News Scrapbook 1986
oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) Blade Tribune (Cir. D. 29,089) (Cir. S. 30,498)
ediatio~enters Get Lo~ger Life Via New Agency 90 Percent Success Rate Wins Over Skeptical Judges, Warrants OngoingOverseer By PAULINE REPARD ."'-an O,ego Da1/_1, Tran-.rnpt StalTWritt:'r The two fam,li • wouldn't even talk lo each oth, r any mon:. Y(',m, of feuding over easement nghls ,t their homes and demohshmg each other's beach ·ta1rwa s had led to nothing but big leg I bills JudgP Robert O'Ne 11, 8eemg that the fight had trailed in Supe- rior Court for years, had an idea. He sent the families over to the Commumty Mediation Program run Jomtly by University Qf San DiegQ School of Law and the county bar assoc1atltJn . A trained voluntet.!r mediator managed ,v. hot lav. ven, and judges b fore had not. 1 he dispute was rei;olvcd nm1c,1blv \\ 1th, among other thmg , ,rn ab JUN 23 1986 • , JlllC'n '• P c 8 ' ,, ,xx , U~~ 5 offers courses for seniors 7 SAN m1ifo - A wide variety of velopment Corporation projects icans and Japanese youth in• topical courses will be offered at director. eluding: · th Univer ity of the Third Age • "The Changing Health Care • "Soviet Foreign Policy in East (U3AJ, July 14,Juiy 31, a program System,'' with Janet Harrison, a Asia," with Patrick Orman, a USO for those 55_ year old and over, at USD associate profes or of nursing. political science professor. the Universitt.,of San Diego. • "Aging with Wit and Wi dom,' ' • "San Diego's Role in World Every '""Monday-tfltougn-Thur ·. with Mary Scherr, a U D adjunct Trade," with William Lofft, World day i:nornmg, a_fter an hour of light professor. Trade Association re ident of the ~hys1cal exerc1 ·e conducted by a During the ·econd week of local chapter. f1tnessprofes ional. "students" will classes. U3A participants will be On July 31, the Japanese students attend two one-hour lecture at the offered a unique learning experi will deliver a cultural report Ma~che ter Conference Center ence. They will attend lectures The cost to attend U3A is . 55. auditorium. with a group of 45 Japanese tu- Participants must provide their mong the lectures cheduled dents visi.ting USD from Seishin own trar.~portatJon . are; ( acred Heart) University in Tokyo. For more rnformation contact • '_'The Centre City Story," with Several lecture y, ill be tailored John Nunes at 260-4682 ~r Jacqui David All brook, Centre City De• to the integration of elderly Amer- Hones at 260 4585, .r4, -L l • •• San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) JUN 25 1 6 ,Jtllc,n • P c. B , 's x PuttipgUp ChineseWalls ~,t:,'j"? Typhoid Mary Uf\d hme. on ethics, aid Monday tho8e walls W II rcn't your everyday buzz• might includ '. 'o participation in w rd no •ven among l.iwyer . fees, no ncce s to the files and no They popped up, though, during consultations" 11 recent noontmu• forum about The b'Tound rules should be laid ethic: pon orcd bv the Public out b forehand regarding possible Lawy rs omnuttce of the County conflicts and improprieties when Hur A an attorney moves from the public undTyph idMary pm . Media Watch: Douglas Olins will discuss unlawful Job termina- tion on Channel 5l's "At the Bar" program Sunday at 8:30 a.mL on July 19 at Vacation Village .. phone the County Bar offi h1ch in turn will refer them to thP lawyer on call As for Typhoid Mary problems, "Make sure you tal k about it in advance and set up a screenmg procedure from the outset,' said Bowie. "The problems on the fed era! side are legion." * * * Saxon, Alt, Brewer & Kin- cannon has moved from offices from Mission Valley to Regents Square. * * .. Beginning next month Weissburg and Aronson will be writing a health care law newslet- ter for Matthew Bender & Co. * .. * Stuart Eppsteiner has become a partner with Miller & Gjhhs The firm has mo,·ed offices to 12625 High Bluff Dr., Suite 300. * * .. Stephen Landuyt, Susan Mercure and Marco Garavaglia have become associated w1th Har- rigan, Ruff, Ryder & Sbardellati. * * * San Diego Trial Lawyers will present a governmental tort liabil ity seminar from 8 ? M to 12:30 , • San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) to the priva e sector, or when at- torneys switc~ firms. Weck~tem was on the panel along with Bowie, Michael Weaver of Sheppard, :.follin, JUN 2i G .Jlllen's P c. a ' ,, 1888 lVlediatiob Centers - LawBriefs by Martin Kruming Sh'e said he and a few other Su- perior Court judges have come ,iround to recognize out-of-court mediation, and occasionally refer cases to the community centers. The small claims division of Munm · I Court also routinely mentions mediation as an option. Typically, she said, ediators /Continued on Page I (Co~tinuedfrom~agelAJ;J,_q,~ four will go on the SDYCS payroll, ~ear gr1p~s mvolvmg property and their 70 80 volunteers will join Imes, parkmg, landlords, tenants the 200 already helping at SDYCS. and contractors who prefer not to A joint bar association and uni- have their reputations muddied m versity Law Center to research and court. set · I up