News Scrapbook 1986

tki-GW /'/'ii, (Con+J

Los Angeles, CA \Los Angeles Co) Times (S~n Diego Ed.) (Cir . D 50,010) (Cir S 55,573) OCT 2 1986

Long Beach, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Long Beach Reporter (Cir. 2xW. 750)

24 1 86


Jllkri '• r CB

1,1 1888

.Jlll~,.·· P. C. 8


"1 Dav·d Nelson / Society

CTLA Convention Set FR,~ Newport Nov. 6-9 'l'hree judge:; along with 33 experienced atturneys wi ll comµnse tlu~ faculty scheduled to give u11da.tes 1)11 five 111ah1 t.<>pll'S of the law at the Thursday, Nov. (I opening se:;sion~ of the LLl1fornj;t Tri~d Lawyers Association (CTLA) :!Gth Annual Conv •ntion set for Nov. tr:9at the Newpoz·t aea~h M.arriolt l lol<'l. - ~~-- ·-

March of Dimes Benefit hefs More Than Fare

In 1986. to be a famous chef IS to be a pop celebnty, at leut m circles. and m I.he world of fme dirung. these six are acknowl- edged superstars. Among ,hem were Jeremiah Tower of San Fran- cisco's tars restaurant. and New Yorkm1'ime Franey, Alam Sail - hac (of Le Ci~ue), Larry Forgione (of An Amencan Place) . Seppi Renggll of the Four Seasons and bert Kwrun, the noted pastry wizard who once preS1ded over the \\'h1te House k.11.chens. W lfgang Puck. the che!-propn- etor of Loa Angeles' ultra-trendy Spago, wu to have been the sev- enth member of the group, but a kitchen m1Shap the preVlOU! day prev ted hJ5 1.1.endance. JI "re on hand for the Sunday patrons' reception that preceded Mon y's "Fete X Five," a novel fu nd-rai er for the March of Dimes. Pl-'" SOCIETY, Pase Z8 v111 Ladm, Cun1i1e and John D .sh.1, M rnmne McDonald wah Adrian Jaf!er, Walter Fitch. Jeanne nd Bill Lar on, Pam and Herschel Pnce, and 81II Woods Las Prove dora del Norte, the I Mar-Solana Beach aUX1hary to the Children's Home Socu:ty, added a new , dt:c1d Jly J t-s t d1men 1011 to Saturday's ",' ppmg Out," the C1vrn 1n the Mamou b.illroom for 250 811C lS, the dUCllOn included all of the usual little fr1vohues- ' extravd11am trip • dinner parties, artwork -usually offered at such hc111:r1ts But one mo~t unusual item cau~cd quite c1 ~l r whtn 1t came up for tll('!; tlus happened lO be the use or a corporate Jet. which the lop bulder could u e lo fly d 1,a, t} llf eight anywh re within c1 r,1<1111~ of Mac Hudson and Joe Bauer (the radio funny men) had little trouble d1spos111g of this offering Jane Crushkm and Pam Linton chaired lhe evenmg, with ass1st- unce from a committee that mclud - Eileen Connelly, Marcia Ostermk, Ka1hy Schroeder. Dana Saxten. Sis nurrows, Kathi e Hoot, Leslie llh1ckburn, CarorStalhngs, Nancy l>eao and Kathy Pt,t,•r c,n. Among the guehl., wen• Lee and 'L,1t, Kun Rafft• w11h Jc,s ph Mur- 1 ( 11111'~ han Cotton, Stev- en ,ind !,u~ .. 11 Brown, Terry and I.muJ West. .Jerry and Sandy Jas - ptrson , 1.1.irry and Marlene Ross. and Las Proveedoras President Terry Paul dlld her husband. Doug phy, Rochelle Capozzi, chairman of the Oct. 14 "Clo1sonne &. Silk" fashion luncheon given lO benefit the Un1vers1t~n Diego fman c1al aid program, cvioenlly beheves D group's 16th nnual dmner and auction 1,000 nautical m1ll 0 S Auc11u11eers Mdraon Dod:.on, ::-;1. , e and Wendy 0

