News Scrapbook 1986
San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Ci r. D. 217,089) (Cir. S . 341 ,840)
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. s 55,573) b
261 6
.Jlllrn '• P C B ,xxs YoiPJ!t.~ .. onrerence al C ntcr will sponsor a conference Religion / ,
l IOI P. C. tharges Planned in Crash Fatal to 3 SDSU Rowers By J &./lf:.., 7'imes Staff Writer Ma11~l,iughler rh.irges will be '• B £<1 I 888
~! .,~~!?.. Aug. 3 and at 7 p.m. Aug, 4-6. perform at 6 p.m. tomorrow at an open-air site on Carmel Mountam Road, the future home of Rancho Penasquitos Church of the Nazarene. • Fiesta Days in Encinitas will be held from 5 p.m. Friday through next weekend on the grounds of St. John's Catholic Church in Encinitas. The fiesta commemorates the founding of Encinitas by Catholic priest Juan Crespi, who passed through the area with the Portola Expedition in 1769. • Members of the congregation of Beth Am in Solana Beach will greet Cantor Judith Bender, recently ap- pomted chazzan and director of edu- cation, at its monthly family service at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 8 at the Beth Am ,m • The Butlers, a male trio, will Manor, N.Y., will officiate at ser- vices with Rabbi Wayne Dosick. As director of education, Bender wlll be principal of Beth Am's Jewish Learning Center and supervise the Yeladim Group, the Chavurat Noar for high school students and the con- gregation's three youth groups The monthly family service for parents and children is described as a "Jewish Happening" featuring singing, prayers and blessings, and a The service will be followed by an Oneg Shabbat, including a birthday cake, to celebrate the birthdays of children who were born in August. synagogue. Bender, who served the Congrega- tion Sons of Israel in Briarcliff Jewish tradition story.
This week's program is entitled "Word of God." Programs to be tele- cast in the next three weeks are: "Is
e W S
·ind young adults next
for youth
pnson on rach count, sa id llunter. Law, ence Sperber, f.'arrage's aL - torncy, had ant1c1paled the charges against his client and has assured Merced Coumy officials that Far- rng will surrender when charged, said llunlcr. 'l'he prosecuLor said the dcc1s1on to charge ~•arragc on felony <:ounts waH made after an 111veHligaLion of the acc1dcnL by Cahforn1a Ilighway Patrol invest1galors revealed thal ~'arrage guilty of gross negli - g nee. lnvesugalors said lhe van was Lravehng a "1111111mum of 75 m.p.h." when Lhe let'i rear lire blew oul, C'ausmg Farrage LO lose control of the vch1elc Please tee CRASH, Pr Ile a thr vrn .il .i safe ~peed he sllll would've been able to conLru l lhe veh1clt even w1lh a blown tire, " S,lld Hunler. llun er said the CJJP 1nvesllg.i - L1on indud(•d 1merv1 WS Wllh sur- YIVOl'S of the Crdtih and Wllh pas- ~engcr. 111 .i second van lhal was following the doom .d vehicle. The second van was carrying women ath lells frurn SDSU and Lhe U111- v e1'1.l!:.t_0 f San I) 1!.f:,0, Empty beer cans were found in the van, bul Hunler said 1hal Farrage was nol dnnk ing and I he CllP coricluded Lhat alcohol was nol a facLor 111 Lhe acc1dcnt. "The bottom lrne 1s. Lhat speed was the cause," CIJP spokesman l3ob Ar- noldsa1d. Killed m the acc1denL were De - rek Gults," said llunler. ~'arragi: 1 s sllll hosp1lahied from I ll1JUl'ICS suffe red rn the are1clcnt and has undergone al leasl seve_n skin . grafls for burns suffered Ill Lhe Li crash. < ' I' 1 .
