News Scrapbook 1986

San D iego, Ca lif. Southern Cross (Cir. W 27 ,500) Pl 8 19


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,..., Police chief addresses USD audience I;:,::, By Sam Lucero ALCALA PARK - 'anctions, stifler jail sentences and education arc mandatory if the United tlltc · is eri- through a concerted education program, he add d. Kolendcr said he would go one step further in the light against drugs - allow crime fighters lo seize and retain


BANDITS MURDER, rap and rob peopk auempt· ing lo cross the border, yet th victims have no recourSt', he said. "We are the only police department in the world that protects illegals at the bard r." Kolender said the SDPD has recently begun keeping records of felonies commiucd hy illegal immigrants ; nearly 20 percent of th rimes are "ommined by them. Officers no long r turn them over to border patrol agents bemuse It wa · discovered polic spent too much time on border crossing violations and, in some instances, abused the law by a~ting as border patrolmen. SOLVING THE border problem is complex, but Kol- ender said the Unit..d ::itates needs a policy "with teeth in it." He believes employer sanctions against hiring a ll il- legal immigrants, not just Latin Americans, are manda· Iory. He also feds the number of immigrants allowed into the country should be increased, as well as projects such as the Bracero Program to .illow Mexican workers into the t·ountry. " The lxmom line is that we must work toward a Marshall plan in Mex1rn" to help the rnuntry regain <'tOnomk stability, Kolender said. / .

ous about solving its drug problems, San D1cg<> Police Chief Bill Kolender told an audience at th~ Un1ver ·ity of San Diego S ·pt. 12. Chief Kol,·ndcr ·poke at USD's Continuing Education Distinguished Speakers Series at the Manchester Confer• cnce Center He also gave hi views on curbing the en- trance of illegal immigrants at the border, gang violcnte and San Diego's homeless population. IN ORDER to reduce the selling and u.c of narcotics, Kolcnder sa,d the United States must impose cnforccabk anuion against countries known to import them. 'Drug dealers must be locked up, " he added. "(\'\'hen) you do good, you 're rewarded, yl seniors in California had ne,·cr smoked a cigarette. The same result i pmsiblc wllh drugs

assets from drug dealers, "1f we can take their homes, their cars and money, we 'II be making progress," he said. LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies, including the San Diego Police Department (SDPD), are already confiscat- ing some of those assets, Kolender said. " We JUSt got a new helicopter - a jet ranger" that was seized during a recent drug raid. Illustrating what could be rnlled poetic Justice, Kolcndcr said offi

E condldo, CA (San DI go Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 32,685) (Cir. S. 34,568)

SEP 1 71986



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TIMES-ADVOCATE Escondido, Ca., Wednesday, September 17 886 03

Whittier.". aid Coach Brian Fogar- ty. ~we're pleased that we opened the sea on with n wm on the road. We WPnt into the game with no c_han5e to defend ngam ·t that op tum. The Toreros surv iHd a last- minute rally by Whittier which came out with a triple-option of. fense, and Fogarty gave a good part of the credit to junior quarterback Pat Dixon. Fogarty tiay the La Verne team may ju t have the Toreros out weighed thi. Saturdav "L~ Verne is big and phy ·ical.~ he said. "Their defensive line aver- age around 240 and ours is around 220. IU will begin a women's soc- cer program, accordm to m 11• · adi Mike Hovenic . The women' team will compete on the club level this year and mav ad- vance to the NCAA Division i level next year. There will be 11 full cholarsh,ps offered and girl from an Die!(o County will be re cruited. Thi' San Diego State soccer team, meanwhile is holding the o. 5 spot among Far We t colleue S ' " soccer teams. DSU has scored 18 !(oal in its first live matches com- pared to 26 goal. all of last season. San Diego State has named Mark 'anders and Jim Spillers as- st tant track Coache,. Sanders, who set a . chool record in the de- cathlon, will coach severul events. while Spillers will coach women throwers.

1 he an Diego State ball team won the 10th I giate Cla src ,·olleybaJI champ on hip and Liane ato nam d to the all-tournament team. For SIC, whil'h fini~hed third m the tourna- ment. Claudia John on \\as named We. t Coast AthlE!tic C'onferenc player for volleyball. John on had had 111 kills, five ser\ 1 L ace , 11 I defeated 'Western 11chigan in four games. San Marcos graduate 11kc Barone '1\111 be third tring wide re ceiver on the Cornell Vmver ity loath II team this season. The team will open its sea on at Princeton this weekend. Baron a ·oohom.<.>E ea ~PLond team All-Avocudo Le gue honor a a senior in football and ba ball as nn outfielder. Sweeney watch: Fre no State's Kevin Sweeney I mo~ing up the !',;CAA pa smg I• t, h 1ving pushed out former Brigham Young quarterback Robbie Bosco for the • ·o. 9 spot. Sweeney ha amas. ed ,592 in the air, behind Joe Adam , who graduated Tenne~see State in 19~0 with 8,649. Doug Flutie, for mer Boston College quarterbark and Heisman Trophy winner 1 No. I on the list with 10 5~9 \ard , Sweeney needs six mor 200- yard pa . ing games to beat the , CAA record of :31 held bv Brian McClure of Bowling Gr n 1982- 8,'i), under the tutelage of Coach Stolz, ley olo block and 4 d1 leading her team to third l en r,,ute to

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

SEP 1 71 86

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324)

Fashion coordinator Connie Howard watches ·ondo Romero primp Adrina Morton at People Against Leukemia benefit,


Pat and Jay Mills, left, with Patricia White at Star- light's final opening-night dinner


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"' • D Distinguished Speakers Series-Bre;;j;fast seminar series sponsored-~ersity of San Diego begrns Sept. l~~ufego Police Chief B111 Kolendcr d,;cus ing " Crime in San Diego" 10 the Manchester Conference Center on campus. Breakfast at 7:30, seminar at 8. Info: 260-4585.... Leonard Robinson, president of 1he lrican Development Foundauon and former Deputy As,i,tant Secretary ofState on South Af- rican Affairs, ;,peak, on South Africa Sept. 16 at 7,30 p.m. 1n the Camrno Theater. Info: 231-011,S...--

Gloria Ruanova, left, and Bess Lambron at Caridad Internacional meeting

Padre Dave Dravecky and wife, Jan, on Madres' Mission Bay cruise

Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Krooemyer at Starlight's Sat- urday wine-tasting

Caridad Internacional, the Tijuana-San Diego service club, held its first meeting of the season recently at the Hanalei Hotel. Guest speaker was~ San Diego history professor Iris 'Engstrand. -- Among other recent San Diego social events of the past week were: • The final pre-theater dinner of the season I

for the San Diego Civic Light Opera Association and Starlight Society, Thursday in the inner courtyard of the Aerospace Museum, preceding the opening of "Evita," Starlight wrapped its season Saturday with a wine-tasting party at the museum. • People Against Leukemia's fourth annual luncheon and fashion show Saturday at San

Diego Hilton Beach and Tennis Resort, a benefit for Children's Hospital & Health Center. • A moonlit Mission Bay cruise Monday aboard the Bahia Belle for the San Diego Madres, a support group for the Padres and San Diego Youth Baseball. Tribune photos by Dmnis Huls, Bob Redding, Charles Starr and Joel Zwink

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