One or four concunent mum- ing sessluns, beginning at!) a.m., will r o cu s on "i-'amily", with pre:,entalions on sett I e- mems, spousal i,upport, expert I w1tr1L>sses and child support a111J I custody. Moderator A n tho n y Car-solo, Beverly I JIU~. will have as lJ a i'l el Is ts's su perv1sory ,,,.rsun,wl ,u,cl dPfense of 1'<1nsuucl1un ardclenls. Panel ists will be Thomas G. Stolpman and Jerome L. JU11gl<·r, Los An• g,•1 :s, Donald C Gr~ ·n, Sana• m£>nto; M 111 Younger, Bakers- field; G e r n 1 d C. Stems, San Francisco; and Peter Q Ezzell, Santa Monica "Neurological Injury Cases" will be dlbCUSSt.-d by a [)anel mod- erated by <'TT /\ v1r-.. Pi Psldent Dr. Samuel Shore. Topics will In- dude head lnjurtoo, maximizing recovery In soh. tls;.ue <·ases, and plaintiffs' and dl'fern,e tactics In catastro1>hlc ras..'S. Panelists will he David Glickman and Robert Baker, Los Angeles, and Salva dor LlcarTdo, San Jos . PaneU..t 111 111., !ounh morn- ing ~ion will examine areas Into which tort law Is expanding, moderated by ThomaM Girardi Los Angeles. T, ends in tort law: lnsu1·anoo coverage tor "Intern.a. tlonul tortB", tools, set, t I em en l conferen1..-es, new ex- perts and use of computers will be the topics. Speaktrs un the panel wlU be Appellate Justlce John K '1'ro1te1·, Santa Ana; Rlch.ard Aldrich, flobel't Glanell\ and John Girardi, 4,s Ang les; and Jo:;eph Thielen, Long Beach. Among the !our c,.mcurrent af. ternOOll semmar i.esslons ·will be Pa,1 II of "Family Law", with dis('ussions on api,ella.te advoca- cy;·emµloyee bt>nefits, legiblatlve update and adOf)tion praetlces. PanelisUi, a g II in modem ted by Anthony Carsola, Beverly HUis, will be Majorie Fulle1·, S d n ta Ana, Bernard N . Wolfe, San Fran~'isco; and .Beverly Gassner Ont,u·lo ' A session on "S,·ttlement TL'<'h• nlques" w i 11 include a judge's view, plaintiffs' and defense ap p1'0al'hes and stru('lurt'CI settle• ments, moderated by Troy Roe, Santd Ana. Among s p e a k e r s scheduled are 1·etJred Su[)('rior Cou11 Judge Warren Knight, Orange County , Stev1:n l)('nlnn San Dil"g-o , and Willlam Rohr' Santa Ana. ' "U:;e of Ex!)('rt~ in Neurolo• gical Injury Cases" will be mod - erated by Dr Kenneth S1gelman, Los AngelCfl Topics wlll Include Imaging modalities, brain-dam- aged chlld1·en, s1i'uctured settle• ment;s, and direct and cr06s-ex aminatlon In bi11h injury ca:;es. Speakers will be George M<'Dn nald, Pasadena, and Drs. l

?~DAVIES Jacque Powell , left. Larry Forgione and Nancy Hester take a break from a "fashion show for foodies·· to aid the March of Dimes.

