News Scrapbook 1986

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

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ror1tmu~d from fJ.JRP 196

• nw·ith a positive message appeal- campa1g ing to this basic va!ue. "She should ha~e had TV commercials on hy 1985 . This could have 11een a great opportunity Lo ed ucate people on what the courts arc all bo t S he could have won two years ago a u , . if she had cstahl ished an education ca~.- paign before the conservatives took off. A large part of Bird's pro~lcm , he feels, is that ,he insi,tcd on makmi~y


penalty Resides. you don't see modera~e Rcpubl1c,• ns nnd Democrats laking this approach They're not conse~vative~ who hclicvc in instituti n,, they re rad1~als, ty and they're nowhere near ,a maJon llASLI> ON EV ID ENC, of~trnng public support for an mdcpendent JUChc1ary, B rF t>clicvcs Bird could have hcen ahead "



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uni ,tart u chnin reutt,on throughout tile l utlic,ary untc , Rcy111iso ,,nd Gwd m .. • If they tlon't d ·frat the othr,r 1u,!lccs, wc,t· to tall with ht'r . nn awtutly tough 1101 f'" th">r s1

OCT 23 1986


P. c. B

Lu. 1888

/Toreros to look in the mirror After 49-19 loss, USD to host struggling Gauchos By Ric Bucher Cf,-/

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Staff Writer 'J- / 7 ') The University of [an Diego foot- ball team wilrch~ confidence against a mirror image Saturday af- ternoon at 1:30 in Torero Stadium. The Toreros, physically sound but shellshocked after a 49-19 battering by Azusa Pacific last weekend, host the UC-Santa Barbara Gaucllos, a 2-4 team that resembles USO on both sides of the ball. "We're very similar," said Toreros coach Brian Fogarty. "Thev're also very young. Sizewise, they're about

the same. They may be a little quick er than we are. It makes it a little easier to prepare in that we can run our regular offense against our regu- lar defense. The defense that we ee this week is one we've seen off and on since the fir t day of practice m August." The UCSB offense should also be ~amiliar, because 1t relies on a pass- mg combo - quarterback Paul Wright and wide receiver Steve Marks - just as the Torero depend on Pat Dixon tlirowing to Jeff Man- sukhani. Dixon is 85 of 19r, for 1.151

yards and 12 touchdowns, six to Man- sukhani, who has snared 32 passes for 558 yards this eason. Marks 1s not too far behind: 23 catches, 404 yards and four touch- downs. Wright 1s 78 of 182 for 1,103 yards and 10 touchdowns, including two last week in a 16-13 loss to Clare- mont-Mudd and its bruising running back, Chris Dabrow The Toreros similarly were unable to stop Da- brow the previous week in a 13-9 de- feat. The Gauchos don't have a runnmg back the caliber of Dabrow - or Azusa Pacific s Chri tian O:oye, who trampled the Toreros for 163 yards and three touchdowns on 24 carries. "I've had a lot of people a~king me if I think Okoy can play in the pros," Fogarty said. 'If you ask our defense, they're all re..dy to nominate him to the Pro Bowl, because he pretty much destroyed us. He's a Division I runnmg back playing on the DivJSion III level." The Gauchos, on the other hand, are a club team in their first year on the Division III level. 'Football was reintroduced as a club sport at UCSB two years ago after a IO.year hiatus. The Toreros handled them rather easily last year, 21-7, and Fogarty hopes another deci ive win can offset the Azusa loss. /J

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324)



Jl/ln1 '• P. C. B


I ,1

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Magazine (Cir. M. 20,324) OCT 1986 I October S

