News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir D. 7,415)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

OCi 2 o 1986

OCT 221986

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Firing Cloud

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program that demonstrate screen the benefits of trusts for al• torneys, financial planners, s, trust companies, bank and insur- CPA A new eoftw re Computer Aided Design CAD) package nginccr ' architects and contrac- or f ance agents. * ,. •


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Business Matters by Dean Nelson

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

Bill Ballinger and Danab Fayman at Friends of UCSD Music reception The San Diego Museum of Art's hosted black- tie dinner Oct. 16 to inaugurate its Endowment Campaign was among San Diego area social events of the past. Announcement was made of a $1 million gift to the fund from the John M. and Sally B. Thornton Foundation. Umyers~n Diego Auxiliary had its an- nual fashion showllist week at the Town and Country Convention Center. JWRobinson's pro- vided the clothes. Rochelle Capozzi was chair- man. The Ellen Browning Scripps Society present- ed its annual award to Norman Edward Shum- way during a lecture, reception last week. Spe- cial guest was Ellen Revelle. The annual Dia de! Sol sponsored by the Beach and Country Guild _of United Cerebral

Norma Shiner, left, Mel Katz and Val Moore at Ascot '86 fund-raiser Palsy Women's Committee was held last week at the Rancho Santa Fe estate of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blackmore. Klee Wyk Auxiliary of the Museum of Man opened its Haunted Museum last weekend with a costume dinner party commemorating 25 years of Klee Wyk theme parties. The AmericanCancer Society staged its Ascot '86 car show Su11,Jay in Embarcadero Marina Park. A patron champagne lunch preceded the show. Friends of UCSD Music had a Russian recep- tion Sunday before the Mandeville Center Bosendorfer Concert featuring pianist Cecil Lytle.

OCT 21 1986

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/fiJse in °-irls soccer kee s tournam nt expanding Th ~nt nnual aiders• ;oca ..llSl) and lJCSD have teams with Cola Girl Soccer Tournament, held UCSD in the Divsion III level but Nov 29 through Dec. 6 at three South playing DIVlsJOn l teams. San Diego Hay nr sites. will have 40 teams in State has a club team. ti r d1 iSJons this vear, up from 36 The Raiders-Coca Cola tourna- t Jffi (and four ·n·•·tcams)last, r. ment is drawing even more interest That. up from 36 teams m 4 than the 40 teams now entered but L'p from is teams m 1983. Up frrm Pietila says he 1s trying to prevent the tournament from spreading

Tribune photos by Roni Galgano, Janice Gordon, Bob Redding, David Siccardi and Greg Vojtko

Jim Felt and Marje Spear at opening of Museum of Man's Haunted Museum

across the county as do tournaments in other sports Already, this 40-team tourney 1s the largest in girls soccer m California We could take four more teams and pick up another site," Pietila aid "but we really don't want to go the rout of ba:;ketball, volleyball or ha eball and play at a bunch of dif- ferent sites. rt ta es somethmg away from the game. In our tourney, you have a host team and it allows teams feel re"tatiollll ip l the tourna- ment and the host team." Already. the tournament is played at three sites Southwest, Sweetwa- ter and .Montgomery. Ve could just go crazy if we war.led to,'' Pietila s,iid. Torre\' Pin (unlimited), Mission Bdy (hrruted) and Bishop's (classi- fied) return as division champions while 3-A champion Bonita Vista and •A champion San Pasqual also are ntered fhe other entrants are: Hoover, · n ,. Fe Chri tian, Sweetwater, Cas- te Park, Crawford, El Cajon, El Cammo, Kearny, Montgomery, Ollr Lady of Peace and San Diego in the classified dJV1sion; Escondido, La Jolla, Mount Miguel, Southwest, Clairemont. far Vista, San Pasqual, University, Coronado, Monte Vista, Orange Glen, University City, Chris- tian, Madison, Mission Bay and Sat Marcos m the limited divis10n; am Chula Vista, Mira Mesa, Mt. Carme' Helix. Point Loma, San Dieguit1 Hilltop. Poway, Valhalla and Vista i the unlimited division. _Playoffs wJII be Saturday, Dec. 6 at Southwest High.


occer has

J rocketed the la ·t few JCars'

Solana Beach, CA (San Diego co.) The Citizen (Cir. W. 20,000)

- Ron Pietila

OCT 22 1986

24. t:p from 12. I p fr m four its first y ar And thaL JU t where iris occer 1s d Up. When Marian, Crawford. Coronado and ho t Southwest played In th1 tournament hr t annual, g1rb occer was not yet a San Diego CIF port Inten· t has cam d the . port a long way m ·1x years. In the Metro Conf<'rencc me ting m September, South Bav area school determined that the number of girls now mter- e tcd in p ,mg 1s high enough to crea le J team Th ~or th County was the fir t to field .J\' girls soccer teams while the Ea t County and City choob have y t to do o. Girls soc-cer ha kyrocketed the la t few years. Bonita VJSta coach Ron P1 ttla 1d Pietila, who started the c r program at outhwest High m 19 arid 1 ft after la t season to bccom t c coach at Bomta Vista, 1 the tournament d1rector of the Raiders-Coca Cola tourney "Th r ar over 300 colleges and univ r ill that field womens occer team now," Pietila aid, "and now girl m our area hav even more rn cent1ve bccau e USIU is offering cholarsh1p now '


I ,r 18>8

P. C. B

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

Wright is new vice president Lt'~:f;a- Kathleen Wright, a

Leucadia resident, has been promoted to vice president of West Coast Pro- jection, Inc., one of the largest audio- visual/video production companies in the San Diego area. Wright, previously director of marketing for West Coast Projections, has added to the firm·s client list such major accounts as IVAC Corporation, Hybritech, Inc., TraveLodge Interna- tional, Coca-Cola, USA, The Koll Com- any and Ernest W. Hahn, Inc. Her new responsibilities will include overall strategic planning for the com- pany while continuing with new business development. A native San Diegan, Wright gradu- ated from Point Loma High School, at- tended the Univ.grsity of San Die11:o and the Fashion Institute of Design & Mer- chandising, where she received her degree in commercial art. She is a member of the Advertising Club of San Diego, the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Association for

OCT 20198&

Jlllrn'• P. c e 1, 1888

San Diego, Monday, October 20, 1986 USD students tackling P13,~jJ,}anguage problems st!!~~u a~e b:~;i~ ~f i_ego Guadalu~, Sherman and St. Jude, a e w1 e- Walsh said spread language problems in five · . . Southeast San Diego elementar ~he program ongrnated last schools. Y sprmg when Walsh learned of the un- They are tutoring students in Eng- derstaffed cond!tions of schools in lish, mathematics and reading _ Southeast San Diego. d . , aca " em1c areas where the children are 5?me of the students do not speak unable to keep up with their class• EnglJSh, nor do their parents " she mates. said. "In consequence, it is very diffi- These children are especially in cult for them to receive the extra need of help because 80 percent of help they need at home or school." ~he stud_ents ar~ fr~m Spanish-speak- Bruce Gordon, the project's stu- rng fam1l_1es, said Sister Betsy Walsh, dent coordinator, said the tutors faculty d1recto~ of the program. meet every other week to share their The schools rnvolved are Balboa, experiences and discuss problems Our Lady of Angels, Our Lady of they encounter.


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Kathleen Wright

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