w ·ckend at th U~versity of San
filed Lo ------------- Genesis Right'" ''Does Sin Exist?" Die o and "Immortality," eg1 tration will begin at 5 p.m. Friday nd the opening se · ion at 7 Th,, ronference 1 planned for peo- 14 and old r. Speakers wlll m- elude the R v. Peter Canavan, cam- pus ministry director at Los Angeles City College and a member of the F ranc1scan Friars of the Atonement, and 1stcr Antonia. whose main min- 1stry 1· at the La Mc a Prison m T1- Juana The conference will close at 1 pl pm • College Avenue Baptist Church ha planned II sene of 6 p.m. Sunday Sp.'akers and mu ic will be provid- d tomorrow by the Rev. John Max- well and the choir of Skyline Wesley- hurch. The program also in- an trau. , ind the choir of Emmanuel Faith Community Church in &condi- rvircs for the. ummer clude . ug. 3, Pa •tor Richard • Th , third annivcr ary of an in - terfaith prayer group will be held at noon Thursday at .Jackson Memorial Church m Southea ·t an Diego Mar- tha Feath r ton 1 s the founder and pres1d nt of the group that includes worn n of Pcntcco tal , Apo tohc, Ca thol1 , Baptist, Methodi t and • Five United Church of Christ Partne . hip Churches - Kensmgton Commumty, Chri tian Fellow hip, 0 · a n View, Chme e Community and 10n Hills First Congregational - will hold a Jomt vaca tion Bible M1 l'r bytenan churchc ·. P m. Aug. 3. do, a nd Aug 10, Pa tor Richard Dre clhau · and the <"hoir of First embly of Goo Aug. 17 ther wi ll be a baptism . ervire at Mi sion BJy. • The Mission Hills First Congre- gational Church, 4070 Jackdaw St., sponsors Sufi dancing at the church on Mondays from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Sufi is described as meditative Refreshments are served at each session. Donations are accepted. • The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, comprised of 95 mem- hers under the direction of Michael Brewer, will present a concert at the First Presbyterian Church, 320 Date St., at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. The youth choir was formed to promote national and internat!onal understanding through music and has appeared in many cathedrals in Eng- land and has been televised on the BBC. The choir presented 20 concerts At 7:30 p.m. Friday, the church will present a Mary Rice Hopkins Con- cert at the church sanctuary. Hopkins has recorded three popu- lar Christmas albums and has made three recordings for children. A free-will offering will be accept- ed at the concert. Nursery care will circle dancing that is cheerful, peaceful and easy to learn. in a 1984 California tour. There is no admission charge and ch!ld care will be provided. EvangeliSt A the Pomerado Road Baptist Church Aug. 3-6. Lacy is the founder of Den- ver Baptist Temple in Denver, one of the largest churches in the West. He cy wi spea at Bible College before resigning to be- come a full -time evangelist. He will also founded the Temple Baptist be provided. North I La 11 k school Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration forms are available at all the churches. • The World Healing Center will Great American Savings Bank. Cass Smllh and Annie Miracle will lead the sessions to teach love of self and othen; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Steve Silverstein, staff member of Jews for Jesus, will speak at ser- vices for Kehilat Ariel Messianic Congregation Friday through Aug. 3. • Students between the ages of 7 and 12 at Christ the Cornerstone Lu- theran summer school will present a musical production, entitled Daniel, Darius and DeLion, based on the bib- lical story of Daniel in the Lion's Den, m the sanctuary of the church, 9028 Westmore Road in Mira Mesa at The musical, under the direction of Betsy Frater, also will be presented in the church. anctuary at 10:30 a.m. • The First Unitarian Church will pre ·ent a 30-minute Bible series pro- gram each week on cable television on Sundays, Mondays and twice on Tuesdays begmnmg this week. The programs will be telecast at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow on Southwestern Channel 15 and on Cox Cable Channel 24 on Monda~ at 10:05 p.m. and at 10:35 a.m. and 6:35 p.m. on Tuesdays. hold Christ training sessions this weekend at the University Towne Center' today and tomorrow. 7 p.m. Thursday. Aug. 3. CRASH: ( Charges Planned ls ei o Continued fr~m Palle l 1 JUL ..Aflrn East ,. ,. 18$8 P. C. B The Univi wn cable broadcasts ible as a voice of wis- The Great Day will give a concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the United Church of Christ on Kelton Avenue in focus on the dom mterpreted in the light of com- pass10n in human relations and rea- ,..,- __,.,, La Mesa. • San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27,500) STUART R. GRAUER :1-i ')') Assistant Director, new RSF school Grauer to be assistant director at new school Stuart R. Grauer of Del Mar has been named assistant director of Fairbanks Country Day School in Rancho Santa Fe. Grauer, a 13-year veteran edu- cator, is former principal of the International School of Basel, Sw.itzerland and is completing a doctorate in educational leadership at the University of San Diego. Grauer specializes in school development and cur- riculum innovation. Fairbanks Country Day, formerly the La Jolla School , is new to Rancho Santa Fe and will open its doors to students from pre-school through grade 12 in September. Plans for the school. to be built on nine acres just west of Fairbanks Ranch, feature the striking earth-form architecture of Kendrick Kel- logg and the highly individual- ized computerized instruction- al programs of La Jolla educa- tors Judson and Christine Cor- nish. The Cornishes were students of world famous psychologist B.F. Skinner at Harvard Uni- versity. Grauer believes that by merging his international per- spective with the scientific and technological orientation ofthe school. Fairbanks Country Day will be able to offer an educa- tional system \.