Santa Ana, CA (Orange Co.) Orange County Register (Cir. D. 271 ,281) (Cir. Sat. 264,966) (Cir. S. 302,808) OCT 23 1986


of the b,mc-c mpa1gn dec1,ion. herself and w-,1s unw,llrng to tollow ' g ming measure of control over the jud1dary ! Will utmg chiefju - - lice be forced 10 hire public relations ,pcc1ah t to eiplam w rmcn opinion 10 th publi ' Will the ch1er JU 11ce issue a pre . relea "'llh every opin10n? "rhe peril is clear:· adds Robert ~immons. "If this tta k wins. every trial Judge rn California will be concerned, when he make a dec1 10n. about the et~ feet !hi.,, will ha~e on reelection and vari- ous P. C,... themsehe are re- pon 1ble. Democratic public relauo~ guru Joe Cerrell. who handled both Pat ,md Jerry Br01Nn's campaign,, ,aid 1n a recent UPI ,tory, "Her opponents were working m \a uum. and no one wa re- sponJmg. , 'o one wa.s ·topping the hem- orrhaging One can have an emouonal field day peaking against the chief jus- tice of the C.1iifom1a Supreme Court be- ~ause you don't need fa ts" Or, s fom Stickel. a DeakmeJ1an m- slller and a mo,.er behind the an D,el(o contingent of Crime Victims for Co~rt Reform ays. "The Crime Victims for Court Ref rm .ire going to be a potent po- litical force for ;car; to come Judges will have to look O\er their shoulders . . that\ "'hat dem .:racy is all about. MaJoruy rule:· • Partly, the JUSllce

0 0 (


A lunchn . I Jsl11ons will be from Sak> ht1h Avenue. ro, 11101 c 111lrn 1rw11un and n:!>crvallOI\!) call 2t,O tKIJO October IO . The 01h JIIIIUJI llt>hop', School la,l11on show imd luncheon, !)p<>n!,01cd by 1hc rarcnt!>' a):>ocia lion, wlll t>cgm at II 0111hc !>(.;h\'K>I t..am1>u:,. fil~h IOU!> by M.1y Co111pany Fm re~e1va11on._ and 111orc inl1Jrmau1.u1 c.:all Mar,ha Shant>11, 456· 008~ Oc1uher 11 Apropo~ 1n F:hh1on Valley will holJ u :,eminar at 2 lcu1u1111!!, la!>l11011 cornd111a1or Phylli, Sul11v;.111 and buyu J 111 Waxman l'he new personal ,hnp ping :,~1 v11,,;4.! will h::iJtun: la,h1011:, by r.u1opcun Jnd American d~.-,1gncr'.'l J·or informduon 1.:all Phylhs Sullivan, 296-7.l 17 01 2KO 1516 WcJ~l.L~!!!:hcn, ul San Daegu wall hold il!:t an- nuul fa,hion )how um.I luncheon .11 U:30 ttt 1hc San Diego ll1hon , with women':, fo~hions lrum Glad)'!) St:ott Jnd men\ lash1om, from 1hc 1-tigh bnder M,> 101h •11mual 1a'.'Jl11011 show and luncheon 10 bt!nefil the '~SD fmancial aid program, Social hour begins at II al 1hc Town & Cuuniry llotcl 111 the MiM,ton Ballroom. Fashion, by JW Rob1nson\, Fashion Valley. l·or 111orc 111for111u11on call 291-5800, ext. 605. Octobtr 16 The complete collcc11on of Fend1 rcudy-10-wcar and lurs will be modeled 1nlonnally al Nciman- Marcu:, 111 the Fend, bou114uc 1mm I tu 4 . Oclob,r 17 & 1/J There will be a 1runk ,how of Norma Kamali's new couture lmc wi1h mlurmal modeling at Apro po, 111 Fashion Valley from noon to 5. Refresh· 1111 D1. Sally Hale will spcal.. on hu1ld1ng confide11<.:f!, and fash- ion director Juantla Rutcm,ller will ofter sugges- tton:; on how to enhance your personal fo!)hion; from 10 t0 noon. For more 1nformat1on call 459- 4123, ext. 317. Local de~1gner Ann Fegel~on will show her beaded ,ilk drc» Imm II lo 5 al SJk, fifth Av.:- nuc, Ml:,:;ion Valle)', 10 1hc De~igncr· Salon on 1he ~c~und lt:vel . The Lil Claiborne collcc110n will be modeled in- fornwlly JI Nord:,trom, Fashion Valley, from I to 3 in lnc.hvu..tuah~1 on 1he :;cconJ kvcl October 21 A trnnk showing of f-cnagamo shoe:-i. will be hd