expenmenta models of Liz Shear, executive director of community service programs is a SDYCS, said the public shouldn t concept unique to San Diego, worry about changes in the scr- Hallstrom said. vices offered at the Golden Hill and "Th · ere 1s no other similar Mira Mesa mediation centers. animal in the nation, to look at Trained volunteers will continue problems with the delivery of legal to listen to neighborhood griev- services and come up with creative ances and work with both sides to responses," she added. Expenses define the problem and goal In for the two centers, picked up by contrast to arbitrators, mediators the city, have run about $120,000 a don't inject their own solutions, but year. rather act as a go-between during hostilities. The Law Center's first project Liz Underell, on the Law Center was the Volunteer Lawyers Pro- staff for six months, will direct the gram to offer free legal advice to new operation. th e poor The first mediation center Shear said acquiring a mediation was established in Golden Hill in P .. II d 1983, and in Mira Mesa a yea1· rogram rea Y oes fit our goals later. Richter & Hampton, and Justice Howard Weiner of the Fourth District Court of ppeal. In San Diego attorneys can get an wers to ethical questions through an ethics hotline that's ex- bted since the m1d-1970s. According to Arthur Wilcox, chairman of the Legal Ethics and Unlawful Practice Committee, the hotline 1s staffed by attorneys who rotate every two week . "Quite often the questions are easy to answer over the phone," said Wilcox, a partner with Pro- copio, Cory, Hargreaves and Savitch "The bulk of the inquiries are from attorneys m sole practice or very small practices." With the more complicated ques- tions, attorneys are asked to set forth the details in a letter for review by the entire committee. "Thi usually takes a cl7uple of months," said Wilcox. One of the concerns which some attorneys have, said Wilcox, is whether the Ethics Committee will turn them into the State Bar. "We have no rltsciplinary authority," he said "It'~ purely an advisory comm ttee." However, if a problem surfaces, let's say, whereby the committee learns that an attorney has taken money from a client's trust ac- count, "we have an obligation to forward 1t to the State Bar," said Wilcox. Gener,,11), the committee will brmg the problem to the attorney's attention and suggest that the lawyer contact the Bar. A criminal violation would be referred to the city attorney or district attorney. The hotlme averages about 10 to 15 call a week Attorneys should San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415) of community problem-solving." And, she noted, in an increasingly budget-conscious nation, it doesn't hurt that government funding will no longer have to support two ad- ministrative offices. She added that she hopes to ex- pand mediation to SDYCS's other sites around the city. Nonprofit SDYCS has been around since 1969, running and acquiring a variety of community service projects. The group runs Bridge and Gatehouse, two shelters for runaways; the Family Care Research Center training foster familie to rear troubled teens; Adam 55 for senior citizen crime victims; a health center hotline near San Diego State; and community counseling centers in Ocean Beach and Golden Hi II. About one-third of its $2.9 mil- lion budget goes to paying the foster families for boarding children, and another portion to 70 staff salaries. The money comes from all levels of government, city to federal, United Way and private donations. The mediation centers' staff of "Dispute resolution has at- tracted a great deal of mterest by the bar and legal community,'' Hallstrom continued. "Traditional litigat10n is not always efficient or cost effective." ' Volunteers are found m the neighborhood, from business ~chools, social service agencies'. We even let a few lawyers in," Hallstrom Joked, adding that t hey are often hard to train,, schooled as they are in adversary tactics. Last year the two centers receiv- ed 2,025 calls for service, but about half of those turned out to need a simple referral elsewhere, or in volved problems staff felt they couldn't handle. The remaining 1,000 to 1,100 disputes were resolved either in telephone or face-to-face sessions with the mediator. Hallstrom sa id of the 90 percent of cases which ended happi ly, about 82 percent stayed that way when follow-up inquiries were made by t he staff "That's pretty enco uraging when one looks at t he alternatives court," she said. .Jl//c,n 's P c. B I ,, 1888 /Electrical Engineering ~:i~~: ~ar~e:: sity ol San Diego will offer a bachelor's degree program in elec- trical engineering. Dr. Thomas Kanneman, current- ly professor of electronics and com- puter engineering technology at Arizona State University, has been named director of the 4½-year pro- gram. Kanneman joins USD after 30 years of professional experience in the field, including 12 years as chair of the engineering depart- ment at ASU. •
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