soc1'ETY: 'l'ht: 8Ula, thr hr~l of ll kind t'Vl'r lo ht- held here, allowt·p red hy n of th ch ·f l'u k.'a wife and part11n, Burharn L.1z.iroff, tood in lot her hu. band, and Kumm pre- . ru for all riv dinners Franey who rt-t1rnl from the ootlnu d from Pare I par ·d d fl>1>q b9<>k author and JOurn h. t, p1.1rt1rlpi1Led · honorary ch,urman, 1o Joh that included recruiting the range m y r go to b •·ome a

u1 d-Raiser W,1s Mort Tl ·tn Fare

111ore than $'.l0,000 for lhe scholar• htp fund , an amount that he J 11,. ••qu,valent of the 11K,,n1,· .~ . ,ttld bl' Pclrned by an a11111,.,1 e,111, ,., ,nem of $250,000. L111da Alessio Berved as e,tent co-chairman, and the committee included Chr1suane Guittard, Sue Chandler, Judy Comito, Pal Derbes, Laurie Joseph. 'i'ina Cutri, Dome Harrla, Marlena Brown, Joyce Funt.all, Pat Keaung, Sister V1rgll"- 1a Mc Monagle, and Le11ie Meads.

lJI In, lh1· ,lay )

, that one should L.rli y I lioo, e " lherne for a party 11 one 1s w1lh11g to -i... ke it all tht: way. Thu8, th<' 750 m;o Awnllary members and upporters who gathered 111 the Town & Country's Mission Ballroom found themselves treated to an event at which a degree-holdmg Or1entahat might h

J W llohw;;pn':uNhich present- • ramp But HoLmson's, wh1rh 1s noted for blendmg entertainment with fashion, also featured c1 dis- unclly Western stgment that in- cluded rope tricks, square dancing and cloggmg. the parllc1pallon of a large pig a:; well, but the porker developed at.age fright at the last moment and had to be excused from performing. Michael Kearney, aclmg vice president or u11111ers1ty affairs at USD, repr,•.,ented USO President Author Hul!h,•a ~t tile luncheon He cong1 atulJtt•d thc,crowd on rauling It was to have included

workmg rhefs The V nl of Jobe for k d to th fl

ISO prov1d d plenty locdl foodies, who committee posts a a a group of French


trtn h rm n 1tllacking

the table

tar .restaurant ml Nancy. Hester


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ch,urml'n or the event,



with Judi Strada a. c , ,·hair

k J whi h party -pl,,n -


1111111 u1 k had het·n tht". most dtfh •

reMponded , "Th t'a

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uy - J had lo l11111re out how to 8el II five r surnranL, on the ame tvenm " She ddcd lh la pract1 - ul olullon to ttu, problem never lo


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few of the guests also , ed Jan Walker, Jean Donahoe.

Qu1 l

moderated by Bruce Mayfield, Ventura, will include Virglnla E. Nolan, Ul)IWJ'~lty or S~ego Law School; Thomas F.. Miler, San Dleg~ and Christopher An- gelo and Thomas Dempsey, Los Ange-11!8. Pre-registration fee~ for th<' entire CTLA conventlon are $295 for members; $395 for nun-mem- bers; $195 for law student mem- be1·s; $245 for student members, secretaries an

fact they would ampl,· unly one chef's

t>E-mo,med th

be ab!


crl"aUons. a alluauon that Wd m1u -

gued hy th

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lhdt earh wh1ppt'd 11p as his contri -

Sund.iy r,·cepuon


buuon 10 Ar11ong !<'01g1on

t11H111s Wl"re

the fa11r1ful

La Jolla , CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,040)

's d v1lcd ('fJb .. nd oyster



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tuna l..lrl~re r,rnap s. whwh people who wore th,1I lttt•~ 11rv1•r would fish nu11l'lh1•les wolfed ••al r,1w