\ ith one foot planted in the future . In- terested parties should call 454-9191 < ~lien's I ~8 I p C B I. /p,incipa/ wins alumni award z_.,q~ SAN DII~G - I. J oseph JSter Dolort· Anchondo, princi pal uf the A, aderny of Our La dy of Peace, rece ntly received 1n Outstand111g Al umni of the Yrar v. ard frorn the lJn iver :!LJf San Diego' School of Educati on. Dr Wa ll ate Co h e n , se lection comnuttee d airman , c11ed the di vcr ·e area of le dcr,h1p Si ter Anrhoudo has provid d at Our Lady of Peare smce becorn111g tt prmci p.,I m 198 1. THE ACADEMY ' S Advanced PJ.u·ement i'rol{r,1m ha. grown from one oflt"n ng to fo u, . P hysic. h.,s been added to thc- ~Jenn• curriru lum , and the matlwma 1 honors trac k has been reek-fi n d on .,!J level . T wo CIF ports have been added The pri nci pal ha expa nded the ,m1pu rn m1 s1ry program to include two lacult> lllt'mbers and ., fo ur-rear ret reat program Six coun ·lor who Sld/f the C. uid,1nce a nd Coun cling Depa rtment o fter re ferral se r vices as well as prol sional counseling to the s1udent s. Dr \Va llace al o no ted S is te r Anchondo 's effort toward developing a leadtersh1p training program for the girls who have oppor tuni tie t o learn Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego EdJ (Cir. D 50 ,010) (Cir. S 55,573) San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500) JU 819 Jlll~n•• P. c. e E.<1. 1888 . -- County Schools Planning Druf Education Program ol.. . if Hy NANCY REED, Times Staff Wnter ..All~11 '• P, C B 1888 T.. v -- .... ,c;; The State B!e! lifornia has appointed Univ-....,.'::--....,_,San Diego School of Law professor, Lester B. Snytrer, totlie executive committee of the taxation section. Dr. Erkki Ruos- lahti, vice president and scientific direc- tor of the La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation, has been awarded an Out- standing Investigator Grant by the 'ational Cancer Institute. Dr. Richard J. Kaye, a San Diego chiropractor, was awarded the distinguished service award by the California Chiropractic Associa- commu nication skills, time management, gro u p dy n ami cs a nd bu ild in g a commu n ity-minded ph iloso phy. THE PRINCIPAL expla ined to the commitrct the academy' s philosophy of fostering commun ity se rvice, adding that each year tude nt s contribute o,·er 11 ,000 ho urs of crvice to the poor in San D iego. be invoived in lhe effort. , Comm1tlee members are, Navy Rear Adm. Bruce Boland; King, Alan Bright, Jim Esterbrooks and Peter Frank of the San Diego Office of Educal1on; Tom Cieszynski, San Marcos Unif1ed School District, Barbara Clark and Melinda Wil- son-Newman, San Diego County Health Services; David Cleveland, Telesis II of California; James De - Leo, Professional School of Psy - chology, Uoiversity of San Diego, Dick Dorsey, Santee School Dis- trict, Pers1da Drakulich, professor, San Diego Slate University, Ed l<~letcher and Nancy Seimers, San Diego Unified School District, Sharon Giles, Chula Vista Cily School DiSLl'lCL; Mark Greenberg, d1reclor of lhe Chemical Depen- dency Unit, Pomen1do Hospital; Dianne S. Jacob, Jamul-Dulsura Union School District; Nina Kurtz, president, 9th District PTA; Mary Ann McCarty and Marsha Moora- dian, San D1eguito Union High School Dislrict; Mick Meagher, No- va Vita; Stan Rodkin, Poway Uni - fied School DislnCl; Jack Port, San Diego County Board of Education, and LL. David Spisak, San Diego Police Department. ThP San Diego Coumy Office of Edu('<1t1on on Thursday launched a ll('w effort to develop a compre- h, 11s1 ve .dr_u,g__~i.Qn pr.osram for the county's 43 school d1slricts. A steering committee made up of health, educat100, law enforcement and m1lnary representatives mel for the first lime Lo come up with a orng prevcnuon program that will bt' offered to d1stricls by the lime school slarLs in Lhc fall, said Lean K111g, director of Lhe CounLy Office of Bducatwn. lie said lhe 24-membcr advisory comnullee will prescnl a plan by SepL. 15 to the County Board of f~ducaL,on. The Cou11L_y Board of Education and Office of Education has pledged $1 m1lhon lO implement the program. Kmg said $300,000 will come from, s lale lollery funds, and more lhan $600,000 will come 111 the form of matenals and per- sonnel Lime. Comm1ltee members decided Thursday that a consistent, counlyw1de training program should be 11nplemented for Leach- em 111 ull grade levels, and that ad1n1111slrators and students should tion. Jim Trevellyan III, general manager of Trevellyan Olds- mobile, has been elected president of the San Diego Coun- ty Metropolitan Olds- mobile Dealers Association. Kenn- eth W. Moffett was recently cited at the annual meeting of agents of the North- westem Mutual Life Insurance Co. for Trevellyan outstanding sale. during the year ended May 31. Cox Cable has honored June Williams of its marketing department and David Wray, a repair service techni- cian, for work excellence. James J. Miles, president of Stewart Title Co., has been re-elected to the board of governors of The California Land Title Association.
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