p C. B




_,Dominguez Hills' Stracha scoring mark in soccer



The Register Glenn Strachan tied the school s:ngle-season record with his 12th goal of the season Wednesday to lead Cal State Dominguez Hills to a 2-0 soccer victory over Cal Poly San Luis Obispo ma California Col- legiate Athletic Association match. Strachan, a senior from Edison High, broke the record held b} Dave Trifonovitch in 1984 Dominguez Hills (9-S-l, 4-1), ranked 18th in NCAA Division II, moved into second place behind de- fending champion Cal State North- ridge. San Luis Obispo, ranked 17th in Division 11, falls to 9-6 and 3- 2 m the California Collegiate Ath- letic Association. In o her men's soccer: Goal!P- Keri Bello turned in his

WGHLIGHTS seumd shutout of the season as Chapman downed Cal Poly Pomona, 2-0 Scott McCrimmon and Rick Sny- der scored for Chapman (8-7-1, 2- 3). Bello had eight saves in goal Goalie Tony Rieger had 11 sa\·es for Pomona (5-8-3, 1-3-1 Gene Rathswohl scored three goals as Unive!'9it:)• ot San Diego (14- 2) blanked Biola, 3-0, in nonconfer- ence play. Biota is S-5-1 In water polo: Greg Lumb scored the go-ahead goal with 50 secnndf remaining in the third period as Cal State Los Angeles recorded a 10-7 nonconfer- ence victory at Cal State Fullerton.

Spring Valley, CA (San Diego Co.) Spring Valley Bulletln (Cir. W. 2,708)


COLLEGE Water Polo Nonconferenc:e CS LOS ANGELES 10. CS FIJI.URTON 7

Al Ml. SAC, 3 0 Miloo 1 Ebne, IMSACl 19 42 2 Nugent l '-'SAC) 20:tJO 3 cawrence (MSAC) 20 12, 4 Young (Fu 20.44 5 Mayberry Ful) 2Ul8 CERRn:OS ONG BEACH 3' Al La Mirada County Park, 3 0 llhleS 1 MacMarlane (Ce~ 2029. 2 Covarrudias(CerJ 2117 3 Sp,n ILBJ 21 41 4 lletlbach lLBI 21 58, 5 Banoo ICer) 2243

OCi 23 1986

.Jlllm '•


P. c B

1 "

3 2

5 2

2 1



-10 -1

F\>llortoo ......

. 2

Football Polls STATE By JC Ath~ic Bureau 1 Gierdale


-- Eg n Re urns as u~.~;!r~i~~~f t ss-87 basketball team, under thµ

6-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 5-0-0 s-o-, 4-1-0 5--0

Volleyball PCAA San l)egc S1

2 San ,- 3 Rr~eralde • Chabot 5 De Mza 6. Gotden West 7 Sacramento e Southwestern

00! LOng Beac1> SI 15-1' 15·9 15.9

Nonconference UCI.A d,I U<. 15d Men's Soccer CCAA

br.1 11·15 15-12 5-15 •58

9Merted 10 Desert

5-1-0 11 F'alomar4-1-0, 12 Gav>lan5-1-0, 13 SanDoeg,Mesa 3-1-1.14 I.DngBeach4-1-0.15laney4-2-016.Bulle5-1· 0. 17. Gabrlllo4-2-0 18 Moorpa,1<4-2-0, 19 llodeslo3·2-0, 20. Saddlebock 3-2-0 NATIONAL By J.C. Grid-Wire I Glet'Clale 6-0-0 2. Coffer,le. Kans 6-0-0 3 Northeast Okla'10ma 7-0-0 4 Chabot 6-0-0 5. ANentde 5-0-0 6 San .- 5-0-0 7 Golden West 5-0-0 8 Harpe, • 6-0-0 9. Ric~.s Ida 6-0-1 10 Northw86t. Mss 7•1-0 11. OJPage IN 6-1-0. 12. 'lefoedS-1·0 13 Phoen,c,Am 5-1-0, 14 Ch.18, utah 7-1-0. 15 Walla Walla. Wash. 6-0-0 16 Lees McRae N.C 7-0-0, 17. Ranger Te• 5-0-0. 18 Halper II 6-1-0 >9 De Anza. 6-0Q. 20. ille) Copah- i.Jna>ln Miss 7-1-0, Vermdloon, i.tnn ~- Schedule Today WATER POLO-G"'"'"1()n1 al JC San DoegoJV. 3 pm WOMEN'S VOUEYBAll -Sarta Bart,ara at Canyons Santa MonlCa al Oxnard Ventura at P,erce. 7 p.m.