down with gu 1,,

OCT 2 3 l98i



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tJrtled the atl<'r,d -


.inL, on ht. Jl'l linrr when he 1run - di d ahoard box1•s b a11ng more fl()() d1oc·ol.ilt• truffle~. the; 1emperulurc chdnge~ rmght t.av1• turned the delicate, hdnd-d1p;icd m10 c1n expensive pool of chocol.ilr sludge Saturday morn111g, Alma Spicer (who with Luha Johnston chatrE'd the p,Hrons' recepuon J shepherded the New Yorkers up to Chmo's vege~hle farm 111 Hanchu Santa r'P, wh re S pp, rt •nggl1 and l'wrrc r'ranf'y m<1rChl'd about the muddy flf'ltl~. ptckmg fresh <·orn dnd con~ummg u, raw, on th spot. L..aler. the 11roup ret1rl'd to .Juhn- ston's pr ,id for a !rJOk at her or nge groves and a light country lunch ( Alain Satlhac- saul the N th County countryside remind- ed him or Provl'nce ) A unday cru1sl' ahoard Fran Jenkrns' boat (Jenktn8 ,md Jerrie Strom rved as ho.,tesses at For - g101w·s dinner a1 the Enr1111tas P1ret' ) shOWl'ohu VilC!'lll<' well lll'fore hr ht•ard or th March or Dimes but was 11pprec1at1ve of the 11s~1stance the !froup h s g1vt-n th Sdlk Institute. AliO pre nt were local March of D1mea ch11pter President Dick Dan- iels, LI latte and Milce Terlcel, Dooe 11ncl Ken Unruh, Georgia and 81.-ir S.r11 r, 8.J , and Hdl WUhanui. Evelyn Tru1ti. Nancy Eckis. Mar- ('0nf 1.10 could not go 111 the hold , whe1 t·

I!t~endent scholars sih'edule conferenee


California; a specialist on West African economics, Ray Chasse of Los Angeles; and Margaret Delacy of Portland, a communi- ty activist who has published books and articles on penal pro- blems in the I 8th century and the present day. Other panelists will be Georgia Wright, who is active in both the Berkeley-based Institute for Historical Studies and the New York-based Association of In- dependent Historians of Art; Joy Frieman, co-founder with Mary Stroll of San. Diego Independent Scholars and president of the La Jolla - Chamber Music Society; and Glenna Matthews of the Bay Area, winner of a University of Missouri School of Journalism award for excellence in women's interest journalism. Anyone may attend the con- ference, but preregistration is ad- vised. The $5 registration fee. in- cludes all three panels and the cocktail buffet, and the cost of the luncheon is $7. Further infor- mation is available from Mary Cates, 298-9054 or Gwen Alex- ander, 454-1911 (after 6 p.m. and on weekends). The sponsor of the conference, San Diego Independent Scholars, was founded four years ago to give independent scho lar~ a con- genial forum for their research. All meetings are free and open to the public.

The first conference for in- dependent scholars ever held in Southern California will begin at 8:45 a .m. on Saturday, in the Manchester Conference Center at the University of San Diego. The gatheringof active independent scholars will be welcomed by Dean Joseph Pusateri of USD's College of Arts and Sciences. At 9 a.m. a panel concerned with increasing public recogni- tion and access to grants will open the day-long event. A workshop on producing a na- tional newsletter for researchers who customarily are unaffiliated with a university will follow at 10:30. A noon luncheon will feature as keynote speaker a prominent scholar from Cal Tech, medieval historian and MacArthur Fellow John F. Benton. The future of in- dependent scholarship will be discussed at 2:30 p.m. by a panel representing different viewpoints on the optimum conditions for those who follow a scholarly career outside the traditional structure of the university. The conference will close with a cocktail buffet for all registrants at University House, UC San Diego. A wide variety of interests is represented by the participants. They include an author of three published novt:ls, Sharan Newman of Newbury Park,

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) La Costan (Cir. W. 5,000)

OCT 23 1986

.Jl[l~,. ••

P. C. 8 / ruvers1ty of San Dieg() biol- ogy and _physiolo~essor Curt Sparus wiu;ij) of h' some is research findings on sleep and dreams at a 7 p.m. Tuesday ~ct. 28, meeting of USD's "In'. v1s1ble University." The seminar, which will be h~ld at. the Carlsbad Public Library m La Costa, is free and open to the public. Spanis ~ill _also discuss sleep and exercise in relation to good health. For more information, contact John Nunes at 260-4682. F.s r 1888 ---u: .

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