Animal Park Steve Sullaway chaired the fund-raiser, which featured mono- rail rides, dancing to the music of The Cadillacs and entertainment by African dan.cers. Tribune photos by Bill Romero. Cindy Lubke-Romero,

l-lonors Day


Acadcmic .s

1ec:ogni,-cd a1 I he annual A lo, Ille, lllayor and Clly Horwr, Day al Cau1J:loii~ l·o11nc1lma11, Wil,011 and _j .111hrra11 lJnivnsiu hi, wife Marian11e moved Thousand Oaks, and 10 Boule ard four years s1udenb were named 10 ago. honoraries a11d scholarship lhc June 2, a1 whi ·h Prores,or Harte-lla11h Markc1ing Arthur Mille, of Harvard Scholar,hip for 1hc Law School delivered 1he 1986-87 academi..: year. l'Olllfllcncen 1en1 add1 l'Ss . _/ i'"••nH_H_..............................,... Western S1a1c gradua1es Soml· 1.10 law , iudc·, were grad11a1ed a1 1he con 1• 11 s winne1s were ci1ed. Cam11lf Collins, fro111 rnencemen1 nerci,e, on Hol1v1ile, received

Dave Si

arc certified as candida1es lo lake lhe California S1a1c Uar Exa111i11a1ion in July . Wilson rc,eived rrc·ogni - tiou including 1he Honor Roll and an American JunsprudenL·e Aw.;ird . Melinda Jo~e. daughter of 1he Rev . and Mrs. Lui her Josi: of Holt ville, degree in psychology from 1he U1~rs11y of Pu&i:1 Sound in Tacoma, Wash ., th!S""fnonth . Ac the University. Ms. Jose was coord111a1or of received her bachelor's BA For Ms. Jose

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2q 55


Judgeship on his father's repu- tatwn. The JR-year-old son points to his backg11iund as a former .\fonne, a prosecutor in the Or· ange County District Attorney's OffH:c for eight years and a for- mer t1nl lawyer raduate of the Unive1 ~II} of San Diego law choo-r;---' Ihomas sa~ she believe,, that the court }stem today 1s too soft on cnme. "I will not shrink from wvmg fir. t-time offenders Jail tim ·, · Thomas sa}·s. "If

we have to stack criminals like sardmes in the jai!s•until the 'treets are safe, I would do that" His campaign literature states that he wIII give all f1rst- t1me drunken drivers a jail . en- tence He al so sars he believes that people who solicit homo- . exual acts in public should go to Jail, as should prostitutes and their customers. "Prostitu- tion is not a \ ictimless crime," he sm s. ·'It attacks the basic value·, of women and degrade_y them.' _-/


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THOMAS z R obert E. Thoma trator until recently, but 'I homa 1s not nmn1ng for a father \Ins Orange ( ounty s ch1d adm111is III s

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