CHAPMAN 2. CAL POI.Y POMOIIA 0 S.O-, (Chepl McCnnmon. s,,- Goolio S.-.IO, Helo (Chap! 8. Roeqer (CPI' 11 _, Chop,---e, 2. Cat Pot, Pomona 0 CAL STATE DOil'IGUEZ HILLS 2, CAL POLY SAN LUIS 081SPO 0 S.0- (DH) Flanagan 1. S•.-:han 1 Hollllmo: 0-0 Nonconference 11 SIN aer-o 3, 8K>LA 0 S.0-: (USO) Kamerle. RathsY,ohl 2 Goetlo _, Brown (B,o) 6. Hucket,e,,y (USO! 6. Vattingo, 1 Hollllmo: U San Doego 1, &o

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. 0 . 217,089} (Cir. S. 341 ,840}

OCT 2 61926

Jl./lm ' 1

p c e

1-1,. 1888


Sunday, October 26, 1986

UCq§anta Barbara rolls dice, comes up 14-9 winner at USD By IC Buclier, Staff Writer "I was surprised," said USD coach Brian Fogarty, pass and got his hands on it, but his feet were out of UC Santa Barbara' football team gambled and won whose team has lost three straight after a 3-1 start. "I bounds. y terday, urvivmg an intentional safety late in the would have never done it." UCSB, which struggled on offense all day, took a 7-0 g me to defe;it J'SQ 14-~ before an estimated crowd of The strategy almost backfired on the Gauchos (3-4). lea.d on second-string quarterback Dan Costa's 15-yard 1,300 at Torcro Stadium. USD lost possession on downs at midfield on the ensuing run with 6:11 left in the first quarter. Starting quarter- U B, a fir t•year Division III team. had a 14-7 lead free kick, but it got the ball back with less than 3u2 back Paul Wright made it 14-0 with 1:04 left m the third and the bal~ fourth-and-nine, at its 1-yard line with 6:36 minutes left when defensive back Tony Knight blocked quarter, ending an eight-play, 41-yard drive with a 1- left. Coach like Warren had punter Steve Marks take John Corrigan's 38-yard field-goal attempt. yard touchdown dive. the snap and drift out of the end zone for a safety. Quarterback Pat Dixon completed five of seven pass- USD, which finished with only 244 yards total offense, "There were all kinds of things that could have gone es, including four for 56 yards to wide receiver Jeff scored with 12:43 left in the game, on a 20-yard pass wrong (had Marks kicked)," Warren said "Our puntmg Mansukhani, to move USD from its 22 to Santa Barbara's from Dixon to Mansukhani. It was the seventh TD recep- game is not super. The wind was blowmg m our face, 19. With five seconds remaining and Mansukhani triple- t1on of the season for Mansukhani, who caught eight (Marks) was looking into the sun and they had been doing teamed, Dixon went to his other wide receiver, Scott passes for 103 yards yesterday. a good job on their kick returns." Reilly, in the back of the end zone. Reilly dived for the Dixon's pass for Mansukhani in the end zone late in the first quarter was intercepted by defensive back Mike Hoffman. It was one of three interceptions (all in the first half) for Dixon, who completed 15 of 33 for 162 yards. "The first half, Dixon just didn't play well," Fogarty said. "But on that last drive, he was throwing as well as he has all year. We moved the football, we just didn't put it in the end zone." Warren was relieved to get a victory after three straight losses. "This is almost a carbon copy of the last four weeks," he said. "We could have won any of those last (three) games. Things just haven't gone our way." Until yesterday.

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